Professional :: Three External SWF's - Not Smooth. Fla Included?

Feb 12, 2010

I have a main Flash movie that preloads three external SWF's just perfectly.Everything is great...except the 1st movie is not smooth and really slow, the 2nd movie is a little better, and the third movie is the best.It's a rather simple Flash portfolio...I'm thinking it could be a stacking issue-but I've approached it from so many different ways instead of wasting my time shooting at thin air, I thought I'd give this forum a shot.How can I make these three movies play smoothly?I've attached the main movies FLA just to assist.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Use External Files As If They Were #included?

Mar 7, 2010

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Flash :: Smooth Transitions Between External Swfs

Aug 25, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Smooth FadeIn/Out Between External SWFs?

Aug 4, 2010

I'm working on a slide show with external SWFs. I got everything to work (almost evrything ) ...

Whwat I'm trying to do is have a nice transition.. I have the Loading SWFs Fade in... but there's still a split second of the white space under... so I was trying to have the Unloading SWF FAde out wile Loading SWF is Fading in... or something close to that.. here's the code I'm using

//Import classes for easier use
import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Smooth Transition Between External Swfs?

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right direction but theres still something I'm missing.At this point, I am able to load the initial swf into a container MC and store that info into acurMovie variable. When another button is pressed, curMovi checks if it equals, if it doesn't equal "curMovie", it plays the existing movies outro What I thought I could do was create a conditional statement checking if the outro has reached the total frames, and if so, load the next swf. This isnī workingThis is what I have so far:

import flash.display.MovieClip;
//Load initial file


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Professional :: Can't Get A Smooth Crawl

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Jan 24, 2011

I have an issue with my Cintiq not drawing smoothly in Flash. I need to sketch incredibly fast and loose. Flash used to work just fine but now it suddenly began drawing really crummy. I posted some examples of flash as well as Photoshop, Sketchbook Pro, and ToonBoom Animate Pro which is another vector graphics tool. I thought the vector graphics may be the issue but that app seems to handle the drawing excellently (now if only it did the other things Flash can do). Here's some examples of how they're looking. It may be hard to tell in these already loose sketches but the performance drop is really a big difference in responsiveness between Flash vs the other apps here:[code]Does anyone know why my cintiq is causing flash to draw so poorly? Occasionally photoshop will also do the same 'crumbly edges' thing?

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Professional :: FLV Playback Not Smooth With Alpha On Swf

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Professional :: MovieClip Smooth Rotation And Direction Change

May 19, 2010

I want to make a movieclip moves smoothly and when it changes the direction, it can turn smoothly but not a sudden turn, I try out the code below. and the truning is odd:
this.rotation = (Math.atan2(targetY-this.y, targetX-this.x )/Math.PI)*180;

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Flash :: Professional - Smooth Swipe Gestures On IPad Using Air For IOS In CS 5.5

Jul 4, 2011

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Professional :: How Smooth Should Flash Video Play Over A 6Mbps DSL Connection

Mar 29, 2010

I am noticing a lot of stuttering on my Flash videos viewed over the internet, Win 7 64bit and IE 8, Opera & Chrome.[URL] I am a video producer who shoots, edits, encodes and manages a few websites.  I am very familiar with bitrates and encoding.
The videos I am seeing stuttering on are created from HD content and were encoded in Adobe Media Encoder at a bitrate from 775kbps down to 400kbps.  When I play these through my 6meg DSL connection there is a constant random stutter like the video is stuggling with a low buffer.  This happens even after the download bar shows the entire video is downloaded.
So am I expecting too much from Flash video?  Will it always be an "internet" experience and not smooth?When I double-click the .swf files in Windows Explorer they play just fine, very smooth.  Maybe a SWF Publishing setting?The Flash player is the latest which was uninstalled and re-installed.

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Professional :: How To Add "Smooth Motion"

Dec 3, 2010

how to add AS3 code for "Smooth Motion" into the below code?


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Xml Data Included Into Swf?

Dec 24, 2010

Is there any way to use my xml data without using externall xml file? Normally, when I export my fla to swf I have to have xml file in the same folder. My project needs to be in one file. Can I paste xml data into some class and somehow use it?

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Can't Get Main Content When Load A Swf Which Has TLF Included

May 10, 2010

In one of my project, I will load a swf after a button click. I use Loader and try to access the document class by Loader.content as Movieclip. But I find if the target swf contains TLF and if you set the publish property to RSL instead of "merge into code", the content of Loader will be set to some "__Preloader__".

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AIR Included Files List Not Saving

Aug 20, 2010

I am publishing and AIR 1.5 application from Flash CS4 on Mac OS X. I add a list of files to include in the Installer Settings>Included Files box. Sometimes when I publish or click "OK", the included files listing is not saved except for app swf and xml listings. This means I have to select all the files again. This does work sometimes, the files list is saved, but other times, not. It doesn't require opening and closing the Flash app, just opening and closing the dialog for it to fail to retain the list.

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Ios :: StageWebViewBridge Loading Included Assets?

Sep 16, 2011

My priority is to have a fullscreen (standard size) 1024x768 H264 video played on an ipad app compiled with flash CS5.5 AIR for iOS using the StageWebView class. This works perfectly fine. Although with no official way to communicate with the StageWebView, I can't 'remove' the video once it's done playing. Enter StageWebViewBridge which enables AS <=> JS communication.

I'm trying to get around the overall poor performance of the Video class on the iPad (1 or 2). Playing the video inside a StageWebView loading a html5 object works amazingly great (read: GPU hardware decoded h264).I do need to shut the video off after it's done playing in the StageWebView. I am packaging a .mov file encoded in H264 that plays great in webkit browsers. If I just load a webpage in the StageWebView with a tag pointing to any video file it plays perfectly fine.

Once I introduce StageWebViewBridge it changes. They want files put in a /html folder. I'm sending paths of all kinds for the players src to play and no video ever loads. The video is named ''. I tried player.src = '', or player.src = 'html/', or player.src = './html/' or even using the File class to get the File.applicationDirectory and resolve the file to the .nativePath. No matter what I send from AS to the JS in the StageWebView page, I cannot get it to load the video.

how to reference embedded files? I'd like to send the file to load from AS to JS and have JS reset the .src property of a html5 element. Even the File.applicationDirectory reference I make states the file 'exists', but I can never set the .src property of the element on the page. It doesn't seem to understand.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: AttachSound On An Included Movie?

May 17, 2007

Let's say i got Movie A, which loads Movie B at some moment. And let's say that Movie B creates a sound, lets say:

var sndMusic = new Sound();
and then attaches it...


well, when i open Movie B alone, the music plays; when I watch it while being included in Movie A, it doesn't... BUT the sounds that are simply added by dragging and dropping on a keyframe DO work on both cases. I believe it's sth related to attachSound...

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