I am using SWF Studio already which allows me to open an external .bat file by clicking a button in flash.I now need to open another file but this time i dont know the exact name of the file but it will be the only .cfg file in the folder.Does anyone know of a way to open a file just by the file extension alone without specifying the name?Here is my origional code for opening the .bat file:[code]i have tried using the above code and just replacing the "\Test Link.bat" part to "\*.cgf" but that doesnt do it.
I've got this app that processes what I call "packs". (which are essentially just zip files).
Course, im going to give them the extension .sfxpack or something. Anyway, what im trying to get at is this. Is there any way to have my app open those types of files by default and run a certain function when it is opened?
Im building a portfolio on Flash.I have created my menu buttons and need to open files with doc, pdf, avi and swf extentions.So far I have been using the getUrl command and it seems to work for the pdf and swf. How can I get this to work for the other types?
I have an issue using external as files. I'm working with a Flash Professional project in Flash BuilderHere is some code on the timeline (I got the code like this, don't have the time to abandon this practice because of deadlines):
import com.companyname.AwesomeClass; include "external.as"; And here's external.as
i am working on a flash-based report project (we'll run it on CD) for past week, I'm new to AS3 , got in so many troubles because of it. but finally got it working fine. but there is a problem with the final act, i want to open a PDF file using flash alone. it was very easy using AS2's getURL function and worked like a charm but its a different story in AS3, i worked on it so much that it gives me a headache whenever i think about it.I searched and read almost every article on the web concerning this, the only think that works for me is navigateToURL,but it opens the file in web browser and that I'd rather not have.so i want to ask if there is a way to actually open a PDF file external source such as H.D.D using pure AS or I'll need to take a look on zinc and air?this is the code i used for the linking job :
Actionscript Code: myDataGrid.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, clicker);function clicker(evt:Event) { var SSL:String = evt.target.selectedItem.item; var path:String = "Books/"+SSL+".pdf";
i have made one aplication in flash and i want to add a button to open one doc file that is in the same dir. this will not to publish for web is for a aplication on a cd rom.
I have a webpage that currently display a powerpoint slides.The problem is that other can download the slides which I really dont want.
following issues:I dont want to convert the ppt slides to .swf then convert them to flash but rather let flash open the .ppt directly and display on the webpage.
I admit I am WAY in over my head here and its been WAY too long since I've used AS2.0 to remember anything about what I'm doing. I have a dyaminc table on the screen that is holding a movieClip that contains the following code.
this.attachMovie("info_btn","NigeriaTrain4_5",this .getNextHighestDepth(),{_x:13, _y:85});//add button to the stage and places it on x & y axis NigeriaTrain4_5.onRelease = function() {//give button function
Im trying to open an external text file with the help of button. It works locally on my computer. But as soon as i upload it on my site, it does not work any more. Im not sure, if im putting the wrong path.
on (release) { _root.flying_pages.empty_holder.loadMovie("1.jpg") ; loadText = new loadVars();
In my Flash application users must be able to download or open PPT files nested in application's subfolder.When I run .*swf file, it works fine (Save file dialog appears), but if I run .exe file, nothing happens.[code]I suspect that "navigateToURL" function doesn't work in this case.
I am trying to import a SWF file into a custom loader and then treat the loaded SWF file as a MovieClip object. The code for the functionality can be seen below.
public function loadMyMovie(movie:String) { var now:Date = new Date(); var rnd:String = "?randomize=" + now.time;
When I do this I get the following error.
"Implicit coercion of a value with static type flash.display:DisplayObject to a possibly unrelated type flash.display:MovieClip."
I am currently getting Error 1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant:HTMLLoader.The main problem I am having is that I removed all references to HTMLLoader earlier (because I know HTMLLoader only works with AIR). I don't know why I am still getting this error. This is my code:
I am currently getting Error 1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: HTMLLoader.The main problem I am having is that I removed all references to HTMLLoader earlier (because I know HTMLLoader only works with AIR). I don't know why I am still getting this error. [code]
i want to use a .otf font in flash.this font has a feature that extend height for some words.when i use classic text in flash ,my words dosn't show completly and just show a part of it which is in text field box.when i use tfl text and embed it,my text doesn't have same result such as microsfoft word.for example i have an substitution action in my font and a positioning action when it touch with some chars.it work for 2 or 3 first characters but after that the text layout change.
I'm having problems getting the tutorial to work so I decided to look at the source fla. But the Source file won't open on my computer, get the message "failed to open document".
My CS5 flash crashed when I changed the name of the root folder while it was open. Swf is working fine, but .fla file wont open, I get a "Failed to open document" message. This is a disaser because I've lost two days of work. Is there anything that could be done to fix this problem?
Is there any way to determine a file type from a url when the file extension is not a reliable indicator? Since there are different APIs for playing video, audio, or displaying images, you need to know the filetype beforehand.
i have a standalone exe flash file which opens autorun from a cd, and i need to open a windows browser directly from that flash. i want it to open the htm without any toolbars or scroll.
i have a standalone exe flash file which opens autorun from a cd, and i need to open a windows browser directly from that flash. i want it to open the htm without any toolbars or scroll...
I have been working on a project for a week and suddenly it crashed during save (nothing strange had been imported or anything i just saved after moving content around) and now i cant open my file again. I contacted adobe support who claim that since the problem is related to the file this is not their problem, what a load of HORSE ****, who should i contact about this dell if its an FLA FILE!? I have already renamed the file to flash.zip then opened with WinRar and repaired as a new zip file to a different folder (which removes the corrupt content which is document something.xml) then i tried renaming this folder back to flash.fla however the file still does not open.
Anyone can show me how to insert or import a swf file into fla template file.I have a temple FLA file open and after import a SWF file , run test and the swf is not working.
I have a flash file using xml to link to html pages all within SharePoint. When I click on a link from inside flash, it opens up a new browser window with the html content.Is there a way to open the html content in the same browser that the flash file is in?
I am trying to customize a video player skin from f4player [URL] [the file is mySkin.fla]). I am using flash cs3 pro and I get the error "Unexpected file format" when trying to open the file, a friend has flash cs4 and has the same error. Is there something I could do to open this .fla file correctly? Or maybe if someone could try opening it and saving it again for cs3?
I created the parent .swf file, with buttons that open external .swf files. What I would like to do is save the parent file as .exe and have it open external .exe files.
I am new to flash and I don't understand much about action script. I want to open one swf file from another using a button I have called ready_set_go. The project is not going to go into html format I only want to open the file locally. What is the code I need to do this?
Problem with external swf loading into a main swf.I have a button inside my main.swf file that should open another swf-file, putting it on the same place as an invisible movieclip called "(projectyta)". I want it there and it works out fine.[code]The external swf file shows just as I want it to show when I press the button from the main.swf, Only, I have buttons inside my external swf that doesn't work. The external swf file just stays in frame 1 all the time.
I am trying to get an external swf to open in a new window from a button on my main movie. I want the swf to open in flash player and not a web browser.