ActionScript 3.0 :: Getting Php Process Info?
Nov 30, 2009
I'm working with a php script that takes a really long time to process. Is it possible to get the process info to flash (as3)? I'm thinking that I could echo the process percent from php, but is it possible to read and use the values as the process is running
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Actionscript Code:
var scrollBarPercent = Math.round(scrollBar.dragger._y / [code]........
also onMouseWheel working too.I need a small bit of code that takes the % of info._y and moves the scrollBar dragger to the same % but in relation to the if projectGalleryPercent = 50%, make dragger._y 50% of Stage.height using scrollBarPercent.
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Here is the fade in/out script:
MovieClip.prototype.fade = function(dir:String, addInteger:Number, f):Void {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
//this.step = (dir == "in") ? 0 : 100;
this.step = this._alpha;
this.onEnterFrame = function():Void {
this.step = (dir == "in") ? this.step+addInteger : this.step-addInteger;
this._alpha = this.step;
if (((dir == "in") && this._alpha>=100) || ((dir == "out") && this._alpha<=0)) {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
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Apr 9, 2012
How do you call an AppleScript process from an AIR native process?
Background: I've created a script.scpt file and placed it in the root src directory of project.
I'm getting this error with what I have:
Error: Error #3219: The NativeProcess could not be started. 'launch path not accessible'
What I have:
var nativeProcessStartupInfo:NativeProcessStartupInfo = new NativeProcessStartupInfo();
var file:File = File.applicationDirectory.resolvePath("MyScript.scpt");
After that I passed the script file name as an argument. It also needs the working directory to be set to the directory of the script otherwise you get:
ERROR - osascript: script.scpt: No such file or directory
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Mar 19, 2010
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$allowed = new Array("", "");
if (!in_array($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $allowed)) header("HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden");
Both of those IP addresses point to my server. Things I'm worried about:
1) If I send a request from Flash/ActionScript, will that affect the IP address in any way?
2) Is it possible for malicious users to change the IP address that is being sent with REMOTE_ADDR to one of my IP addresses?
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Jan 10, 2011
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ResourceLoader.Instance.LoadXML("Config.xml"); ResourceLoader.Instance.LoadXML("GraphicsSet.xml");
Loader starts loading after first frameFunc iteration (why?) I want it to start immediatly.(optional)
And it starts loading only "GraphicsSet.xml"
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Jul 31, 2011
I create a Flex Desktop App by Flex builder 4. I want to log some debug info into a file , named by process id
//var pid:int = NativeApplication.nativeApplication.getPid() ??
var logFile:String = "/var/log/MyApp_"+pid+".log";
Is these any API to get pid in Flex/ActionScript3?
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Aug 30, 2011
I am trying to make an AIR application, that needs to pass an image (.jpg/.png) to a C++ app, that does number crunching.(this needs to be done very often, like every 2-3 seconds.) I've managed to pass the image by saving it to disk via AIR, then opening this file with the C++ program (and passing the filename as an argument to the C++ program), but this method is really slow, because it involves lots of disk I/O.
Is there a method to send an image directly to a native process?
Edit: There is a good Flash-C++ communication example at [URL] using sockets. The big problem with this method is, that some firewall settings can block the communication (i get a windows firewall warning, when i start the app).
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Oct 27, 2009
I have a project on which is going to involve me building thousands of flash banners.Which means I want to automate the process as much as possible. Each flash ad, is going to be exactly the same, apart from one word. So, what I want to do is the following:
- list 1,000 different words in my database
- Have flash pull one word from the database (php)
- Change the default text in the fla to the new word.
- then publish the swf, but naming the swf the word from the batabase.
- then repeat the process for the 2nd word in the list.
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Dec 6, 2009
i'm currently develop a flash map for navigation the problems is i dunno how to write the code to calculate the distance with using a red dot to show the navigation process... e.g From Top shop(obj A) to H&M shop(obj B)(use code to load the process by move the red dot),but how do i write the code to multiple access to different place such as obj C ,and etc... or Obj B to obj A.
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May 21, 2009
Currently I'm working with Flash CS3 but can upgrade to 4 . . .I'm wondering if there is a way to speed up the process of animating certain things. For instance, if I make an animated subject and then want to make ten or twenty from the same template with the same objects, but each object will follow a different animated path in the new animation, i. e., in the new swf file.
Should I rely on using code to animate objects? I'm trying to avoid repeatedly dragging the same movie clips from the library to the timeline and setting tweening each time. Sometimes I need to do this action 50 or 60 times per animation, and it's the same two or three movie clips each time--it's very tedious. Also, each animated movie clip must be in sync with music . . .
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Dec 7, 2009
I have a movie clip on stage with several other movie clips inside of it. How do I refer to each child so I might do stuff to it? I have done it once before by name, but I'd rather not rely on names:
private function setUpHotSpots():void {
// loop through all the hot spots, hide them, and assign event handlers
var i:int;
var numberOfHotSpots:int = hotSpots_mc.numChildren;
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Jul 12, 2010 friis Multi-threading or Background process possible in Flash(as3)..?
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Feb 21, 2011
Used the following code in a real life demo. I clicked the button, SaveAs dialog displayed, I chose to say the file in the Documents folder.Went to open the file, and got a message saying it was in use with another process. Restarted my computer, was now able to open the file. However the file is empty. It should have some text that I put in there - how can text vanish from a file? By simple downloading it.
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Mar 17, 2011
This is something I've now tried for several weeks. I know it can be done because I see the swf files but after an all nighter and this being the third time that I've revisited this figure it's about time to ask the pro's.
How does one have calculations or conversions happen instantly as values are entered? No submit button, no enter, just as they type. So if they entered 1 in input box one then obviously nothing will happen but uppon entering data in the second I want the results text field to display the answer. So basically an eventlistener but not listening to a button but rather the input text field.
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May 17, 2011
I am wondering what values should I put in the Process tag of Application.xml considering my application. I've done some studies but I am still unsure and would like some expert opinion To help you help me : I have a video chat application that comes with a contact list, so think skype on the web.
I set a RollerOver because sometimes RTMFP crashes on my server, and by putting the RollOver it seems to help, by re-newing the core process. However when clients are connected before the rollover, then they will not see their friends going online after the rollover which sucks.
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Nov 25, 2011
All I want, is to have a button (play_but) to start the process. I want to get rid of the enter frame business. I tried, but I had to click every time the button to draw the line. I just want to click the button once and have my line plotted.
var xspeed:Number = 2;
var yspeed:Number = -2;
var xpos:Number = 0;
var ypos:Number = stage.stageHeight;
graphics.lineStyle (2, 0xffffff);
[Code] .....
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Dec 12, 2010
I want to create a flash swf file that will store a token in Local Shared Object. What do I need to do to read that token and look it up in the database on the back end? Is this possible at all?
here is a possible scenario:
User visits my web page A token is generated on the server and stored in the database Token is then saved in LSO User leaves the site (maybe shuts down his computer) and comes back later Token is read, located in the database and the user is recognized (lets say that token is a foreign key that links to other user data stored in the db)
I researched this for quite a while and all I find is that flash can use LSO to store read data for flash movie... Does this mean that the data can not be accessed by the server?
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Jan 10, 2011
I'm using HaXe to make a few simple SWFs for RTMP video streaming. Everything is working great, but what I'd really like to do is tokenize a few properties so that the SWFs are compiled with environment specific properties ALA Ant.
I've poked around in documentation and on forum posts and can't see how to do this, though I'm sure it's possible. anyone point me in the right direction?
Note: I considered using flashvars and managing the address in the web application, but that seems less efficient. If that's the better way to handle this please explain why.
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Sep 6, 2011
It could run a native process in an adobe air application by enable extendedDesktop.
But if create an flex library, does it support running an native process. If yes, how to configure it?
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Oct 11, 2011
I'm looking for suggestions regarding implementing process flow / work flow management in a PureMVC based application. Our Flex application includes a number of processes such as account creation, payment processing, etc. Within our team, there is some discussion of how rigidly we should adhere to the PureMVC model. Within the PureMVC model, it seems reasonable that the current state in the process could be managed in a Proxy. Commands are clearly responsible for processing the actions required of each node and for node transitions. Mediators for managing the UI.
However, I think that there is an important bit still missing here: a ProcessController. The approaches we've reviewed all seem to either violate the PureMVC model (even just slightly) or make unreadable code. A proxy would maintain the state of the process. As such, it seems to be an appropriate way to implement the controller. However, this is putting a lot of business logic into the proxy.
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Mar 6, 2012
How can we speed up the process of loading hundred's of images in as3? it seams to be taking a very long time to load 100's of images.
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