ActionScript 3.0 :: No Effect Of Changing Format On Input In TextFields

Sep 30, 2010

I added this to my document class:

private var title_txt:TextField;
private var artist_txt:TextField;
private var myFormat:TextFormat;
myFormat = new TextFormat();
myFormat.align = "center";
[Code] .....

The problem now is that changes of myFormat (in size or color) don't have any effect on the text in the text fields. Why is this and how can I improve this? Did I forget to import a certain class again?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Format Dynamic TextFields Globally

Sep 13, 2009

In my project, several textField mclips are created dynamically. These mclips pull their content from an XML from.

The text is formatting partially using TextFormat, but I have been unsuccessful setting the font family.

I think this is because the content is dynamic and called from the XML.

In any case, I then tried to set the font family using mx.styles, but also with no luck:

import mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration;
var text_style:Object = new CSSStyleDeclaration();
_global.styles.myStyle = text_style;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Multiple TextFields Cannot Use Same Styling Format

Jan 26, 2010

Outside a loop, I have created a text format object, and then inside a loop I go through a number of iterations of a textfield object. When I declare the var for the textfield inside the loop, as well as its affiliation with the text format object, nothing displays. If I declare the var for the textfield outside the loop, it displays without issue, however, it only displays the last iteration of the loop (obviously). Why can't I have multiples textfield objects using the same styling?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Changing Highlight Color For TextFields

Sep 20, 2010

Changing the highlight/selection colour for selected text in a text field? At the moment with white text on a black background it seems impossible to discern what text is selected.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: 'new Lines' In Input Textfields

Jun 2, 2010

I have a textfield i want to use in a simple contact form where a user can send a message. I've created a textfield, then set it to [code]My problem is, when trying an example message hitting the enter key on the keyboard wont move me to the next line like I expect?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Can't Set Text In Input Textfields?

Aug 26, 2010

I have an input textfield were I need to insert a number when it has focus and the user presses a button, like in a calculator. I have everything else working, the problem is thatinput1.text = anything;doesn't work, not for any of my 10 inputfields, like it does with my output fields (dynamic textfields)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Changing Values In Dynamically Generated TextFields

May 25, 2004

I have a few dynamic generated buttons, and I need on their action to change values in some dynamic generated textfields. The part of the code we're interested is this:

nr_rinduri = 20; // number caming from somewhere else
this["mc"+j].onRelease = function() {
num = Number(this._name.substring(2))+1;
nrInceput = (num-1)*nr_rinduri;
trace("NR inceput=" + nrInceput);
[Code] .....

So... : if I put codice0.text = ..., codice1.text = .... it's working, but when I am trying to do a this["codice"+contor].text = .... it's not working.... Is this because we are inside another this[] ... the one for the button and when I am referring to this["codice"+contor] the flash see that I want to do something at the button and not at the textfield...

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Input TextFields - How To Change Undefined Value

May 5, 2010

I have created three input textfields for the first, middle and last names in a form and then to pass the input to 3 dynamic texboxes, the middle name is optional so someone might not fill it out and the dynamic textbox would show "undefined", how to make the unfilled input textfield result in a blank/empty dynamic textbox?

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Professional :: Make Simple Input TextFields?

Aug 10, 2010

I open up Flash CS5 and make a simple INPUT TEXTFIELD. I run the program, and I can't even use all the characters. It is under ARIAL font. This is literally destroying my soul. Look, if I want to embed fonts, I will embed fonts like in CS4. What is the crazy idea that now we have to embed every font we want to use? Is that how this is going? If I want to use ARIAL, I literally have to embed it? Did APPLE get their hands on Adobe developers and do something seriously this sick to the CS5 world?
I want to make simple input textFields like in the past, without having to embed fonts.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Ref Dynamically To The Textfields To Input The Characters

Jun 19, 2009

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Log In With Two Input Textfields And A Submission Button?

Nov 19, 2006

I have the following problem. I created a very simple log in with two input textfields and a submission button. The problem is that people would type in their log in informations and then hit enter, which results in a page break for the password input textfield. I tried a few things like setting the input textfield to single line which did not make a difference. Then I tried to apply to on enter key action but had to realise that you can only apply this action to a buuton and not a textfield. Any help would be apreciated. I am working with flash 8 on a mac with osx...

on (release) {
if (name.text == "student" && password.text == "student") {
} else if (name.text == "admin" && password.text == "admin") {
} else
false_txt.text = "invalid password or username"

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Restart / Refresh Input TextFields

May 1, 2005

I have a problem with input textfield. The problem is, I have 2 input textfields, and a button. When the button is released, it will check if the 2 input textfields is filled. If they are filled, the AS will clean the input textfields, but next time the button is released, it don't check if the input fields are filled How can I restart, refresh the input textfields? So they are like "new ones".

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IDE :: Include Smileys In Dynamic Or Input Textfields In Flash?

Feb 6, 2009

Is it possible to somehow include smileys in dynamic or input textfields in flash?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Border Around My Input Textfields Disappears When Published To Player8 And Below?

Feb 18, 2009

Those movieclips are linked to a simple custom class I wrote which extends movieclip.They were created in the IDE, not created with code. The border is applied in the property inspector and is visible in in the IDE before publishing.The textfields *are* there, I can type in them, but I need the white box and border to be visible.The white box and and border appear fine in player 9+ when published for 9+, but when published any lower the borders and box disappear

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Changing Format Of Text?

May 27, 2009

I have a textField inside a mc. When you roll over an event is triggered.

In the fuction I can do thisCode:event.currentTarget.getChildAt(0).text="fred";and the text changes - so its being targettedI want to change the format of the text so I thoughtCode:event.currentTarget.getChildAt(0).defaultTextFormat=mTitle_fmt;but, its doesn't says "ReferenceError: Error #1037: Cannot assign to a method setTextFormat on index001_fla::MainTimeline/overHandler()"

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Input Textfields Only Showing Caret If Clicked Around Their Halfway Point?

Nov 8, 2010

Im having an odd problem--I have 5 input textfields on the stage, but for some reason when run in order to input text within the first two fields I have to click within those fields from around its middle all the way to the right.Otherwise, no caret shows up and no typing displays.The other fields all work fine--ie, I can click at their leftmost point and get a caret and start typing..I even used the same textfield(#3) to create fields 1 and 2 and still I have to click about midway or to the right to get the caret.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Changing Format Of Text Inside MovieClip

May 27, 2009

I have a textField inside a mc. When you roll over an event is triggered. In the fuction I can do this:
And the text changes - so its being targeted. I want to change the format of the text so I thought.
But, its doesn't work.

It says "ReferenceError: Error #1037: Cannot assign to a method setTextFormat on flash.text.TextField. at index001_fla::MainTimeline/overHandler()"

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Text Format Size Not Changing Results?

Dec 8, 2010

The text shows up, but it needs to display bigger than it is.  It's showing up consistently at about size 10, no matter what I set the size to, even "size = 100" .

public function StimLetter(data:Object) {
// format
var format:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
format.font = "Verdana";


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Text Format Not Changing Colour Or Size?

Apr 30, 2011

My Text Format is not changing colour or size, despite me telling it to do so with the following code. it displays the number of steps taken (a number called Steps) to complete the level in my flash game.

ActionScript Code:
var myFont:TextFormat = new TextFormat;
myFont.font = "Ariel";
myFont.color = 0xCCCCCC;


It displays the box the correct size (height and width), position and number inside, but the text font is still black and small size.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Changing Text Format According To Container Color?

Sep 26, 2010

on click on "elements" i'm dynamically generating coloured boxes (all instances of the same symbol) and the colour of these boxes is applied through a colortransform. in the box there is a textfield and i want the the text to be colored according to the box color. i mean, if the box is dark the text has to be white, and viceversa.

here's the code:

var box_text:TextField = new TextField();
//textformat for black text
var dark_text:TextFormat = new TextFormat();


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Way To Impose A Format To Input Text?

Apr 14, 2010

I'm using Flash CS4 and AS2. Currently I have a fully functional contact form in flash that works along with PHP.The problem is: anything you type in the input spaces is accepted and, thus, sent to my mail.Is there a way to impose a format to the input text? For example, the "e-mail address" field should be entered in URL... format and the "Name" or "Body" should not have less than 3 characters. If those conditions aren't met, the mail won't be sent.[code]

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Flex :: Dynamically Format 3 TextArea Input?

Jul 8, 2009

In my Flex 3 application the user enters IP addresses into a textInput object. As the user enters the numbers comprising the ip address I would like to add the '.' on the fly rather than waiting until latter, so that if the user types 127000000001 I would like the textInput control to display I've been trying to make a class that extends textInput and adds the '.'s to the object's text property in the Event.CHANGE or Event.TextInput handler. Sadly, my extra '.' never gets displayed, the numbers appear without dots just as the user typed them.

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Actionscript :: Format Input Text Into Equation Using It?

Aug 8, 2010

I am very new to action script, and using action script 2.0, I am having a problem getting an input textbox to read in mathematical formulas. To enter 5x^2, the key sequence to be used is {5}{x}{2}. i.e., the characters must be formatted as it is being typed.

Ultimately, I want to enter equations like 5x^2-4x-2.

The textbox should not allow non-numerical characters other than x.

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Flex :: Format Data Input As It Is Entered

May 12, 2011

I am using an mx:DateField in Flex and it works nice with the date picker, but I also need it to be editable, so I set editable="true". The problem is that now the user can enter anything they want - even though I have a formatString="YYYY-MM-DD" set. The date picker honors this format, but if the user enters in the format MM/DD/YYYY they can - or they can even enter garbage data.

I realize I can set up a data validator to check that it is a valid date and in the appropriate format as per the flex docs, but I was hoping to have something I have seen in other languages where the text field would show something like "0000-00-00" and the user clicks in to the field and it allows them to change only the digits (the zeros) and can not type any alpha characters or add/remove any length.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Format Input Text Into Equation?

Aug 8, 2010

I have one input textbox.To enter 5x^2 ,key sequence used are "5" "x" "2" ie.,the characters must be formatted as it is being typed.I want to enter equations like "5x^2-4x-2".It should not allow other characters other than "x", using action script 2.0 .

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Check Input Format Dd/mm/yyyy?

Aug 19, 2005

I got a date field that i wish user to key in in a certain format likedd/mm/yyyyBut after my user key in, how can i validate and check that they key in in the correct format?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Format Input In Dynamic Text Fields

Feb 5, 2009

Trying to connect an input text field to a dynamic text field - each with different formatting (font, size and justification). So far I'm just using the properties box to format the text. Using a.2.0. It works easily in a small test, but in a larger .fla, the results dynamic text field retains the formatting of the input field.

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Way To Format Input Text To Make It Larger And Centralised

Jan 29, 2010

I am making a simple quiz where the user inputs the answer into a TextInput and then gets sent of to a different frame. what I what to know is if there is any way to format the input text to make it larger and centralised.[code]

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Format Input Text Font, Color, Size?

Feb 10, 2012

now i need to customize the Font, Color, and Size.. can anyone help. I've found many possible solutions but none that I know how to apply to exactly what I have already created.

submit_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,check Answer);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: [FMX] Format User Input Text With Punctuation

Jan 12, 2005

I'm fairly new to Flash (over the last few months I have followed Actionscripting in books and online tutorials and can do basics by essentially following the recipes, but am having considerably more problems putting it all together for my own program).

I am trying to create a program for my students that will take their text input in fields like author, title, publisher, date, place of publication, etc. and output bibliography citations in the proper format (complete with punctuation). What is the best way to handle the text formatting to add punctuation and make the citation entries? Your text tutorial on color and other properties is very good, as well as the input text that returns the words, but how do I go one more step to add my punctuation to the user's input?

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