ActionScript 3.0 :: Pass Back Info To Html / Asp?

Oct 7, 2009

Essentially, can one swf on a page pass info to another swf on the same page (ie swf1 --> jscript --> swf[2,3,4]  or swf1--> swf[2,3,4]??)

Given a web-page of somewhat standard design (menu options and a content area) where the menu options are individual swf is there a mechanism for letting the parent client know that a particular swf AS3 has received input?

Been puzzling this for a while. No F1 has turned up anything nor have general or forum searches. Didn't come across any output PARAMs (ala MS-SQL T-SQL). Did I miss them? NavigatetoURL() seemed possible but that either opened a new window (default) or using "_parent"  just wiped out the current window contents completely. Using _parent with <framesets> pretty much resulted in the same wipeout.

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<input type = "hidden" name = "LinkId" value


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function btnCheck(myevent:MouseEvent):Number {
if (input_txt.text == myTypeCheck) {


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Jun 13, 2009

I've created a very simple video player that I want to use with many different FLV files on my site. Rather than packaging SWF files with each FLV, I'd like to just design one SWF file and have the corresponding HTML file pass the URL of the FLV as a parameter to the SWF. I've read a lot about passing in parameters from HTML to SWF using AS3, and it seems pretty straightforward.  Here's an example of the code I created using Flash CS3 and ActionScript 3.0:
function loaderComplete(evt:Event):void {
//traceText.text = "Loaded";

Note that I'm using the variable "userName" to pass the parameter.  Eventually I'd use a variable like "movieURL" to convey the actual URL of the FLV file.  In any case, when I run the code, I get ... nothing!  Nothing but a blank text box.  Both the HTML and SWF files are on my local machine.
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testXML = new XML();
testXML.load(xmlurl);I tried every code I can find on the web and couldn't find a solution to get xmlurl
I tried var xmlurl:String = String(_root.loaderInfo.parameters.xmlurl); but it didn't work...
_global.xmlurl didn't work either
Here is my HTML:
<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" width="590" height="300" id="test" align="middle">
<param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" />
<param name="movie" value="test.swf?xmlurl=data.xml" />


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Feb 13, 2010

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var xmlFileToLoad:String;
var myQueryString:Object;


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Actionscript :: Pass HTML-DOM To Flex's?

Mar 16, 2010

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HTML :: How To Program AS To Pass Flashvars

Dec 23, 2010

I am really new at Flash. So I am trying to make a flash container that display Vimeo videos. Here is my actionscript.
var videoContainer:Sprite = new Sprite();
var moogaloop:Sprite; // the video player
var moogaplayer:*; // reference to the moogaloop api
var player_width :int = stage.stageWidth;
var player_height:int = stage.stageHeight;
[Code] .....
And I want to set the vidId by URL. For example: [URL]. And it doesn't work. It works fine if I set the video id in open ()

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Pass Variables To Class From HTML?

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HTML :: How To Pass Flashvars To Flex

Jul 26, 2011

As a PHP junior encountering Flex for the first time this scratches my brain for days. The flashvar contains the source of the video I want to play in the Flex video component. The HTML of the player looks like:

function createPlayer(videoSource){
document.writeln("<div id="player">");
document.writeln("<object width="489" height="414" FlashVars=""+videoSource+"">");
document.writeln("<param name="player" value="bin-debug/FlexPlayer.swf">");
document.writeln("<embed src="bin-debug/FlexPlayer.swf" name="player" width="489" height="414" FlashVars=""+videoSource+"">");

I tried to call the FlashVars in the FlexPlayer.mxml but it's not working. What I have to apply in the source in the mxml to access the FlashVars.
<s:VideoPlayer id="Player" left="0" top="0" width="497" height="414" skinClass="MySkin" source="FlashVars"/></s:Group>

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Pass Variables From Html?

Nov 23, 2005

How does one go about getting a variable from html into your flash movie via action script?

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Dec 13, 2009

I'm working on a project where the HTML in which my main SWF is embedded will be called with a couple of dynamic parameters, like this:PHP Code:how to get that parameter into my SWF?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Possible To Pass Value From TextField To HTML?

Apr 24, 2011

I have three objects on the stage, each of them holds different value. Then there is a text field. If, lets say one object is clicked textfield displays value of the object, if more objects are clicked on textfield displays the values of all objects counted together (I think you kind of know where I am coming from..

Now, after I have clicked on the objects I wanted, I would like the value of textfield to be passed to..possibly html form..Im not sure whether this can be done from the swf file, so was thinking that probably you can create a button that send the value somewhere, only dont know where and how..

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