ActionScript 3.0 :: Open A Compiled .exe Flash Program With A Command Line Hook?
Nov 23, 2009
I'm trying to create/write a custom flash video player program which I want to compile into an .exe after I'm happy with it.The tricky part is, I want my other windows application to be able to specify a path to a video in the hook to open the .exe video player. Example .... When clicked inside of my Custom .Net application, I will open a link to my video program with a hook for which video to play as such...
Target: "C:VideoPlayer.exe" -C:VideosExample.flv
how I can do this in code of my video player? I am willing to vary my format of handling this to accomplish my goal. have thought about reading from a text file and pulling the path to the video from there and then deleting the text file later, this is a last resort however as I would like very much to use a command line hook instead. Please give me any suggestions or ideas and or samples of code.
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