Flash :: Getting Swf Version Info?
Apr 6, 2011
In FlashBuilder's compiler options (Properties->Flex Compiler), under "Adobe Flash Player options" there is an option for "Use a specific version", where you can tell it what Flash Player to link against:
How do I get this value at runtime? Note that I am not talking about the Flash Player version, but the version that the swf was linked against.
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Sep 30, 2010
I am trying to work with a flash application in windows CE.
the folder containing the files has several .swf files in it. We'll call two of them abc1.swf and abc2.swf.
I have created two html pages which when viewed on my PC open up either file and view it just fine.
<object width="550" height="400">
<param name="movie" value="abc1.swf">
However, when I copy the directory to my windows CE 6.0 R3 device, the page that opens abc2.swf shows correctly. But the page that is supposed to open abc1.swf just shows a blank white area.
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I've been told that the flash player built into Windows CE 6.0 R3 is only capable of supporting flash v8 or less. I suspect that perhaps the issue with abc.swf could be that it was built with a newer version of flash such as v9 or v10.
Is there any way for me to tell which version of flash a given .swf file requires using only freely available tools? Or, does anyone have any other theories about what would cause abc1.swf to work on my PC but not on my windows CE device?
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How can I detect which flash version a browser is using with javascript?
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Nov 3, 2011
Is it possible to read the SWF version of a loaded SWF into a main one?
var mcl:Loader = new Loader();
mcl.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, prepareDisplay(mcl));
mcl.load (new URLRequest ('movie.swf'));
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Feb 8, 2012
I want to get my clients current Flash version.I've managed to get IF the clients computer supports Flash, but not what version he/she has installed.!
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
if ($.browser.flash == true)
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Sep 12, 2006
I thought I would share a little script i just wrote that lets me find out what users have flash 8 and what users don't. I'm using it on People with Flash 8+ will have pngs loaded, and everyone else will see jpgs on white backgroundsI know this isnt a "version checker" per say but it will at least tell you who doesnt have flash player 8.
function checkVersion() {
var v = new flash.filters.BlurFilter(1, 1);
return (v ? 8 : 7);
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Mar 27, 2009
I am using Flash CS4 and the new 3d tool, so need to publish my SWF for Flash player 10.The problem I am having is that when I view the SWF on machines with Flash player 9 it obviously doesn't work. It would be nice if only the 3d didn't work, but none of the actionscript works, so my files loops ad infinitum.I'm sure many people have had this problem (and it seems to me a bit of a lack of foresight from Adobe).I have found some JS code to detect whether the user has flash or not and then display flash or an image, but I would like to detect if they have flash and which version it is, and then display either an image (if no flash) or a Flash 9 SWF or a Flash 10 SWF.
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Sep 18, 2009
I've just got back to webbydesign and Flash after a long break! I'm bit concerned about the fact that many public computers do not have updated Flash player in their browsers and therefore can't show content designed with CS4 correctly, or at all!
I can't check this myself right now, but if I select ie. Flash version 8 in publish settings using Flash CS4, will this disable all version 10 functionality while designing my site? As far as i know, v10 supports 3D and whatnot fancies, that I don't need atleast for now.
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Dec 4, 2010
I have created a flash aplication and need to make a HTML version for people who dont have flash, I found this method on the internet [URL] but dont wish to use it as i dont want seperate pages and the delay caused by 2 loads and the time taken for the script to activate. I would rather detect the absence of flash anddisplay the HTML if and only if flash is absent If the flash was a JS i would just use the noscript taghow can this be done for flash?
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Nov 25, 2011
I've just stumbled upon a case when Flash app freezes in production Flash Player and works smoothly in a debug version. It doesn't throw any errors or exceptions. Has anyone ever encountered anything like this? Why is it happening or how one is supposed to debug in such case?And a side question - what exactly is different in debug version from internal point of view? Any good writeup on the topic?
UPDATE:I didn't mention, but the trouble is with Flash Player 11, it probably matters, cause Flash Player 10 doesn't have any problems with the same code.
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