ActionScript 2.0 :: Pass The Xml Info Through Php?

Dec 20, 2010

I have a flash as2 file which loads pictures into a thumbnail slider through an external xml file. when i try it out in my pc it works, images load perfectly and i can view the thumbnails, but when i contain the flash in a php and upload it, it stops working, the images never load.i guess flash has an issue trying to pass the xml info through php, i tried searching for compatibility issues but couldn't find anything concrete...

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Oct 7, 2009

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Additional Info In Dress Up Games?

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Sep 15, 2009

i am really trying to use AS3 but having many difficulties using common tasks that seemed straightforward before. i want to find out the totalframes of an SWF that has been externally loaded using the load method.[code]i tried using trace(ldr.totalframes) just to test it but continue to get errors when i do.

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Sep 25, 2009

Is there any way to fill in a dynamic text box in one movieclip if a checkbox from another movieclip on the main timeline is checked?If it is not checked, the dynamic text box would be blank.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: More Info On Using Drag And Drop?

May 10, 2010

I have coded a basic drag and drop using a rope .jpg saved as an mc. the idea is to have the user drag the rope from left to right using the mouse down and up functions. I was able to do this but I'm trying to add to the functionality by doing the following:
dragging limited to a certain amount per drag no dragging up or down just left to right set boundries within the screensize I've looked and could only find as2 and basic tutes on this


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