ActionScript 3.0 :: Play And Reset Button Code Wanted?
May 4, 2011
create buttons for play and reset to frame1 that will allow all movie clips within movie clips to play.tests now show my current code causes problems. I can simplify the issue. I currently am finding that the following code works first time but then stops MC2, MC3, MC4 (in that order on separate layers) sitting within MC1 from playing when reset and play are selected. It just plays the last frame of MC1 which sees just MC4 play. The MC1 travels across the scene ok, guide path etc working.
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Attachments: TabbedFlash10.swf (52.7 K)
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Apr 13, 2011
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Jun 18, 2010
Can a button play a movieclip if it lives within another movieclip? Let me explain: Buttons in a map key ran route animations on the map. Code for button (accessed by selecting button and F9) ..reads : on (release) { gotoAndPlay("BusRoute_375");}
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May 7, 2009
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Dec 16, 2004
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I think that the problem might be with the attachMovie part, but i have no idea.
I hope that this is clear enough! if it's not just ask me and i'll explain better. anyway the source file is attached (just click to add a node). I really hope that you can help me, or at least help me find a way how to figure it out.
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When you click on the reset button, this error below comes up. If you can't find the button it is the navy colored rectangular thing in the lower left corner of page.[code]
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this._alpha = 50;
setInterval(this, "nextImage", 3000, 1);[code]....
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on (release) {
fullName = "";
address = "";
message = "";
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May 7, 2010
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I wasn't sure where the best place was to upload the .fla so I picked far in my attempts to fix the reset score i've tried adding.[code]
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May 27, 2009
The reset button on this file doesn't work. In fact I was puzzled about why it had disappeared and it is there but the wrong size (see large navy blue shape in the lower right hand corner of the stage?) When you click this shape you get this error:
ArgumentError: Error #1063: Argument count mismatch on AddATree2/onReset(). Expected 0, got 1.Not sure what that means because I can't find any arguments in this function.This should work so that the text and polygons disappear when the reset button is clicked so you can do this again.Here is the code and the fla is attached. (There are three files inline: and See attached .fla AddATreePrototype.fla)
Code: Select all/* AS3
Copyright 2008 __MyCompanyName__.
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Jun 12, 2006
I'm trying to get this reset button to work. I used to use this code in Flash MX but it doesn't work in AS2....
on (press) {
_root.playb.onRelease = function() {
I also tried:
loadMovieNum("YourFile.SWF", 0);
But the code doesn't work after I export the .swf to my web server and view it on the internet.. (it just disappears when the button is pressed).
Doesn't work because I need to reload the code....
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Mar 24, 2008
I want to make a reset button, so after the user press it on screen it can reset the values of all fields of the screen.
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Jun 17, 2009
I've designed a drag and drop game and I would like to add a button that resets both the draggable objects and the counter so that the game starts fresh and can be replayed.
Also, I would like the button to appear after all the draggable objects have been placed on their corresponding targets.
Here's a link to the FLA:
Below is the AS2 scripting:
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Aug 13, 2009
I recently made a flash banner that changes frames when you click the next frame and last frame buttons, and it also goes to the next frame on a timer. The thing is, I need the timer to go back to it's starting point when you click one of the buttons, so you don't end up seeing a frame for 2 seconds. Initially, the timer starts at 7 seconds, and when you click a button, I'd like it to go back to 7 seconds. Here's my .FLA file:[URL]
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Jul 22, 2011
I currently have a radio button group consisting of four radio buttons.
Assuming a user selects one of the four buttons as a choice.
I want to use a button to clear all the radio buttons as unselected.
What is the AS that will set the selected state of all buttons in the group to "not selected"
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Mar 26, 2011
How can I make a reset button so when the file ends it resets all variables and code to the default run-time code and frame?
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Oct 22, 2010
Frame one has three draggable movie clips and three finishing locations (one clip per location), it also has one a button (Check answer)A user can drag any of the three clips to any location and then click Check Answer.Check answer then runs an action that if the clips are in the right places, it goes to frame 2, if they are not, it goes to frame three where a Reset button is provided. In either case, a message is displayed.
On frame 3, I want people to be able to change the positions of the clips and select Check answer and have it check the answer again. Currently it's letting me move the clips, but even when I put them in the right places, it still tells me it's wrong.[code]...
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Apr 16, 2011
I want to load and unload the swf file, swf first. I want to move movie? How do I make the reset button all the actionscript so that when the file ends it resets all the variables and code to the standard run-time code?
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Jun 17, 2009
I've designed a drag and drop game and I would like to add a button that resets both the draggable objects and the counter so that the game starts fresh and can be replayed.Also, I would like the button to appear after all the draggable objects have been placed on their corresponding targets.Here's a link to the FLA:Below is the AS2 scripting:
// Drag and Drop
// Original by Alex Fish. Modified by Stewart McCoy.
var allCorrect = 0;
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Jun 30, 2005
i have a template, i need to make a reset button for the form it have. in this page i did learn how to make a SEND but now i need a reset.
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Dec 15, 2009
Developing an iPhone version of my flash "dressup" style character maker. I'm using a custom color picker, following this tutorial, and I need to add in a reset button.
The only problem is, when I add any more frames to the timeline, the color picker stops working. Here's the swf:[URL]... I'm not that great with actionscript so I don't really know why it's breaking.
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