I just jumped from cs3 to cs5 and i'm curious about some behaviors of motion editor. I made a motion tween with some keyframes on x and y. I open the motion editor and try to convert those keys on x and y channels to Smooth points. Motion editor shows now nice curves on x & y but nothing changes on stage. The motion of my movie clip is not changed in anyway. Its like those keys are still Corner points. No smooth motion. Of course I can change the motion path straight from the stage or create a custom ease to smooth motion.
I recently posted my first online Flash photo gallery. It flows perfectly when viewing on my desktop using a Flash Player, however, when viewed online it can look "jerky" and stutter in spots. This doesn't happen every time. One friend said it flows smoothly and another noticed that it stutters. On my own broadband connection it does both. One day it flows smoothly and another time it stutters and jerks.Any suggestions on how to ensure smooth animations? The frames per second on the .fla files are set at 18. Would bumping it up to 24 fps help? But that would increase file size, yes? Maybe there's not much I can do and I'm at the mercy of download speeds and web traffic?
i have to create a movie where a text string move in horizontal.
the problem is that in the movie (800px wide) the text should go from right to left in about 7 seconds (so it have to go about 400px to the left in 7 sec).
i created a motion-tween with ease for my "text" and the tween is long (at 30fps) 30*7=210 frames.
the result is that the text DON'T MOVE FLUID... it's not a uniform movement... it's too visible the fact that it moves X pixel each x frames. it's the exact opposite of SMOOTH MOVEMENT.
How can i obtain a smooth slow-motion text movement?
I have an icon of a railway train which pulls into a station. At the moment it is a motion tween, and I have had to edit every few frames, modifying the train's position, so that it slows down as it enters the station.
This is messy, and time consuming. Is it possible for someone to give me guidance on how to slowly decelerate an object? The train is almost isometric, so doesn't actually move horizontally; but "south-westerly" across the landscape:
i made an animation following a motion guide and i drew a line from animated movie clip's previous position to its current position. The problem is that with curves this method is very unprecise... the edges are much too jagged even with the event firing every milisecond.
So basically my question is if it's possible to create a nice curved animation using my method or do I have to draw it manually using lineTo and curveTo and snychronise it to the MovieClip's movements or maybe creating some sort of mask to reveal the already drawn symbol?
Code: var shape:Shape = new Shape(); this.addChild(shape); shape.graphics.lineStyle(1, 0x000000);
I have an icon of a railway train which pulls into a station. At the moment it is a motion tween, and I have had to edit every few frames, modifying the train's position, so that it slows down as it enters the station. This is time consuming. How to slowly decelerate an object? The train is almost isometric, so doesn't actually move horizontally; but "south-westerly" across the landscape.
If I perform a motion tween along a curved path, Flash CS4 does not allow to change the curves to "corner point" or "linear" in the motion editor. URL...
i've been trying to animate a basic character, which is a comp of 2 legs, 2 arms, a torso and a head.I want it to move from point a to point b, whilist moving it's arms and legs in a very simple manner. what i've done is motion tweened the main character from point a to point b during 10 frames, and then inside the character i've classic tweened the arms and legs during 10 frames aswell. the animation inside the comp is working, but in the main scene i only see the character moving, and in frame 10 the arms and legs change to the tween's final pose, without the entire animation in the middle...
I am trying to make a basic timeline for a class but I can't figure out the coding to use. I have worked on an older version- macromedia flash but I can't get cs4 to work for me.What I am trying to do is have a button that is the date. When someone clicks on it or rolls over it information about that date is highlighted. I want the box with the text to turn from grey to white then back.I can make the button and get that to work but I can't seem to get in further on it. Meaning that once I try to connect it to the box with the text everything starts to go crazy.
I am doing my simple portfolio on Adobe Flash CS4. However when I am already looking just for the basic action scripting from the tutorial I can't determine which is the most accurate for the buttons. Here's my sample below: The texts that were listed below are my buttons such as About, Profile, Print Ads, Magazine, Logo, Print, Illustration, and Design Concept.
I've already convert it into symbol as BUTTON and now I am ready to put a basic action script to function and transfer into another scene. Example I want to function the Illustration and Print button into Illustration and Print scene how would I do the action script about it?
Here's the example of next scenes that could be clicked from the homepage This is the ILLUSTRATION scene This is the PRINT scene How to do the action scripting by using the gotoAndPlay or anything else to function my portfolio.
I've got a 'powerpoint style' slideshow built in Flash CS5, AS3, using the basic template (ie as on frame 1 root to advance frames on cursor keys). All works perfectly until I get to a MC which has the following script (snippets):
I have a movieclip that I want to be resized when a button is clicked. I want the animation to be smooth as if it had weight though. I read the tutorial on this but I need something slightly different, I would rather it where I can just refer to a function that is set in another movieclip. That way I could easily refer to it again and just set the height, width, and if possible, x, and y.
And my second question, is how to keep the border of my movieclip that is going to be resized the same thickness. I want the inside to be resized but the sides to stay the same width but move to stay on the edge.
I'm creating this simple strip crawl of logos (1920x95). It's a about 40 logos in one strip that I imported. I created a tween that scrolls the logos right to left lasting about 1 1/2 minutes @ 24fps. When I export the SWF file the scroll is not smooth and there is all types of small jerky movements.
I am using a trial version of CS5, and I'm wondering if this is the cause of my issue, but wouldn't think so.I am trying to display a video in a basic HTML file created in Dreamweaver.I am using flash to generate the .swf file to be embedded.I used the media encoder to convert the video file I have from .avi to .f4v.This all seems to work just fine and when I test the html file locally it works.The issue I have is when I load the files on a web server for further testing, it plays the video, but there are no controls visible on the page for the video.As stated above, they display correctly when I run this locally.I have also loaded the skin.swl file on the server in the same location as I have it locally.I have tried everything I can think of to try and can not get the controls to display while deployed on my web server.
I have a main Flash movie that preloads three external SWF's just perfectly.Everything is great...except the 1st movie is not smooth and really slow, the 2nd movie is a little better, and the third movie is the best.It's a rather simple Flash portfolio...I'm thinking it could be a stacking issue-but I've approached it from so many different ways instead of wasting my time shooting at thin air, I thought I'd give this forum a shot.How can I make these three movies play smoothly?I've attached the main movies FLA just to assist.
I have an issue with my Cintiq not drawing smoothly in Flash. I need to sketch incredibly fast and loose. Flash used to work just fine but now it suddenly began drawing really crummy. I posted some examples of flash as well as Photoshop, Sketchbook Pro, and ToonBoom Animate Pro which is another vector graphics tool. I thought the vector graphics may be the issue but that app seems to handle the drawing excellently (now if only it did the other things Flash can do). Here's some examples of how they're looking. It may be hard to tell in these already loose sketches but the performance drop is really a big difference in responsiveness between Flash vs the other apps here:[code]Does anyone know why my cintiq is causing flash to draw so poorly? Occasionally photoshop will also do the same 'crumbly edges' thing?
As I have a gradient background on my website where the swf is embedded, in order to avoid the white screen that appears initially while the swf is loading, I turned transparency on for the swf. In order to really get it transparent I found out that you not only have to enable it in on the html site, but also tick "Detect flash version"and chose "Transparent windowless" in the publish settings. I used the html document created when I published the swf and the transparency now works fine.
However, the films I have on my site are now playing back with a very "jerky" behaviour and not smooth at all. I tried compressing the film as much as possible, but it's still not working as before. The site in question is [URL] if you would like to see for yourself. I've tried it on both my laptop, which is even worse, and my fairly powerful dual core 64 bit stationary PC.
I am trying to make the background gradient change colors. I put my first gradient in one keyframe, then created another keyframe at the end with a different gradient, but when I converted it to symbol then added the tween, the transition jumps from one color to another, it is not gradual transition I wanted, it just jumps
check this link this ppl just make smooth images animation [url] the images in the back ground "flash" work smooth and nice I try to make the same don't work the image look so stupid what is the way they use to make the image look smooth in motion ?
I've created a simple slider to scrub through some frames of a MC named states. Each frame has the same MC (states) just in a different color. I've setup the slider using
seen a few different as 2.0 code for a drag and drop, doesn't have the smoothness of as 3. Anyone have a link to drag and drop multiple movieclips, no target necessary. Just a smooth drag and drop.
im quite new to flash, and im just about to create an animation which will rotate continuously but my problem is that each time it ends its loop it pauses for a bit then loops again,