ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Text Boxes On Stage?
Mar 10, 2009
I am designing a vertical banner and gets its text from multiple items from an rss feed, is there a way I can load the items with a uniform vertical space between them?at the moment I am adding the textfields with predefined heights, so if item 1 is 2 lines and item 2 is 4 lines then there is a lot of space between item 1 and item 2
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Aug 26, 2007
! I just did the Kirupa XML tutorial (for Flash MX) and ... I actually understand! But now I need to change a few things.. and I haven't got a clue. Right now, I know how to import text from an XML file into different text boxes. But, what I need to do, is be able to import text regardless of how many text boxes my FLA file has.
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Nov 1, 2008
The code I'm building creates two MovieClips on the stage, in one it instantiates several text boxes and in the other some buttons.
What I can't do is access data from the text boxes (e.g. textField.text) for use in the functions called by the eventListeners attached the buttons. I had the system all working nicely before I placed the text boxes and the buttons on separate movie clips.but this structure makes it much tidier to refresh the text I'm using.The button functions are fine with variables created prior to the building of the text boxes.
Am I failing to address the text boxes correctly (because they're on another movie clip) or is there a stage / movie clip property I need to set so they can see each other ... or is this something else altogether?Could it be that the buttons are created before the text boxes?
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i get this acs code that creates a countdown from a date that i can specify
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PHP Code:
var lorem_lv:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
lorem_lv.onData = function(src:String) {
customers should not be able to download and play them anywhere off my site
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Aug 31, 2011
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function parseXMLNumbers(doc:XML):Void {
temp = new Array();
for (a=0; a<doc.firstChild.childNodes.length; a++) {
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Jul 25, 2009
I have a INPUT TEXT inside a mc called "txt mc" and DYNAMIC TEXT in the main time line.I'm trying to display what's typed in the INPUT TEXT (my_Input_Txt) in the DYNAMIC TEXT boxes (my_Dyn_Txt1, my_Dyn_Txt2, my_Dyn_Txt3).Here's the code. But it won't simply work perhaps because the INPUT TEXT is inside a MC. I need to have the INPUT TEXT INSIDE THAT MC while having the DYNAMIC TEXT boxes out in the main time line.
my_Input_Txt.onChanged = function() {
my_Dyn_Txt1.text = my_Input_Txt.text;
my_Dyn_Txt2.text = my_Input_Txt.text;
my_Dyn_Txt3.text = my_Input_Txt.text;
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Jul 27, 2011
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private function fillArray():void {
grid = new Array();
grid[-1] = new Array(-1,-1,-1,-1,-1); //paddles the grid[-1][0 to 4] with -1
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// Preparation :
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myTextInputFieldName.onPress = function {
do something
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Jul 12, 2010
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Oct 27, 2008
I've been staring at this code for hours.... I have a xml docthat contains football scores that will load into my flashscoreboard. If the game has been postponed, there's a node calledstatus that is populated with the info, otherwise this node isblank. My function sets the visibility property of status1_txt tofalse if there is nothing in that node (undefined), otherwise itdisplays the data that is there. If the first node is undefined, itwill start out blank, the way it's supposed to. But the minute itpulls data into that text box, it doesn't go away until there'sother data to replace it. Seems like it's ignoring the first partof my if statement.
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Jul 3, 2009
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I want to control 2 Dynamic Text boxs with the 1 scroll bar component? I want them to scroll simultaneously with the user only needing to use the one component.
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Feb 17, 2009
I have 4 text boxes on a frame. My goal is to have them put numbers in the text boxes. I need to be able to show whether or not what they put in was correct. I have 4 input boxes and 4 dynamic boxes set up. I figured I could put code that says, "if >1 then "incorrect" shows up....if =1 then 'correct" shows up...that type of deal...Ultimately after I show whether or not they're go to the next frame/frame name...
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Nov 21, 2011
I'm trying to get a Twitter API to work. I've managed to code most of it, however I still cannot seem to add additional necessary text boxes which will be used for the Twitter feed. I've managed to do one, but have not figured out how to do more than one, as I'm bombarded with errors when I do try. So here's the code below, I need 3 more text boxes to be used for tweet_2, 3 and 4 definitions.[code]...
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Jan 9, 2008
Strange problem, least I think it is I just can't work out how to multiply two text boxes and then display it in another text box. I have tried the following but had no luck should these work thus some other code is messing it around or would non of these work;
box1.text = box2.text * box3.text;
box1.text = number(box2.text) * number(box3.text);
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Oct 2, 2008
I have a order form ,that has a option to add text boxes the user can add boxes as they like and enter their details in these text boxes.there are some fixed text boxes are present on this form.I have no problem getting values/data from these text boxes.I set it up to send details from this form to my email address.I'm wondering how can I get data from dynamically text boxes that are add by user.
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Jul 3, 2009
I have 2 text boxes in my scene and I want to be able to scroll both of them individually. I tried using the scrollbar component but I can only get it working on 1 text box.
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Jan 15, 2010
I'm trying to implement a feature like the text boxes in adobe photoshop. I want my user to be able to add a text box to the stage that they can move(drag and drop) and go back and change the text later. I also want to be able to keep track of the text boxes so I can let the user change the color, etc. How can I do this?
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Feb 25, 2010
I had a form working fine at [URL] and then I edited something that made it screw up. I have been poring over the code but I can't figure out what I did wrong.look at the Contacts page and tell me if you can discern what would cause the lettering in the dynamic text boxes.
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