ActionScript 3.0 :: Get The Info To The Class But Get It Out?
Oct 31, 2010
From the main class I call a function from another class and give it 20 variables to work with. That class does the math and gives me the 4 variables I need but how do I have the main class read these? Do I use a return function or getters and setters?
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var scrollBarPercent = Math.round(scrollBar.dragger._y / [code]........
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Sep 16, 2010
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Nov 17, 2010
In my document class I have the following.
var mainBoards:LoadXMLData = new LoadXMLData("Main_boards.xml");
var test:XML = mainBoards.getXMLData;
In the LoadXMLData class I have an event listener and a getter that will return the XML data.
_urlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onDataLoaded);
_urlLoader.load(new URLRequest(file));
is there a better way to wait until the data from the XML is loaded into the LoadXMLData object before the mainBoards.getXMLData is assigned to the test variable in my document class?
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Feb 3, 2011
I've been doing a game that requires to drag some pictures into containers... that's all great.... but at the same time, I have to be able to obtain info from them (a pop up) when i click them.I've tried using CLICK and MOUSE_DOWN on the EventListeners, but everytime I drag the object, when I release it, the pop up shows.
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Mar 16, 2011
The programming/developer manuals tell us this: >In order to have a display object appear in the display list, you must add it to a display object container that is on the display list.<
But, they (intentially or not) fail to tell us how to add a display object container to the display list.
The following code renders a blank screen (nothing gets displayed):
var tf1:TextField = new TextField();var tf2:TextField = new TextField(); = "text 1"; = "text 2";var container1:Sprite = new Sprite();var container2:Sprite = new Sprite();container1.addChild(tf1);container1.addChild(tf2);container2.addChild(tf1);
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Dec 2, 2011
need a code to get car info by writing its licese plate number.
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