ActionScript 3.0 :: Access Data From The Text Boxes (e.g. TextField.text) For Use In The Functions Called By The EventListeners Attached The Buttons?

Nov 1, 2008

The code I'm building creates two MovieClips on the stage, in one it instantiates several text boxes and in the other some buttons.

What I can't do is access data from the text boxes (e.g. textField.text) for use in the functions called by the eventListeners attached the buttons. I had the system all working nicely before I placed the text boxes and the buttons on separate movie clips.but this structure makes it much tidier to refresh the text I'm using.The button functions are fine with variables created prior to the building of the text boxes.

Am I failing to address the text boxes correctly (because they're on another movie clip) or is there a stage / movie clip property I need to set so they can see each other ... or is this something else altogether?Could it be that the buttons are created before the text boxes?

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var ci:TextField = new TextField();


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ALIGN="JUSTIFY"><FONT FACE="American Typewriter" SIZE="12"


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lorem_lv.onData = function(src:String) {

customers should not be able to download and play them anywhere off my site

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function parseXMLNumbers(doc:XML):Void {
temp = new Array();
for (a=0; a<doc.firstChild.childNodes.length; a++) {


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Jul 25, 2009

I have a INPUT TEXT inside a mc called "txt mc" and DYNAMIC TEXT in the main time line.I'm trying to display what's typed in the INPUT TEXT (my_Input_Txt) in the DYNAMIC TEXT boxes (my_Dyn_Txt1, my_Dyn_Txt2, my_Dyn_Txt3).Here's the code. But it won't simply work perhaps because the INPUT TEXT is inside a MC. I need to have the INPUT TEXT INSIDE THAT MC while having the DYNAMIC TEXT boxes out in the main time line.

my_Input_Txt.onChanged = function() {
my_Dyn_Txt1.text = my_Input_Txt.text;
my_Dyn_Txt2.text = my_Input_Txt.text;
my_Dyn_Txt3.text = my_Input_Txt.text;

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Nov 11, 2009

Is there a way to listen for the cursor in the input text field? I am making a form, and when the user clicks on the input box I want text to appear to the right side and than fade when they leave that text field.

the text field is called input_txt;

psuedo code

input_txt.addEventLister(event.MouseEvent, showText);
function showText(evt:MouseEvent):void{
text_mc.visibile = true;

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Mar 20, 2012

Is there a way of writing data into a text file without using AIR components in AS3 using flash. The save method of fileReference class opens up a file selection dialog box. Cant that method directly write data into some file withot opening he dialog?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using EventListeners With Classic Text Objects

Aug 25, 2010

I have created 4 classic text objects and called them Butt1 thru Butt4.This is so I can change the text in code from time to time.I want to create an event listener to pick up when the user;

a) mouses over Butt1, etc.

b) mouses out of Butt1, etc.

c) clicks on Butt1, etc.
In each case I will define a function to perform actions when the button is moused over, moused out or clicked.AddEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler);  does not seem to have parameters(as far as I can tell)to point to Butt1, etc.

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Data Integration :: Access Dynamic Text Within A MovieClip Symbol?

Nov 1, 2011

Using CS3 Flash Pro, AS2 or AS3Once the dynamic TextField is converted to a Movie clip symbol,access to that TextField is lost / broken.Could this be a "Class" issue?How do I enable the dynamic text to be passed into the Movie clip symbol?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Saving Data To Text File - Appending Data In Text File - Importing Data From Text File

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XML Data Parsed To Dynamic Text Field Within Buttons?

Sep 2, 2010

I've got my XML file loaded and parsing correctly with a trace statement.

I want to have each text identified as marketLocation1, marketLocation2, etc up to 150 and I wanted to use a 'for loop' to place the value of that XML node into each labeled text field, and each individual text field is buried inside a button so that the button displays on mouseover an associated XML fields data. Each button would also be corresponding labeled market_1, market_2, etc.

Meaning, I mouse over a dot on a map (button) and it pulls up a statistics balloon about that location specific to our companies needs. I'm a total AS3 noob, so I'm not sure if I can preload the data for that button into it's specific text fields.

Specifics are for the xml/flash file

<market MarketID=1>
<marketLocation>Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill, NC</marketLocation>
<marketArea>100 sq. miles</marketArea>

I have markets divided up into regions. I have the base map, which when you click each region goes to a new labeled scene on the root timeline. The scene shows a closeup version of the region. On that region are the dots for the markets. Each dot would have an up state and over state (displaying the pop-up balloon with data) etc.

I'm working on the first 'button' as the initial test and what I want to do is make is that i can use a For loop to cut down on the code, using the variable i in place of the "1,2,3..."

The first button, market_1 is in a labeled scene SERegion on the main timeline. While the code I'm using to parse all the fields is in frame 1.

When I try to place the value of marketLocation located inside the button market_1, I am trying to do this when I parse the data

function parseData (marketInput:XML):void {
market_1.marketLocation1.text = == 1).MarketLocation.text();

When i compile, i get the error 1119: Access of possibly undefined property marketLocation through a reference with static type flash.display:SimpleButton

MarketLocation is also in just the Over state of the button.

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