ActionScript 3.0 :: Multiple TextFields Cannot Use Same Styling Format

Jan 26, 2010

Outside a loop, I have created a text format object, and then inside a loop I go through a number of iterations of a textfield object. When I declare the var for the textfield inside the loop, as well as its affiliation with the text format object, nothing displays. If I declare the var for the textfield outside the loop, it displays without issue, however, it only displays the last iteration of the loop (obviously). Why can't I have multiples textfield objects using the same styling?

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Sep 13, 2009

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The text is formatting partially using TextFormat, but I have been unsuccessful setting the font family.

I think this is because the content is dynamic and called from the XML.

In any case, I then tried to set the font family using mx.styles, but also with no luck:

import mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration;
var text_style:Object = new CSSStyleDeclaration();
_global.styles.myStyle = text_style;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: No Effect Of Changing Format On Input In TextFields

Sep 30, 2010

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private var title_txt:TextField;
private var artist_txt:TextField;
private var myFormat:TextFormat;
myFormat = new TextFormat();
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[Code] .....

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Jun 9, 2011

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Actionscript Code:
var reply_lv = new LoadVars();reply_lv.load("#");reply_lv.onLoad = loadedDotNetVars;_root.createEmptyMovieClip("databox", _root.getNextHighestDepth());function


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ActionScript 3.0 :: FlashVars And Multiple TextFields?

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<market MarketID=1>
<marketLocation>Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill, NC</marketLocation>


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var textArray:Array = new Array('First TextField','TextField Two','Anything, really');
//Array to .push "save" created textfields


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N = say 10.

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create some custom format.

ideally, i wanted to implement c. but i need some guidance about where to start mind always tells me that, logically it should be simple as..

psudo code

layer 1 name, layer1 resolution

layer 1 png data (using png encoder for my bitmapData)[code]....

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How can i do it in flex?

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Actionscript 3 :: Encode Video From Any Format To .flv Format?

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Professional :: FLV Playback Captioning XML Styling?

May 27, 2011

I'm creating accessible content for a html elearning module. I'm including video, which I have successfully imported into flash, and added captions to by linking a XML document.The issue I am having is that my styling in the XML isn't working in flash, and my captions play in a tiny horrible font, making it very difficult for people to read, therefore not making it accessible content.I've used two tutorials online to create these styles in XML but neither are working.I'm using CS5 Flash and Dreamweaver.XML content is as follows: (I have removed my content for the script)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><tt xml:lang="en" xmlns=""  xmlns:tts=""><head><styling><style id="1"


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Anti-Aliased HTMLText And Styling With CSS

Jun 23, 2010

I basically have the same question as bder on the actionscript forums, namely if I can have my text anti-aliased if it is using an embedded font (Myriad Pro) to assign it to the htmlText property of a TextField and styling that with CSS. Everything works fine with the text embedding and styling (the font is the one I want, and all its variations - bold, italic - are shown correctly), except that it looks bad, i.e. not anti-aliased. Of course, I have tried setting the antyAliasType and gridFitType properties to all possible combinations.

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Flex :: Styling The A Specific Row Of DataGrid?

Jul 18, 2010

I have a dataGrid component in flex. My grid has few rows. I simply want to make the last row bold. I just can't figure how to do it.
I thought about an idea : create a factory that gets parameters so that i can pass the itemRenderer the total count of rows. But, i don't know how to check the current row in the itemRenderer itself (and compare it to the total rows).

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Actionscript 3 :: Apply Css Styling In Flash?

Feb 21, 2011

I want to know how to style an anchor tag(eg: need to chnage color blue and I want to make it bold) in flash.

I created a flash widget that for rss feeds and Im not sure about how to add styles in it like css we using in dreamweaver.

Lets take a look at the script below, it is AS3..

what I want is..

1, I need to make that a tag should be looking bold and paleblue color.

2, Need to add a grey border after description ends. [code]...

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May 7, 2010

I have a carsousel that uses xml to bring in 3 parts to the finished .swf ... an image; a 'tooltip'; some text. This all works fine and I have no problems with the code YET as soon as I try and add <b></b> to any part of the imported text section, to get it to appear bold or even italic, everything disappears. (The code is all taken from the 3D Carousel tutorial provided by your very cool site BTW


The text feeds into a dynamic text field called theText and this is in frame 1 of the fla. Like i said already, everything works fine the way it is set up now, the only downside is that I cannot style the imported text in any way and i would very much like to be able to make certain parts bold and even italic. I have a feeling it is the way the xml file is set up that could be causing the issues but I do not know another way of doing the same thing but allowing the styling.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Styling HtmlText In TextArea?

Apr 5, 2007

How can I style my html content of a TextArea? I tried it like this but it keeps throwing errors:

var h1:Object = new Object();
h1.fontFamily = "DistrictThin";
h1.color = "#FFCC00";


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ActionScript 2.0 :: CSS Not Styling From External File?

May 23, 2007

I'm trying to apply some simple CSS coding to an html'd dynamic text box, from *inside* Flash, with AS, rather than from an external .css doc.This code below should work, but doesn't. (I tried adding a period in front of customClass--nuthin'; I also tried taking out the fontFamily altogether, as I'm on a Mac and I've heard bad things.

var styles = new TextField.StyleSheet();
styles.setStyle("p", {textDecoration:"none", color:"#000000"});
styles.setStyle("customClass", {fontFamily:"_serif",fontWeight:'bold', color:"#FF0000", fontSize:'24px'});


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