Professional :: How Smooth Should Flash Video Play Over A 6Mbps DSL Connection

Mar 29, 2010

I am noticing a lot of stuttering on my Flash videos viewed over the internet, Win 7 64bit and IE 8, Opera & Chrome.[URL] I am a video producer who shoots, edits, encodes and manages a few websites.  I am very familiar with bitrates and encoding.
The videos I am seeing stuttering on are created from HD content and were encoded in Adobe Media Encoder at a bitrate from 775kbps down to 400kbps.  When I play these through my 6meg DSL connection there is a constant random stutter like the video is stuggling with a low buffer.  This happens even after the download bar shows the entire video is downloaded.
So am I expecting too much from Flash video?  Will it always be an "internet" experience and not smooth?When I double-click the .swf files in Windows Explorer they play just fine, very smooth.  Maybe a SWF Publishing setting?The Flash player is the latest which was uninstalled and re-installed.

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Professional :: Video Player Is In Connection Error State

Mar 2, 2012

Flash cS 5.5 / Win 7. Inserting video into movieclip both with 'import video' wizard and via component. FLV that plays fine on a number of different servers. On opening (after gathering metadata) the message 'The video player is in the connection error state. It enters this state when a video stream attempted to load but was unsuccessful. There are two possible reasons for the error: no connection to the server or the stream was not found.' Firstly I am treating this as a progressive download, not streaming. Second this plays fine locally, it's only when I upload to a server it fails.

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this.vidConnection = new NetConnection();
this.vidConnection.addEventListener(AsyncErrorEvent.ASYNC_ERROR, this.connectionAsyncError);[code].....

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1. When I test my movie in flash it works great. The preview image appears, the movie loads quickly, and when I click play on either the big play button or the control bar play button it starts immediately without hesitation.

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3. When I copy the HTML from the generated HTML file and add it to my page where I want my video embedded problems begin! First the preview image and the big play button does not appear until the movie runs and finishes (I click on the play button on the control bar to start the movie in this case). After the movie runs they appear. It's obvious my file paths are not the issue since I see the movie and the preview image (eventually), right?

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Jul 18, 2010

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given it an instance name of movie_Clip
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Jul 27, 2011

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when i select the source file it's looking for .flv files and not the mp4 file so the mp4's are greyed out.i read a great tutorial using a pc which shows the workaround for being able to see the mp4 files.url...I'm however using a mac and this method of putting an * in the file name box doesn't work on mac.

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IDE :: Make Smooth Reverse Play?

Apr 2, 2009

I am using ActionScript 2 with following code on a button to play in reverse on mouse click:

on (press) {
gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 1);


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Jan 18, 2010

How to get a video to play upon rollover and pause upon rolling out? Here's an example: [URL]. Roll over the dark gray stripe and click on Contact. Roll over the videos to start them. I have not been able to find any info out there on how this is done.

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Jan 19, 2010

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Feb 21, 2010

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Feb 26, 2010

Basically the code below has been designed so that a video starts at 52 seconds (rather than the beginning) when you press play. It works good right now, starts where it's supposed to, but I want to change the code so that it autoplays the video starting at 52 seconds. The problem with this though, is that when I try and set it for autoplay, the video starts at the beginning and doesn't wait for it to load to 52 seconds before it autoplays. Any input on the coding? I need it just so that the autoplay doesn't kick in until the video is loaded to the 52 second point

my_FLVPlybk.addEventListener(VideoEvent.COMPLETE, rewind);function


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Professional :: File Structure - FLV Video With Play And Stop SWF

Jan 4, 2011

I am trying to import a video in to flash. I have converted it to a flv and used the stream from flash media server option and selected a standard play and stop bar. I have imported it in and it works find when you just select the individual swf that it loads into. The problem im having is that when I go to it through the home page, all the page loads apart from the video. I've tried moving it around, moving where all the assets to the video are etc. I know the file structure is important to this working. I have a main folder called interactive / and in that have a FLA and a SWF folder and the swf and fla home page. Currently I have the the video swf in the swf folder with the flv and the play and stop swf.

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