ActionScript 3.0 :: Get Computer Name Or Some Other Info?
Oct 23, 2010
I would like to know if theres anyway to get the computer name or some other unique computer information to make a computer unique and I save that info in my database.
I got a new computer several days ago and it doesn't have Flash 8 or Higher. how to transfer Flash 8 programs from my old computer to my new computer? where to find free downloads of Flash 8 or higher?
I'm not really good with AS3 yet so maybe somebody can help meI found a pong game tutorial and it works fine.[code]Now I want that two computers play against eachother.So no player input only two computer that play.I tried a lot with the script but it doesn't work.
I have some scrolling content (info). I've also made my own scroll bar.I want the scrollBar dragger to be positioned in relation to the info._y as the user scrolls info.I have created two vars: one that worsk out where info._y is as a percentage and the other that works out where the scroll._y dragger should be as a percentage...
Actionscript Code: var scrollBarPercent = Math.round(scrollBar.dragger._y / [code]........
also onMouseWheel working too.I need a small bit of code that takes the % of info._y and moves the scrollBar dragger to the same % but in relation to the if projectGalleryPercent = 50%, make dragger._y 50% of Stage.height using scrollBarPercent.
The navigation buttons in my .fla file are set to the font, Arial MT in Bold. It displays no problem on my desktop computer. However, when I view the website on my laptops, the font changes to what looks to be something like Times New Roman. The same thing happens with my "Read More" button text. It's also originally in Arial MT Bold. On my desktop it appears fine but on my 2 laptops it appears to be in Times New Roman. This is more of an issue because I have these buttons underlined. When viewing in my laptops, these underlines appear to be too long. If I shorten it, it'll probably appear to be too short when I view on my desktop. How can I get the font to be one consistent font for all computers?
I have set up a splash page video (flv) set up as a FLVplayback. It all works fine from my computer. When I try and link it to my website flv file it comes up as an error code...error opening URL. The link is set up as...[URL]
Just out of curiosity, we were talking in our Calc class about Taylor Polynomials, and the teacher suggested maybe that is how a calculator/computer takes the sine of a number. Does any one know where I can go and see how the computer finds the sine of a number?
BTW I checked the Math class included in flash and it says its a "intrinsic class Math" and this is the function that defines sin = "static function sin(value:Number):Number;" What does that mean?
Oncomputer everything looks great, when I a song to play i loads andstarts playing + visual spectrum analyzer starts "working".Everything great so far. The problems occur when I upload exportedfile (swf) on The progress bar starts to glitch(preloader works great but visuali it starts to glitch), and thatspectrum analyzer doesn''t even play. Does someone have the sameproblems (upload different from exported)?
I have the student edition of adobe flash cs3 and I currently have it installed on my desktop. I was wondering if it is legal to also install it on my labtop. It is for personal use, I don't know if that changes anything. I'm sure this is somewhere on the adobe site, but I can't seem to find it.
I made a swf that is heavy on graphics, it works great if the computer is good. But for the older, slower computers I'm hoping there is as3 code that can detect if the playback rate or quality is being compromsed due to processor overload? I'd like to use it in an "if" function that removes some of the uneccessary graphics when it finds the computer can't handle them all.
when I accidentally deleted an Adobe Flash 10 Plugin that she needed to play a part of her computer game. Her computer is not hooked up to the internet. Is there a way I can put the plugin on a jump drive and transfer it properly from my computer to hers?
When swf file shows up on a computer as an unknown file, does that mean the computer doesn't have flash player? Or do I need to change my publish settings?
Using Migration Assistant on my mac I transferred all my files to another computer. All the other Adobe programs are starting up no problem (Photoshop, Illustrator, etc.) When I try to start up Flash CS4, it just freezes with the message "copying first run files.." and then it crashes.
I don't have the install discs unfortunately (or I would try to re-install) because this was given to me by a company I work for remotely.
I've created my own Workspace definition in Flash CS4 with all the windows arranged just the way I like them. How can I copy this Workspace definition to another computer so I can have the same environment to work in? I've looked in the C:Program Files (x86)AdobeAdobe Flash CS4CommonConfigurationWorkspace folder and all I see are files for the default Workspace definitions (Classic.xml, Designer.xml etc.); unfortunately, I don't see a file for my new definition. Was hoping I could just find an xml file for my new definition and copy it another computer.
What do I have to do to transfer a flash video to another computer. I published HTML to my usb stick and installed on another computer. When I run the file, the buttons dont work. All they do is flash. When the file is on my original computer, everything works fine.
I am trying to save a flv file on my computer from my address on web. Will be an air applicattion that will pick this url from xml and do a URLRequest and save the file on my machine.
I did a code that save the file with the right name, but when I will play this files don't work. Neither on abobe media player.[code]...
In C++ I Can Read The MAC Address Of The NIC and Use It To Generate A Unique Identifier For Each Computer That Interacts With My Web Service. Even If The User Deletes Their Cookies, And Temporary Internet Files, Reformats Their HardDrive And Installs A Different Version Of Windows, That Computer Still Generates The Same Unique ID.How Can I Create Such A Unique Key Using Flex Or Air? The Number Has To Be Either Hardware Based Or Similarly Tamper Resistant.
I am using some simple ActionScript to load an XML file and then populate some things in my .swf from the elements and attributes. I have implemented a simple interval which calls a function to reload the XML file every 30 seconds, so that whatever is new in the XML is reflected in the swf almost immediately. The problem is that in Firefox and IE, the .swf doesn't update. If I edit my swf with Flash and then manually change the XML file it successfully shows the new changes when the re-loading is called, but for some reason this only works successfully inside Flash CS3 and not when viewing the swf in a web browser. Do I need to do something different? My code is below
I am currently building an animated intro page for a website and have built a preloader for it following the Preloading in ActionScript3 tutorial. When I test my movie and simulate the download, all works perfectly. However after uploading it onto the the web to test it out, I encountered a problem. The page just remains static, with the percentage stuck on 100 and the main content swf doesn't load. Here is a link to this page causing me grief, [URL]
what code would be used to be able to open a file from your computer from a flash program i created? i want to make a media player and i have to learn the code to be able to load the song or what ever it may be from my computer.
Im trying to create a dynamic text typing effect that will type the text from a variable like a computer with a cursor in front of the text.There's a dynamic textbox with variable field on stagecursor is a blinking rectangular movie clip designed to precede the text.Here's the code I got so far:
how Pandora detects when your computer has been inactive for a certain period of time, without even being an active window. I can have it running the background for hours but the moment I walk away from my computer for a half an hour, the music stops.