ActionScript 3.0 :: Math - Smooth Spline From Points?

Jun 18, 2011

Attached is a mockup of what I'm after. Notes:

1. Spline appears smooth

2. Spline does not necessarily go through the points

3. The start and end point of the spline is not important

I'm sure there are ways to calculate this, but without knowing the proper terminology searching isn't turning much up,

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I was hoping someone could help me working out some advanced data reformatting. What I'm hoping for is a function where I can input a value along with an array of key positions like so:

function remap(percentage:Number, keypoints:Array) { ...

The array would start with the minimum and end with the maximum point, with nested key points along the way. For example, I would input something like remap(0.25, [0:0,80:50,100:100] ) and the function would 'imagine' a spline curve graph from (0,0)-(100,100) with a key point of (80,50), then return the y value that is 25% along that graph.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Math For Smooth Scrolling

Jun 12, 2009

Envrironment: Flash CS3, AS3 I have a horizontal image scrolling project that I am working on, and it works but is not super smooth, I would like it to be smoother when it scrolls, and realize that this is a function of pixels scrolled over time and the FPS of the document.

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This is one aspect of flash i don't fully understand. I would really like to know how to figure this out so I can apply it to future projects as well without doing trial and error to make it smooth. Can it be function, like a way to figure out I need to move a 120pixel picture 60 pixels in 2 seconds, what should my FPS be and the picture size and movement size and number of seconds can be variables?

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I just jumped from cs3 to cs5 and i'm curious about some behaviors of motion editor. I made a motion tween with some keyframes on x and y. I open the motion editor and try to convert those keys on x and y channels to Smooth points. Motion editor shows now nice curves on x & y but nothing changes on stage. The motion of my movie clip is not changed in anyway. Its like those keys are still Corner points. No smooth motion. Of course I can change the motion path straight from the stage or create a custom ease to smooth motion.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Math With Prototypes And Functions - Find The Distance Between Two Points

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var p:int = 0;
var n:Number = 0;
n = 32.999999999999999;
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n = 32.11111111111111;
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Here is the code using lineTo

with ( {


I tried curveTo to achieve this. But it is not working.

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I have been tasked with trying to create a drawing tool that draws dotted lines as you drag the mouse across the stage. I can easily capture the points on MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE and store them in a vector and then draw the points as dots:

The problem is that I need to calculate evenly distributed points on an ever growing Vector of points so I can only draw the line between say every 5th point (say using modulus). I have been battling away with Bezier curve equations both Quadratic and Cubic but still can't quite figure out how to convert my Vector of points into an evenly distributed Vector of Points without sucking the life from the CPU.

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myVar = Math.min(Math.max(myVar, this.min), this.max);

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AS3 :: Points & Lines - Getting Lines To Follow Points As They Are Dragged?

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var line:MovieClip = new MovieClip();,1);,ptOne.y);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Math Differences On PC And Mac

Jun 27, 2011

I have created a flash 3d racing game which relies heavily on AS3's Math functions (sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan). It also makes heavy use of Matrix3D and Vector3D functions. The game works great on a PC, but the cars flip around and display innacurate positions on Mac computers. I know this is an issue due to the note on the Math docs page: [URL]

which states: "Note: The Math functions acos, asin, atan, atan2, cos, exp, log, pow, sin, and sqrt may result in slightly different values depending on the algorithms used by the CPU or operating system. Flash runtimes call on the CPU (or operating system if the CPU doesn't support floating point calculations) when performing the calculations for the listed functions, and results have shown slight variations depending upon the CPU or operating system in use."

how do I get this game to work on a Mac? I've tried using lookup tables and inline FastMath style approximations. But lookup tables still create the same problem, and the inline approximations I have found are not accurate enough for my game. I've also tried rounding values with floating point errors, but that has not seemed to help (in my implementation) either. I think the specific problem is with the use of Math.atan. I have not found an accurate approximation for this.. but I maybe that is not even necessary.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Math.random() Between 0.8 And 1.2?

Aug 23, 2011

How do I get a random number between 0.8 and 1.2 using Math.random(); ? It would be nice if you explain.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: What Is Math.round() Do

Apr 29, 2010

What is math.round() do? In kirupa's Random numbers tutorial, he explained the use of math.floor(), but said round() was for another time. Yet I see that, and not .floor() in use in the random movement tutorial.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Math Libraries For It?

Mar 4, 2011

Are there any math libraries for as3?

I need primarily statistics and regression formulas.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Math.exp() - Undefined

Feb 1, 2006


why is it undefined?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Math, Ratios Between +/-'s?

Apr 24, 2003

here's where all you math genius' get to help me out. I know that this principal is not difficult and was taught sometime during my highschool years.I need a math formula which reduces the ratio of any x:y to the smallest quanity possible. Basicaly so that the smaller of the two numbers is 1 and the other number is whatever it would be, compared to 1... but, I need it to work for both posative and negative numbers.(I'm the ultimate Math newb.. bear with me)

so. I have x=20, y=20 is 1:1
-20, y=-10 is -2:-1
x=10, y=-5 is 2:-1

so what is the formula for that?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Math For Rotated Dragging?

Aug 17, 2010

this math isn't working well. I'm using it for a rotated drag and drop (of a tone arm on a vinyl, a kind of abstract turntable simulation). Right now it just moves a bit in the middle of the vinyl (values between 21 and 36, is this degree or what unit is this?), but it should move between the two edges. The problem is that I don't know enough about trigonometry functions. Therefore I can't optimize the math for envisaged behaviour. Does anybody have an idea/tip how I can get a bit more control on the math and its effect? (maybe with more trace functions)


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using TextField Content For Math

Jan 12, 2009

Set variable as numbers
var monthly_num:Number = 0;
var ttl_num:Number = 0;
var ttl_rev_num:Number = 0;
// user-entered numbers from an Input textfields
monthly_num = monthly_txt.text;
ttl_num = ttl_txt.text;
// Multiply two user-entered number together to get new result
ttl_rev_num = ttl_num*monthly_num;

Attempts to assign numbers typed into textfields to numeric variables causes errors.
1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type String to an unrelated type Number.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Math Formula Conversion?

Jun 21, 2011

I'm not that good with Math and i have a formula for a that it's universal from what i understood but i dont know how to transform it to work with Flash's Math API. 

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