ActionScript 3.0 :: Passing URL Variables Into Flash Using FlashVars And SWFObject

Mar 17, 2011

This is the accompanying thread for the tutorial "Passing URL variables into Flash using FlashVars and SWFObject".

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Actionscript 3 :: Get Multiple Flashvars Variables Into Flash (not Using Swfobject)

Jun 22, 2010

I'm rebuilding this embedable player for a client of mine, the video file URL and a couple of other variables are in the HTML as Flashvars. I suspect something is wrong with the code that looks for the flashvars.

The top part showing the green box is where the player didn't load because it was unable to obtain the Flashvars form the HTML. The player below has the Flashvars string hardcoded into the player so it works.

I believe the problem lies somewhere below Perhaps something wrong with the way I'm trying to pull in the Flashvars?

// LIVE Embedded
//vidURL = stage.loaderInfo.parameters.fvar;
vidURL = this.loaderInfo.parameters.fvar;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Passing Flashvars Using Swfobject?

Oct 5, 2008

i'm trying to pass flashvars using swfobject


<script language="JavaScript">
var flashSrc = '/media/calendar.swf';


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flashvars And Passing Variables From HTML To Flash (CS4)?

May 12, 2010

I am working on creating a Flash menu that, depending on the page calling the swf file, will show a specific frame just for that page.  It works almost perfectly except for the very first time you access the swf during a given browser session.  If you refresh the browser window, it will start working just fine after that as long as you stay in that same window.Incidentally, this is only for IE.  It won't work at all in Firefox.  It pulls the first set of frames, which is a template menu for one of the departments.The HTML code providing the variables:
*********************START HTML CODE*******************************
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> AC_FL_RunContent(  'codebase', ' rsion=10,0,0,0',  'width', '150',  'height', '500',  'src', 'flash/ucfshsunitmenu',  'quality', 'high',  'pluginspage', '',  'align', 'middle',  'play', 'true',  'loop', 'true',  'scale', 'showall',  'wmode', 'window',  'devicefont', 'false',  'id', 'flash/ucfshsunitmenu',  'bgcolor', '#000000',  'name', 'flash/ucfshsunitmenu', 


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Flash :: Pass PHP Variable As FlashVars Via SWFObject

May 24, 2010

I am trying to take a PHP variable and pass it along to Flash via Flash vars. My end goal is to pass a string formatted as XML to Flash, but because I'm struggling I've stripped everything down to the basics. I'm just trying to pass a simple PHP string variable to Flash via FlashVars with SWFObject but something isn't right. The page won't load when I try to pass the variable inside of php tags, but it will load if I just pass a hard coded string. The basic structure of my page is that I have some PHP declared at the top like so:[code]How do I pass a PHP variable using SWFObject and FlashVars?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Flashvars With SWFObject Doesnt Work?

Dec 9, 2010

I've tried to send some parameters to my flash app by flashvars. Unfortunently, it doesnt work. To embde flash I'm using SWFObject 2.2. I also use lib SWFAddress 2.4 (I'm stating this, because I've heard that some versions of swfobject and swfaddress are not compatible).Here is my html code:

HTML Code:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: FlashVars And SwfObject?

Apr 21, 2011

I want to pass flashVars to my swf file via swfObject. I used every sample and codes I found on the internet and swfObject documentation.When I use simple html embed code it works fine but when I use swf object it just return null values.send me a working sample of swfObject sending flashVars to swf (AS3)

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Javascript :: Xml File As Flashvars In SWFobject?

Jul 22, 2010

I have a flash file with an xml file as flashvars. when I use this code it works in every browser, but not in IE 7 or higher.

OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
WIDTH="530" HEIGHT="410" id="usa_locator" ALIGN="">[code]....

After reading a lot, SWFObject seem to be a good option. All u need to do is:

1- Include swfobject.js in header

2- Create an empty div for the flash object to be included

<div id="myContent">
<p>Alternative content</p>

The only problem I have is: I don't know how to pass the flashvars via a url for an xml file. It seems to me that SWFObject does not support this. Instead, you need to create a list of flashvars as

var flashvars = {
name1: "hello",
name2: "world",[code]....

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Javascript :: Swfobject: How To Use The Flashvars Attribute

Jul 26, 2011

this is the code i'm working with right now:


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Actionscript 3.0 :: Looping Through Swfobject Flashvars

May 30, 2009

I have a flashvar on my html page which is currently being sent to my .swf file which is working fine. I now want to add multiple flashvars, but I'm having a tough time trying to access them in a loop. The idea is to have it working something similar to how a for in or each loop would work so that I can call the flashvar, and get the values of all flashvars.[code]I'd like to have all of the content in my var_txt textfield.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Pass Flashvars Using Swfobject

Dec 19, 2007

I have a flash component calling an external xml file configurable via the component inspector (I mean the location of the xml file). What I need is to pass the xml location as a flashvar variable from the html code. When I debug my flash, I can see the xml variable as Variable _level0. myBook.extXML = "URL...So, I am trying to add the flashvar to swfobject as so.addParam("flashVars","extXML=sample.xml"); //any xml what i need.It does not work and does not pass the variable.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flashvars With SWFObject Doesnt Work?

Dec 9, 2010

I've tried to send some parameters to my flash app by flashvars. Unfortunently, it doesnt work. To embde flash I'm using SWFObject 2.2. I also use lib SWFAddress 2.4 (I'm stating this, because I've heard that some versions of swfobject and swfaddress are not compatible).


I've tried many solutions and read many tutorial or forumposts, but I havent found any that solves my problem.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Flashvars Defined In SwfObject?

Jun 3, 2010

I have never used flashVars, even in AS2, but the project I'm working on requires that I use since my client is going to use dynamic urls defined as expressions and he wants to have control without having to edit a fla file. I have read a lot of tutorials and can't seem to come up with a solution. Basically what I want is to load my Flashvars defined in swfObject, each one holding an expression, for example:


How will I accomplish the same thing in as3? I know you have to get flashVars using .loaderInfo but that as far as i got.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Reading Multiple Flashvars In Swfobject Embed Code

Aug 28, 2009

This code is giving me undefined. I have 3 flashvars in the swfobject embed code in the HTML document. How do I fix this?[code]

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Actionscript 3 :: FlashVars Without SWFObject Doesn't Work For Pure Project

Sep 2, 2011

This has been driving me nuts. I've worked with SWFObject in the past which is great. However I have a requirement not to use JavaScript. So when I try to do flashvars examples all over the net, they don't seem to work for me. Steps to repeat:

1) Create a pure AS3 project using Flex or Flash Builder

2) In the index.html wherever there is a .swf, add a name value pair suffix.

3) In the constructor of the main class Sprite, trace(

Expected: bar but traces out as undefined I've tried setTimeout() to evaluate 5 seconds in the future, still doesn't work as if it's not loaded at all.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Passing Dynamic Xml To Flashvars And Then To Flash

May 28, 2009

I want to know which is more effective to use in terms of passing values to flashvars.I have a dynamically created XML on the fly that will be assigned to a flashvar.I am planning to assign a whole xmldoc to the basically includes all the tags as in the whole xmlobject..and then i'll use this var to be able to display it on a carousel like image gallery.. Basically the content is all dynamic.Is it more preferrable to accept the XML PATH or the whole XML DOCUMENT for the flashvars?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Passing Parameters To Flash But Not Using FlashVars?

Feb 9, 2009

how can i get values of parameters name1 and name2 in embed tag as following HTML code using AS 3.0 but not using FlashVars (because of i need to suite with all embed code of older version AS 2.0)

HTML Code:
<embed src="" quality="high" bgcolor="#000000" width="320" height="240" name="myflash.swf" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" allowFullScreen="true"


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Passing Server Data Into Flash With FlashVars?

Nov 23, 2004

I'm trying to do a Christmas Calendar in Flash. I'm using buttons for the 24 days, that I want to activate depending on the date. Since I can't count on clientcomputers having the correct date set I want to use the date from the server and pass it into Flash. Now I found out on the Macromedia website, that you can use FlashVars as a ActiveX Parameter to pass values into Flash. So far so good. How do i address the variable in Flash then? Using a syntax like this PHPode:FlashVars="datum=DAY_OF_MONTH" //DAY_OF_MONTH holds the date I get from the serverin my html file, that's calling the .swf I should be able to simply use datum as a variable in Flash. However that doesn't seem to work

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Php :: Use SWFObject To Embed A Flash Object In Page And Pass Variables

Feb 28, 2011

i am wanting to know how much I can be sure that users of my website will not be able to pass bogus variables to my Flash movie. Basically I will have some features available to certain users and I realise that for the average user they will not know anything about how to send spoof vars but is it possible for someone to change the variables sent using SWFObject when a page loads and thus be able to use the functionality that I am trying to disable for them.I have a PHP (my_flash_movie.php) page that calls a function from an included globals.php file to determine if the user can see the restricted functionality is_ user_a_subscriber($_SESSION['user_id']); which returns 1 or 0. This 1 or 0 is then passed to Flash which enables or disables certain features. I dont want someone to be able to send a 1 instead of a 0 basically. This isnt a site where security is critical and the functionality that is disabled is not really critical either so wouldnt be too bad if this happened but im just curious about this and wondering if I should think of another way to pass these vars that might be more hidden.

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Php :: Javascript - Send Variables To Flash Using Flashvars?

Jun 3, 2011

I have a flash player embedded on page page.php?user=john using swfobject. The player calls the xml file content.php to get the results. I'm trying to get the user name from the url id. and fetch results based on that. I can get the username on page.php by doing $_GET['user'], but how can i pass that to content.php. Having read allot of articles online, i did the following,I'm embedding the flash on page.php using swfobject like this

<script type="text/javascript">
var flashvars = {user:"<?php $_GET[user] ?>"};
var so = new SWFObject("<?php echo $index->CFG['site']['url'];?>preview2.swf", "sotester",

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Passing Nested Objects Through Swfobject?

Dec 3, 2009

is it possible to send native nested objects to flash via swfobject? i am trying this right now without luck:

PHP Code:

var flashvars = {event1:{eventid:"145",title:"event 1",toggle:["thistha","timestart"]},
event2:{eventid:"145",title:"event 1",toggle:["thistha","timestart"]},
event3:{eventid:"145",title:"event 1",toggle:["thistha","timestart"]}}


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ActionScript 2.0 :: SwfObject - Passing Current Location In JSP?

Sep 25, 2009

We're seeking to pass current location within an environment to our SWF which is dynamically loading an XML file. Our movie is playing in a webSphere environment using (JSP). We need something that passes a value from the calling embed script into the SWF with either the swfObject embed code. It does not work without a literal path.

HTML Code:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Passing Flashvars From Swf To Swf

Sep 7, 2008

I used almost two weeks to search the Web how to pass some variable/parameter/Flashvar from one swf to another.I have a main swf file, let's call it "main.swf" and here in AS3 I'll call "comonent.swf" with some parameters.All this is easy if I call the component.swf from HTML, but I have to call it from another swf file.[code]My problem is that this doesn't work of course - the method in "getSwfParam" is only tuned to get the parameters if it's coming from the URL string from the HTML page. I can't use "component.swf?age=23" in my call from the main.swf, because it'll confuse AS3 to think that the wole string.IS THE flash file.I tried localconnection and sharedobject too, but I just can't get the sender and receiver part to work together.I only need to send some short codes to my component.swf to tell what it should do.Now I begin to question if it is possible it was in AS2, but now the _root is gone and everything got so d.

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Professional :: Passing Image With Flashvars?

Oct 22, 2010

I have created a flash e-card for the organization i work for.
This will be passed to another web company who will allow users to upload images that will then render in the card.
What parameters do i need to write or use?

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Xml :: Passing An Xml URL As Flashvars Which Contains The Path Of The Flv Video ?

Jun 14, 2011

We are using a flash video player. In that we are passing an xml URL as Flashvars which contains the path of the flv video to be played in that player. This works fine when we are uploading to the test server. But we have a development sever which is accessed by an ip address. Whenever any ip address xml URL is sent to the flash, it is not playing the video.When we use domain_name/video_player it is working fine and xml file is loadingBut when we use ip_address_of_domain/video_player, XML is not loading Seems to be really strange

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Actionscript 3 :: Passing A QueryString Value Using FlashVars

Feb 24, 2012

I'm unclear on the proper format for passing a QueryString Value using FlashVars, this is what I'm trying <param name="FlashVars" value="part=<%= Request.QueryString["part"] %>" /> but this causes a parse/encode error and the swf doesnt load, same if I use single quotes ie <param name="FlashVars" value="part=<%= Request.QueryString['part'] %>" />

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading A Second SWF, Passing FlashVars

Jun 25, 2009

I needed to write a very small SWF that would load a second SWF, passing all FlashVars to it. In searching for how to do this, I found bits and pieces, but nothing complete. So, in case this is useful for someone else:

ActionScript Code:
public class MyPlayerLoader extends Sprite


Basically, this packages up all passed in FlashVars into a URL and loads it. There is one FlashVars that isn't passed, and is identified by SWF_TO_LOAD_PROPERTY. If in the FlashVars, that identifies the SWF to load. If not present, DEFAULT_SWF_TO_LOAD is used instead.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Passing More Than One Argument With FlashVars?

Sep 28, 2009

I had been trying finding a way to passing more than one arguments using FlashVars. Below is the snippet of HTML code, using this parameter:

HTML Code:
<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000"


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Passing Flashvars Into Loaded Swf?

Oct 28, 2010

My swf requires the path to an xml file in order to run. Currently this is passed in from html as a FlashVar using swfobject.But - in certain situations, the swf will be loaded by another swf. How do I pass in FlashVars using a Loader?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Passing FlashVars To Swf From Html?

Mar 16, 2007

So I'm building a Flash/HTML hybrid website that uses a Flash navigation. Within the index.html file there is an Iframe that loads the different pages of content. I used this method so the whole page didn't have to refresh only the content being loaded.

Well I have some buttons on the inner pages that will redirect to other inner pages. The problem with this is the Flash navigation is still stuck on the old page. The Flash nav says you're on the home page while the content being displayed is the about page. Get it?

I've looked into some articles on using FlashVars but it doesn't really apply to my site because of the Iframe.

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