Flash :: SwfObject 2.2 AllowFullScreen Does Not Work

Jan 11, 2011

Developing an ASP MVC site which has a Flash Intro and encountered a strange behavior: it is impossible to go into full screen (in any browser). Flex application has this script to go in full screen (AS3):


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IDE :: Swfobject - Get A 'clickTag' Variable To Work Within A Flash Banner Ad

Sep 21, 2008

i am trying to get a 'clickTag' variable to work within a flash banner ad which i didn't make.. i have been assured that within the flash file the variable is being 'expected'.. i am using swfobject to pass in the clickTag variable..


the flash banner displays fine.. but there is 'clicking' element of it is not working.. ie. there is no link on the banner.. can anyone see any problems with the way i am doing this...? or.. is the problem definitely within the swf....??

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Flashvars With SWFObject Doesnt Work?

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PHP Code:

var loader:Loader = new Loader();
var urlReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest("countdown.swf");


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Sep 23, 2010

Am I using the code improperly or is there a flaw in SWFObject? If you go to the URL below you can see that it the flash file (an MP3 player) shows up perfectly fine in Chrome. However, in both Firefox and IE8 it loads a blank white box. If you mouse over the box the pointer changes to a hand as if its registering the buttons, just not actually displaying them. Link: [URL] (MP3 player should be displaying in the right-hand empty column)

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I've tried many solutions and read many tutorial or forumposts, but I havent found any that solves my problem.

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This has been driving me nuts. I've worked with SWFObject in the past which is great. However I have a requirement not to use JavaScript. So when I try to do flashvars examples all over the net, they don't seem to work for me. Steps to repeat:

1) Create a pure AS3 project using Flex or Flash Builder

2) In the index.html wherever there is a .swf, add a name value pair suffix.

3) In the constructor of the main class Sprite, trace(root.loaderInfo.parameters.foo).

Expected: bar but traces out as undefined I've tried setTimeout() to evaluate 5 seconds in the future, still doesn't work as if it's not loaded at all.


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Jan 31, 2011

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var swfVersionStr="10.0.0";
var xiSwfUrlStr="playerProductInstall.swf";
var flashvars={};


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Swfobject Flash Not Showing

Oct 24, 2009

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It turns out that the flash content is not visibie at all,why?

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Flash - Swfobject + IE 9 Height 100% ?

Jul 26, 2011

I have two example pages. http:[url]....this displays 100% width and height flash without a problem across all the browsers including IE9.http:[url]....this displays 100% width and height with min-height and min-width without a problem across all the browsers except for the IE9.I need #2 link work with IE9. (fullsized flash with min-height and min-width).

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Mar 12, 2012

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<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
var flashvars = {


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Including Flash In Html Using Swfobject

Nov 26, 2009

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May 17, 2010

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<object id="flash" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="900" height="600" bgcolor="#000">

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swfobject.embedSWF("flash/main.swf", "myContent", "100%", "100%"...

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Feb 3, 2011

I tried SwfObject for loading swf on a website. It is all good with webkit and mozila based browsers but not with IE.[URL].. In IE 8 the footer not loading, it like crashes after the swf loads. In IE 7 the player not working, so the footer loads.

How can I debug it? I have a Mac, Linux, Win7 with IE 8 64 bit. On IE 64-bit it gives a message to update the flash player but there is no update for this player from Adobe.

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Apr 19, 2011

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Let SWFObject Update Flash, But Don't Require It?

Sep 23, 2011

I have a game that will work better in Flash Player 11 (with Molehill) but also works in 10.3. I'd like to get players to automatically update to 11 with express install as much as possible (after it's released, of course), but don't want to force them.I tried this way of embedding it with SWFObject:

// url


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Swfobject.js And Flash Vars?

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Html :: Flash - Rendering Swf Files With/Without Swfobject?

Aug 3, 2009

Without including swfobject.js can only swf files be loaded through html.And if so is there a common tag for all the browsers.

<object id="myMovieName" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000">
<param value="movie.swf" name="movie">
<param value="high" name="quality">


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Swfobject - Making SWF (Flash) Banner Clickable?

Mar 24, 2010

I am using SWFobject.I am creating Banner Management System. I need to integrate Flash (SWF) banners and need to keep track of clicks and impressions.I tried to wrap flash object within anchor tag. Not working [URL]However, for simple things like clickable banners, all you may need is swfobject. how to create clickable banners with swfobjects?

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Flash :: Dynamic Height And Width With Swfobject?

Mar 27, 2010

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Flash :: Swfobject Onclick Bind Event?

Mar 27, 2010

[URL].. How to bind onclick event to flash via swfobject?

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Flash :: Pass PHP Variable As FlashVars Via SWFObject

May 24, 2010

I am trying to take a PHP variable and pass it along to Flash via Flash vars. My end goal is to pass a string formatted as XML to Flash, but because I'm struggling I've stripped everything down to the basics. I'm just trying to pass a simple PHP string variable to Flash via FlashVars with SWFObject but something isn't right. The page won't load when I try to pass the variable inside of php tags, but it will load if I just pass a hard coded string. The basic structure of my page is that I have some PHP declared at the top like so:[code]How do I pass a PHP variable using SWFObject and FlashVars?

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Flash :: Creating Loading Messages With Swfobject?

Jul 19, 2010

I am loading a flash file via swfobject. As the file is large, I want to show a "please wait while loading" message while the flash is loading.

How can I do it with swfobject.

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