Professional :: FLV Video Import In To Flash Stop/Play

Nov 20, 2010

I have imported a flv video in to a flash8 page and want to get the video to stop on load?when importing the video there are no option other that to included the skinning play/stop/pause etc buttons but no option to stop the video on load!

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Professional :: File Structure - FLV Video With Play And Stop SWF

Jan 4, 2011

I am trying to import a video in to flash. I have converted it to a flv and used the stream from flash media server option and selected a standard play and stop bar. I have imported it in and it works find when you just select the individual swf that it loads into. The problem im having is that when I go to it through the home page, all the page loads apart from the video. I've tried moving it around, moving where all the assets to the video are etc. I know the file structure is important to this working. I have a main folder called interactive / and in that have a FLA and a SWF folder and the swf and fla home page. Currently I have the the video swf in the swf folder with the flv and the play and stop swf.

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Add Video Play / Stop / Pause Button To Flash Video

Dec 7, 2009

I have created my first flash video and wish to allow the visitors to play the movie themselves instead of having the movie play automatically also have a stop or pause button too.

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Professional :: Import A Video For Optional Playback Into A Flash Animation?

Mar 28, 2010

I want to import a video for optional playback into a flash animation. Now, the animation is a loop and replays after 120 frames or so. I noticed when I exported my moviemaker video and imported it into flash, it automatically asked me if i wanted it to arrange it to fit or not. the thing is, i don't want the video to automatically play like flash does for default. What i want is to be able to have it look like how a video looks in youtube 'before' you play know how it has that 'arrow' sitting on it with a black screen showing

you that it's ready to be played if you want it to? well, that's what i want. so, if someone stumbles upon my animation loop on the web, they will see a little video in the upper corner that has the ability to play but it doesn't start

playing right when they get to the page.Also, when they play the video, the length is obviously longer than the loop of my animation, but I obviously don't want it cutting off when my loops ends and restarts, so is there a way to code where it will keep playing on it's own timeline apart from what the flash animation loop is doing? (it should be able to play all the way through, end, and be able to be played again no matter how many loops the animation goes through)second thing i want, is the video to be maybe 220 X 180 in size.

when i exported in Moviemaker, I actually got a video size that I liked but the quality looked poor and sounded poor (I went with the Pocket PC export 148kbps or something like that). Now, was the quality poor just because Flash had to cut it off because of the animation loop restarting or is it going to be poor just cuz PocketPC export is a bad choice? In other words, what export choice should I go with in Moviemaker to get the desired results i want (with the desired width + height I want as well)?

Do you have to code to make it be a video that's got the arrow/blk bkgrd i.e. not playable til a user clicks...or do you just have to export it a certain way in Moviemaker to make it's format that way?

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Professional :: Flash 8 :: Import Video Clip - No Playback On Website?

Apr 29, 2011

So for the first time I imported a video clip into Flash 8, used the wizard and even found a tutorial that basically walked me through the steps of the flash wizard.I imported a clip from my computer, progressive download from web server, tried both encodings of flash 7 and 8 medium,SteelOverAll skinning,the let flash do its thing, set my publish settings, published, tried it out and played SWF, looked fine, then uploaded the SWF, FLA, HTML and FLV on my web site but all it does is "waiting for .... .com", my website.I double checked in different browsers, Internetexplorer, Mozialla, Chrome, all having Flash Player 10 latest version and the FLV file is only 1.2MB big, yet after 10 minutes still nothing playing back online........did I overlook something here?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Bar - Play And Stop Button To Play And Stop Frames In A Flash Movie

Dec 1, 2004

give me the actionscript for a bar that has a play and stop button to play and stop frames in a flash movie. i would be gratefull if you could as i am really stuck

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Professional :: Won't Let Me Import Video?

Aug 12, 2010

Flash versions - PC CS4 and Mac CS5

Video encoded with Compressor (codec h.264) then Adobe Media Encoder to FLV

In my flash file I go File/Import Video/ then select Load external video for playback

click Next, Pick the skin, then a bar pops up saying Getting Metadata
Then nothing. Nothing in the Library or Stage. Anyone know why? Hard to think that it happened twice on 2 different machines and OS's.

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Professional :: Internet Explorer Flash - Start To Play Then Stop

Oct 15, 2010

I'm putting an swf on a website and it's working great except for IE. (Although it works great in IE 9). In some versions of IE it will start to play then stop as if the video was never load and in others it will just go white. It works great in other browsers, just our favorite browser IE seems to screw it up (big surprise).

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Professional :: Tell One Flash Video Component To Make Another Stop?

Nov 5, 2010

So I have a website... [URL]

If you go there and click on the "Corporate Videos" section, you will see me pop up and start talking.

But... if you click on one of the videos below... I keep talking over the top of the new video.
Is there a way to "tell target" the one video to stop playing from the action of clicking play on the other video so I stop talking the minute any button on the page is pressed?
I am using AS3 with the FLV Playback component for all these videos.

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Professional :: Flash Button For Video Clip (Stop And Reset)

Jan 20, 2010

I am new to flash and I'm trying to do a button. This button should play a short video clip when I would go mouse over it. On Mouse Out, the video should stop and reset.

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Professional :: Custom Start/Stop Time For Flash Video AS

Jun 14, 2010

I realize this is probably an old thread, but does anyone have an actionscript example of how to create a custom start and stop time for a Flash video?  In other words I'd like to be able to "bracket" the play time of a Flash video with custom start and stop times rather than start at the beginning and end at the end.

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Professional :: Import Two AVI Video Files & Convert To One FLV?

Feb 17, 2010

- I can import a single AVI video file and convert it to an FLV video.
Problem: I have two AVI video files... one 4GB (20 minute) long and one 2GB (10 minute) long... and want to combine them to have a single 30 minute long FLV video file.

- Can I do this in Flash? When I "convert" a single AVI video to a FLV using the File, Import method... I can't really see the video on the Flash time line.

- I tried doing a File, Import for file-1.avi and then doing it for file-2.avi... but the two were on top of each other... and not end to end.

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Jun 4, 2010

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Professional :: Flash Site Video Won't Play?

Dec 8, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Stop Video Play

Jun 14, 2011

Actionscript 3. I have 4 buttons. 1 button goes to frame 1. 2nd button goes to frame 2, and so on.. Video is implanted into stage in one frame. When I press another button, it jumps to a different frame yet the video is still visible underneath the new content.. is there a way to clear content in the new frame?

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Professional :: Flash Video Play Automatically With No Controller Bar

Jun 24, 2010

(Flash CS3, Dreamweaver CS3, Mac OSX)
I can encode Flash video, and place a nice skin (controller bar) into the file, within Fash, but when I place the final .SWF file into my Dreamweaver page (Insert-->Media-->Flash), and test it in a browser, the vid will play automatically and there is no skin (controller bar). The skin file is residing in the same folder as the .FLV and the .SWF file, but for some reason the skin refuses to allow itself to be seen.

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Flash :: Professional - Play .F4V Files In Video Gallery?

Jul 1, 2010

know if the ActionScript 3 Flash Video Gallery ([URL]) can play .F4V files?

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Professional :: How Smooth Should Flash Video Play Over A 6Mbps DSL Connection

Mar 29, 2010

I am noticing a lot of stuttering on my Flash videos viewed over the internet, Win 7 64bit and IE 8, Opera & Chrome.[URL] I am a video producer who shoots, edits, encodes and manages a few websites.  I am very familiar with bitrates and encoding.
The videos I am seeing stuttering on are created from HD content and were encoded in Adobe Media Encoder at a bitrate from 775kbps down to 400kbps.  When I play these through my 6meg DSL connection there is a constant random stutter like the video is stuggling with a low buffer.  This happens even after the download bar shows the entire video is downloaded.
So am I expecting too much from Flash video?  Will it always be an "internet" experience and not smooth?When I double-click the .swf files in Windows Explorer they play just fine, very smooth.  Maybe a SWF Publishing setting?The Flash player is the latest which was uninstalled and re-installed.

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Professional :: Can Play Video In Flash Player And Embed It Into Webpage

Jul 22, 2010

Is there a way I can play a video in a flash player and embed it into a webpage, so the user and start and stop the movie.

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Professional :: Published A Swf Or HTML File From Flash (on Mac) That Contains Flv Video Can Only Play On Mac?

Feb 28, 2012

I created a flash file that contains a flv file inside. After I published it on my Mac in both html and swf format and it played well. But when I copied all this folder include the swf, html and the source flv to test on a pc it played well but the video part (flv) was blank. So I copied the .fla file to pc and published again, then it works fine (including the flv video part) on both pc and Mac. All the settings were same while publishing.So I wonder what's wrong with publish from Mac side? I work with Mac and so it's very inconvenient to publish my work on PC.

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Loop A Video With A Play/stop Button In The Middle?

Aug 21, 2009

I have a .mov file and I want to simply encode the video (i assume with flash media encoder) to be a flash file which loops continuiously with a Play/stop button. I'll then have this movie playing on my html page.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Code To Stop Automatic Play For Video?

Dec 10, 2010

I have some video that I imported in my Flash project. When I run the swift file the video automatically plays. What is the code to have the video play only when someone clicks the play button?

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Stop Video From Playing Until User Clicks The Play Button?

Mar 27, 2009

I am using flash 8 professional.

I have a custom video player that loads videos from an external xml file. It uses all actionscript to control the video using the attatchVideo(ns).

At present the video starts playing as soon as the video opens, I would like the video to only start playing after the user clicks the play button.

What is the actionscript I need to achieve this?

* all the actionscript for all buttons etc. is on one layer called actions. Videos are external not on layers.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stop Only Flv Video Sound And Continue The Bg Music To Play

Sep 3, 2010

I made a webiste with bg sound home, portfolio, gallery, contcts. This  are the links. when click portfolio, which contain a flv file, when  clicking the flv file bg music stop and video will play smoothly.But if i  navigate to other links the sound from the flv remains their and my bg  music not playing also.. one code SoundMixer.stopAll();  i got this code  b4, it vil stop all sounds... i dnt need to stop the background music, i  need to stop only my flv video sound.. there's a bg music playing, when  entering to the portfolio section thers a flv video vth sound. i can  stop all other sounds ven playing this flv video but i cant stop this  sound ven navigating to other sections and i need to continue the bg  sound ven navigating to other sections...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Stop Video From Starting Until User Clicks Play

Mar 28, 2009

Using the tutorials on the gotoandlearn main page I built a custom video player that loads the videos from an xml file and it works great. At present the video starts playing as soon as the video opens, I would like the video to only start playing after the user clicks the play button.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Firefox And Opera - NetStream.Play.Stop And Video Is A Slowdown?

Mar 25, 2011

Video broadcast using VLC to flv file. I am using the NetConnection, NetStream and Video to play it in a flash. In Chrome and IE everything works fine, but in Firefox and Opera NetStream often dispatch event NET_STATUS with info.code = NetStream.Buffer.Flush and NetStream.Play.Stop and video is a slowdown.

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Flash :: Professional - FLV - Computers Wont Play The Video Back If The Player Is Set To Full Screen

Mar 9, 2011

Ive imported an FLV into a Project. Some computers wont play the video back if the Flash Player is set to Full Screen. The screen goes black during Full Screen. If you set the player to regular, you can see the video playing (embedded into design) but once you set player to Full Screen the video plays on its own right at centre of screen. Im working on a Touch Screen Display that has the display set to Portrait mode. Im investigating if the display card is causing the problem.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get The Video To Stop When Clicked, But Can't Get The Movie Clip Of The Flashing Hazards To Play?

Sep 27, 2009

We have a short video of a street, which we are looking to pause when it is clicked and then all the hazards turn into drawings and flash. Then when you hover over a hazard it tells you some info about it.I have managed to get the video to stop when clicked, using the below code but can't get the movie clip of the flashing hazards to play at the same time. Is it even possible?

ActionScript Code:
on (rollOver) {
Pause video[code]...

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Javascript :: Flash - Uset To "stop" And "play" Video That's Inside An FLV Player?

Jul 1, 2010

Is it possible to use JavaScript to "stop" and "play" video that's inside an FLV player?I want to do this using only JavaScript and without modifying the FLV player or movies.

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Professional :: Add Controls Like Play, Stop, Pause

Apr 9, 2007

I just want to add controls so that people can control if they play or pause or stop the animation when I export the fla.

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