Actionscript 3 :: FlashVars Without SWFObject Doesn't Work For Pure Project

Sep 2, 2011

This has been driving me nuts. I've worked with SWFObject in the past which is great. However I have a requirement not to use JavaScript. So when I try to do flashvars examples all over the net, they don't seem to work for me. Steps to repeat:

1) Create a pure AS3 project using Flex or Flash Builder

2) In the index.html wherever there is a .swf, add a name value pair suffix.

3) In the constructor of the main class Sprite, trace(

Expected: bar but traces out as undefined I've tried setTimeout() to evaluate 5 seconds in the future, still doesn't work as if it's not loaded at all.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flashvars With SWFObject Doesnt Work?

Dec 9, 2010

I've tried to send some parameters to my flash app by flashvars. Unfortunently, it doesnt work. To embde flash I'm using SWFObject 2.2. I also use lib SWFAddress 2.4 (I'm stating this, because I've heard that some versions of swfobject and swfaddress are not compatible).


I've tried many solutions and read many tutorial or forumposts, but I havent found any that solves my problem.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Flashvars With SWFObject Doesnt Work?

Dec 9, 2010

I've tried to send some parameters to my flash app by flashvars. Unfortunently, it doesnt work. To embde flash I'm using SWFObject 2.2. I also use lib SWFAddress 2.4 (I'm stating this, because I've heard that some versions of swfobject and swfaddress are not compatible).Here is my html code:

HTML Code:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: FlashVars Doesn't Work

Sep 16, 2010

I created an app that works with Twitter, it works that way: One person keeping watching the search with some word. When she found one post that is relevant she send a message to the person, this message is a ad from the company that is my client.

On the message have one link that send the user to our website, using the GET function on PHP. It send the nick and the avatar of the person who received the message. It's working fine until here.On my website i received the two variables (id and avatar) and send to flash using this:

<param name="FlashVars" value="foto=<?php echo $foto;?>" />

but i also tried this:

<param name="FlashVars" value="&foto=<?php echo $foto;?>" />
<param name="FlashVars" value="&foto=<?php echo $foto;?>&" />

I read that is important to put this on the embebed tag, like this:

FlashVars="foto=<?php echo $foto;?>"

On my file in flash i tried a lot of options, but nothing works, the last ones are:



But booth returned: "undefined" I'm PHP developer, so I don't have any skill on action script.

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Professional :: Project Doesn't Work In Full Screen

Feb 12, 2011

I´m working on a project for a presentation, but there is a weird bug...When I test the project in Flash, it works properly, but when I open the .exe or .swf file in my pc, it apparently does not work.The proyect is set to be in full screen, but while testing the .exe, if I press (ESC) to leave full screen mode, then it works perfect!
I need my proyect to be full screen, so removing that feature is not an option.The bug makes my proyect to stop in a frame, but if I press ESC, I can see that the project never stoped, and it's in the frame that it should be.I uploaded my proyect so you can download it if you want and help me. It weighs 3Mb, and contains a video.[URL]

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var swfVersionStr="10.0.0";
var xiSwfUrlStr="playerProductInstall.swf";
var flashvars={};


Why isn't the transparency of the Flash background occuring?

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Can't answer my own question but it seems the feature is just unsupported on the desktop I guess the workaround is use Stage.Resize when debugging desktop. reference: The window represents the native operating system window; the Stage represents the content contained by the window. This property is only valid for content running in AIR on platforms that support the NativeWindow class. On other platforms, this property will be null. In Flash Player (content running in a browser), this property will also be null.

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Actionscript 3 :: Embed Flex-based Swf Into Pure Project?

May 17, 2011

I'm working on a AS3 project that required a lot of UI, since Flex was used for time-saving for this part we ended up having a Flex Project (UI) and pure AS3 one (All BackEnd) or, in other words, two different .swf files.Currently I can successfully comunicate both of them using a common interface and by loading the UI .swf into the AS3 .swf using a Loader class:

var loader:Loader = new Loader();
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("CustomUIModule.swf");

The actual code contains listeners for SystemManagerHandler so Flex doesn't complain.Since we are delivering two different files it is not really practical whenever we release a build of the project. For this case the meta tag [Embed] seems to be a better way to achieve this (With no satisfactory results to date).

With the above information (hopefully I made myself clear enough) what would be the best approach to ultimately generate a single swf? Or how should we properly implement the [Embed] tag for Flex swf?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: FlashVars And SwfObject?

Apr 21, 2011

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Javascript :: Xml File As Flashvars In SWFobject?

Jul 22, 2010

I have a flash file with an xml file as flashvars. when I use this code it works in every browser, but not in IE 7 or higher.

OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
WIDTH="530" HEIGHT="410" id="usa_locator" ALIGN="">[code]....

After reading a lot, SWFObject seem to be a good option. All u need to do is:

1- Include swfobject.js in header

2- Create an empty div for the flash object to be included

<div id="myContent">
<p>Alternative content</p>

The only problem I have is: I don't know how to pass the flashvars via a url for an xml file. It seems to me that SWFObject does not support this. Instead, you need to create a list of flashvars as

var flashvars = {
name1: "hello",
name2: "world",[code]....

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Javascript :: Swfobject: How To Use The Flashvars Attribute

Jul 26, 2011

this is the code i'm working with right now:


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Actionscript 3.0 :: Looping Through Swfobject Flashvars

May 30, 2009

I have a flashvar on my html page which is currently being sent to my .swf file which is working fine. I now want to add multiple flashvars, but I'm having a tough time trying to access them in a loop. The idea is to have it working something similar to how a for in or each loop would work so that I can call the flashvar, and get the values of all flashvars.[code]I'd like to have all of the content in my var_txt textfield.

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I have a flash component calling an external xml file configurable via the component inspector (I mean the location of the xml file). What I need is to pass the xml location as a flashvar variable from the html code. When I debug my flash, I can see the xml variable as Variable _level0. myBook.extXML = "URL...So, I am trying to add the flashvar to swfobject as so.addParam("flashVars","extXML=sample.xml"); //any xml what i need.It does not work and does not pass the variable.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Passing Flashvars Using Swfobject?

Oct 5, 2008

i'm trying to pass flashvars using swfobject


<script language="JavaScript">
var flashSrc = '/media/calendar.swf';


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Jan 13, 2011

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Flash :: Pass PHP Variable As FlashVars Via SWFObject

May 24, 2010

I am trying to take a PHP variable and pass it along to Flash via Flash vars. My end goal is to pass a string formatted as XML to Flash, but because I'm struggling I've stripped everything down to the basics. I'm just trying to pass a simple PHP string variable to Flash via FlashVars with SWFObject but something isn't right. The page won't load when I try to pass the variable inside of php tags, but it will load if I just pass a hard coded string. The basic structure of my page is that I have some PHP declared at the top like so:[code]How do I pass a PHP variable using SWFObject and FlashVars?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Flashvars Defined In SwfObject?

Jun 3, 2010

I have never used flashVars, even in AS2, but the project I'm working on requires that I use since my client is going to use dynamic urls defined as expressions and he wants to have control without having to edit a fla file. I have read a lot of tutorials and can't seem to come up with a solution. Basically what I want is to load my Flashvars defined in swfObject, each one holding an expression, for example:


How will I accomplish the same thing in as3? I know you have to get flashVars using .loaderInfo but that as far as i got.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Passing URL Variables Into Flash Using FlashVars And SWFObject

Mar 17, 2011

This is the accompanying thread for the tutorial "Passing URL variables into Flash using FlashVars and SWFObject".

Here you can post comments, questions and suggestions related to the tutorial. If it's not completely related to the tutorial, please start a new thread.

The tutorial will be available soon.

You may subscribe to this thread (in the "Thread Tools" dropdown menu) in order to receive a notification when the tutorial goes live.

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Actionscript 3 :: Get Multiple Flashvars Variables Into Flash (not Using Swfobject)

Jun 22, 2010

I'm rebuilding this embedable player for a client of mine, the video file URL and a couple of other variables are in the HTML as Flashvars. I suspect something is wrong with the code that looks for the flashvars.

The top part showing the green box is where the player didn't load because it was unable to obtain the Flashvars form the HTML. The player below has the Flashvars string hardcoded into the player so it works.

I believe the problem lies somewhere below Perhaps something wrong with the way I'm trying to pull in the Flashvars?

// LIVE Embedded
//vidURL = stage.loaderInfo.parameters.fvar;
vidURL = this.loaderInfo.parameters.fvar;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Reading Multiple Flashvars In Swfobject Embed Code

Aug 28, 2009

This code is giving me undefined. I have 3 flashvars in the swfobject embed code in the HTML document. How do I fix this?[code]

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Javascript :: Why Does SWFObject Work In Chrome Yet Not IE / FF

Sep 23, 2010

Am I using the code improperly or is there a flaw in SWFObject? If you go to the URL below you can see that it the flash file (an MP3 player) shows up perfectly fine in Chrome. However, in both Firefox and IE8 it loads a blank white box. If you mouse over the box the pointer changes to a hand as if its registering the buttons, just not actually displaying them. Link: [URL] (MP3 player should be displaying in the right-hand empty column)

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Flash :: SwfObject 2.2 AllowFullScreen Does Not Work

Jan 11, 2011

Developing an ASP MVC site which has a Flash Intro and encountered a strange behavior: it is impossible to go into full screen (in any browser). Flex application has this script to go in full screen (AS3):


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Javascript :: Swfobject Doesn't Load Swf Properly In Internet Explorer

May 3, 2011

I'm using swfobject (2.2) to load videos. Everything was working fine with their old player, but now that they have switched to the stratos player, it fails to load properly in IE. It shows a grey video window, with the play button half showing on the left side, and the button won't work.

Here is my js code:

function loadBlip(videoFile,width,height,cssID) {
var blipSWF = "";
var expressSWF = "/lib/js/swfobject/expressInstall.swf";
var attributes = {


The file that I pass to the loadBlip function looks like: [URL]

Again, this works fine in FF/Chrome/Safari, but fails in IE.

Here's a sample link: [URL]

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IDE :: Swfobject - Get A 'clickTag' Variable To Work Within A Flash Banner Ad

Sep 21, 2008

i am trying to get a 'clickTag' variable to work within a flash banner ad which i didn't make.. i have been assured that within the flash file the variable is being 'expected'.. i am using swfobject to pass in the clickTag variable..


the flash banner displays fine.. but there is 'clicking' element of it is not working.. ie. there is no link on the banner.. can anyone see any problems with the way i am doing this...? or.. is the problem definitely within the swf....??

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ActionScript 2.0 :: FlashVars Just Won't Work

Mar 9, 2010

I've been following tutorials on using FlashVars and they all seem really simple but as yet none have worked!

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Can't Get FlashVars To Work

Jul 21, 2011

discover why is the following not working? I've been trying to fix this for several hours now, googling over and over again, and still can't find any solution...


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