ActionScript 3.0 :: Make Form In Flash To Send Info To Php By Post / Get?

Jun 30, 2011

How can i make form in flash to send info to php by post or get ?[code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: LoadVars - Form Can't Send With GET / POST

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Professional :: Make A Form Post To A Php File That Sends The Data To An Email?

Aug 15, 2010

I followed to tutorial to make the website and form but it just leaves you hanging at the end after ou made the form, i doesnt tell you how to make the .php file that sends the information to a email address. here is the Action Script 3.0 code for the form:

InteractiveObject(theName.getChildAt(1)).tabIndex = 1;InteractiveObject(theEmail.getChildAt(1)).tabIndex =


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$email = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST["email"]);

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PHP :: Flash - Post Variables Go Missing For Form?

Apr 21, 2010

Sometimes, multiple times a day in fact, users of my web application are submitting a certain form which has about a dozen form fields, half of which are hidden fields, and half of the $_POST data is simply not present in the processing script. Note that the fields that are not present are at the very bottom of the form. I know this because this raises a fatal error, and an email is dispatched to me which includes the post data. And of course, neither I nor any of the developers on my team can reproduce the problem. Flash is involved in the process, as I'm using a library called Uploadify to display a progress meter. Here is the flow...why some of the post data would be getting wiped out?

-User visits edit screen for a page in the CMS I am using.
-Record id for the page is put into a form as a hidden value.
-User clicks the Uploadify browse button and selects a file (only single file selection is allowed).
-User clicks Submit button for my form.
-jQuery intercepts the form submit action, triggers Uploadify to start uploading, and returns false for the submit action (manually cancelling the form submit event so that Uploadify can take over).
-Uploadify uploads to a custom process script.
-Uploadify finishes uploading and triggers the Javascript completion callback.
-The Javascript callback calls $('#myForm').submit() to submit the form.

This happens on multiple browsers (Firefox 3.5, 3.6, Safari, Internet Explorer 7, 8) and multiple platforms (Mac OS 10.5, 10.6 and Windows XP, 7).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [Flash 8] Post Graphics To Form?

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Is there a way to export the clients drawing to a separate page via a form post? ...Or a component with flash? Ex: Post the clients picture/line drawing to a print page with other details from the previous page.

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<mx:HTTPService id="createxml" method="POST" url="http://####/admin/?do=storebettingdetails" useProxy="false"></mx:HTTPService>var xm:XML = new XML("**********"); ------ adding child node -- Thend attached xml to service like createxml.request=xm;

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Use Flashvars To Post Info In .swf?

Jan 25, 2009

I made a movie and want to get info from the page that shows my .swf, using flashvars. The page says: <param name="FlashVars" value="myRef=felix" />

I want to load this value "myRef" in my .swf and post it in the URL. I tried :

onClipEvent(load){loadVars("_Root.myRef","POST") but this is not working at all.

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is it possible for flash widge on site to send POST request to ?If so, couldn't this be quite dangerous ? A user would be performing POST to an unknown host

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We're trying to upload a file and submit parameters to an ASP.Net MVC2 controller from a flash application. Essentially though this is simply creating a standard multipart/form post with a file and posted params. In the controller:

public string Upload(HttpPostedFile file, string someString,
int someInt, DateTime someDate)


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Complex Flash Form Info Not Passing Through Whiled Embedded A Dreamweaver Site

Dec 20, 2010

Okay, there is something that I don't quite understand. I built a flash contact form in Flash CS4 and embedded the swf in my webpage using Dreamweaver CS4. I upload the files in my server but why it's not working? I created a test folder in my folder and it does work... (It doesn't work here) [URL] The problem is that I'm not receiving the information when the user enters and submits the information on the contact form. I do receive the information on the test link. I'm posting the Flash AS and PHP Code to see if anyone can point out any mistake that I'm doing.


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Php :: Cannot Send All Of Flash Form Data

Apr 6, 2011

I have a flash form that sends a monthly report that users fill out to a php file, which sends it to a MS SQL database. This issue I am having is that anything larger then 1300 characters entered into the flash form will not work at all. If I reduce the amount of text to 1300 characters or less, it will send it to the php and database just fine. My research shows that a flash variable should be able to handle 65,000 characters, and when I trace my output from flash to php, all of the data is being traced. however, it is not being send to php. I am using LoadVars to send the data with _GET. So is this a php issue, or a flash issue? I ran a php info page and my max_post is set to 10M that should be enough to handle this load. I am not sure why it is not working with anything larger then 1300 characters. Below is my code for my php and flash files.

The variables that are affected by this are the testEvlauation, projects, support, and programManagement variables. I need them to send at least 8000 characters a peice to the php file.

Flash Code:

on (release) {
sendData = new LoadVars();
sendData.contractor = contractor.text; = name.text;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Send Flash Form Value To Jsp?

May 24, 2007

Now i am doing one flash with actionscript project. It,s one real game with fun project.But problem is i am using JSP for server side and front end is flash with actionscript.My problem is how to send flash values to jsp and then stored to database.I serch lot of websites i cannot founf it anywhere

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Send Data From Flash Form To PHP?

Feb 11, 2009

I have a flash form (widget) on a website that the user can enter details (or select them from drop down menus).

There is then a submit button at the bottom.

This is quite primitive, and as far as my flash allows me. The bit I am stuck with is that I need to send the data then to a .PHP file that will then forward this to the correct people (this bit is already done for me).

sending this information (e.g. Phone Number, Country, Language etc) to the .PHP file.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create A Form In Flash To Send An Email Via Php?

Nov 19, 2009

ActionScript Code:
// set default text of boxes - currently blank
name_txt.text = email_txt.text = subject_txt.text = message_txt.text = " ";


I believe my problem lies within the email_data var. And I believe the problem is the "&" that has to be there. If I take it out I dont receive the information placed inside the corresponding input text fields.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Send Form From Flash + Attachment File?

Feb 3, 2011

I'd like to add to my flash form a box where the visitor can attach a file (pdf, jpg, doc..) from his hard disk.

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Flex :: Send Info From A 3 Component?

Aug 9, 2010

I'm using Alex Uhlmann's flip card class (Distortion Effects). I've got a card that has 3 faces. When the user clicks the button, it fires a change event, and in the main application, the change event calls a function, flipTo, that flips the card. The component is below:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Send Info To GetURL?

Jul 14, 2010

I have a get url code to activate a lightbox which works perfectly.

ActionScript Code:
sample_link.onRelease = function  () {

I have several different videos I want to lightbox. Rrather than having several instances of sample_link for each video; I want just once instance, where the getURL is changed by a separate button .

ActionScript Code:
sample_link.onRelease = function  () {
getURL("is equally to X");


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