ActionScript 2.0 :: Updating Text Fields > Not Wanted?
Dec 16, 2004
I'm doing an assignment for university where I have to draw a chart having nodes (circles), each node having a number on it (text field)... ie the first node drawn would have "1" in it, the second "2" and so on... then these nodes will be connected to each other using drawn lines .... I'm using object oriented programming (my first try at OOP with Flash) and have an array which stores the details of nodes....
my problem is that when i put the first node the number in it is "1" ok, but as soon as i put the second node the numbers in both nodes turn to "2" and then "3" when the third node is drawn... which results in a whole mess!!! i don't know what can i do with the variables so as not to have the text fields updated everytime but only create the new node.
I think that the problem might be with the attachMovie part, but i have no idea.
I hope that this is clear enough! if it's not just ask me and i'll explain better. anyway the source file is attached (just click to add a node). I really hope that you can help me, or at least help me find a way how to figure it out.
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Dec 1, 2006
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I've tried setting up the TextFormat and createTextField as a function that's called on the onRelease handler. I've tried dropping the whole frackin' code in the onRelease function for each button. Neither approach works. I've been digging around on the web, looking for answers, and nothing seems to solve my problem.
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Jun 14, 2009
I have a code that creates 10 dynamic text fields, along the "y" axis, based on a loop.
What I want to happen is, for each text field that is created, i want the numbers to constantly change based on a timer (they'll all change at the same time, but to random numbers).
Right now, the code below changes the numbers, but keeps stacking the new numbers on top of the old...
var timer:Timer = new Timer(100,0);//called every Xms, repeated infinately (0);
timer.addEventListener (TimerEvent.TIMER, doNumber);
timer.start ();
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Nov 4, 2009
Basically I want to get the text fields in my Flash translated. To achieve this, I have the translations in a XML file and all text fields are dynamic. I read the XML (dependent on a language calling parameter from the HTML) and set the text fields like:
this["text_1"].text = "Hello";
The "text_1" and "Hello" are of course retrieved from the XML and I use variables in my code.
Now to the problem: I can successfully set the text field, that is visible in the Frame 1 (where my script is executed), but setting text fields that appear later give me an error. Translated it means something like Null Pointer not accessible. So I assume, that the this["text_x"] can not be found.
Is there a way to access it without copying the script into each text element? I have also thought about events, e.g. when the text is shown the first time and I do the translation then (would have to cache the XML at startup then to save time), but didn't find anything.
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May 2, 2007
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eventClips[i].url_txt.htmlText = "<a href=""+child.attributes.url+""></a>";
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Aug 25, 2009
I have made a top 10 module for my site that loads variables dynamicly in text fields, it works pretty fine, but i have a problem. The text inside the text fields is scaling on move.I don't want the text inside to scale.Here you have the link:xample of text field creation in my as:
private function createTextField(x:Number, y:Number, width:Number, height:Number):TextField {
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Jul 5, 2010
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Nov 2, 2009
I've made a website in Flash, it's the 1st time I've made a site with dynamic loading text.The text loads, that is fine, however, when I update the .txt file, the webpage does not update until I delete my internet history. This obviously no use as I can't expect returning visitors to delete their cache every time they visit.
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Feb 10, 2011
how to simply make dynamic text update!I have a dynamic text box and I gave it an instance name of changeTxt I also have a var called changeRate. How do I get the dynamic text box to update?
changeTxt.addEventListener(Event,updateChangeRate) ;
function updateChangeRate():void {
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Dec 14, 2011
The code checks out and is working great but I just added a dumbed down version for referenceWhat is happening is:I am creatingar less:mcLessons = new mcLessons();addChild(less);mcLessons is a Movieclip I created and is located in my library with as3 linkage to a script (the one below).In the Library the textfield reads "lesson 1" and is supposed to change to "Basic Neccesaties(Part 1)" once loadedWhen it is loaded the text does not change. When I clip on a textfeild that has an eventListener, all the text is added.I trace the text field (before any textfield is clicked) and it reads "BasicNeccesaties(Part 1)" but on stage is still "lesson 1".
package com.afiadesign{
import flash.display.MovieClip;
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Aug 18, 2006
I have some nested movie clips, with a dynamic text object at the end of the chain - if I don't update the the text in the dynamic text field, then it displays fine, however if I set the text at anytime through actionscript, the text disappears. I have tried all sorts of embedding/not embedding font - combinations, but nothing works.Here is a code snippet:
// this one works just fine...
testing_txt.text = "This is some dynamic text!";[code]....
I am definitely setting the correct field in this long list of objects, but for some reason the text in the main_menu_mc... object isn't updating. Interestingly, the text associated with the testing_txt object updates just fine.Below is a small screen shot of the display while running the swf... menu_item8 is obviously the one without any text...
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Jan 5, 2011
I have a couple of text fields in my Flash movie that are constantly updated with text from an xml document. The xml document is updated through an interface on a seperate swf. It's based on a flash guestbook I found and have hacked apart, and everything works fine in theory... My main worry is that over the course of a day it loaded in the text 170,000 times: 30 times a second which is a little excessive and is playing havoc with my web stats. I've cut this down to once every 10 seconds but I'm still thinking I should use a better method, would it be possible to test for changes before I load in new text, or am I going about this entirely the wrong way?
var currPage = 0;
var showAmount = 1;// set this to the amount of entries you want to view at a time
// **** Load XML ****************************
myXML = new XML();
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Jan 24, 2011
I've created a flash banner which loads 3 images. Each image is loaded using a Loader object. Each Loader object has an event listener which points to the same function. In this function I compute the loaded/total bytes, then I update a dynamic TextField.
The problem is that the TextField doesn't change its text only when all the images are loaded, which means at 100%. I used a trace for percent and it works fine. From what I've read until now, it seems that this can be caused by a lock-up of the UI?
The function:
function updatePreloader(e:ProgressEvent):void {
if (LoaderInfo( == imageLoaders[0]) {
loadedBytes1 = e.bytesLoaded;
View 5 Replies
May 20, 2011
I have a dynamic text box that follow the mouse, giving information on rollover.
on (press, release, rollOver, dragOver) { = "Coins per second: "+_root.cps1+newline+"Coins collected: "+_root.coins1;
_root.cps1 changes very quickly (+3 per second), the text box only re-updates (changes the value) everytime I roll in / out, how can I make it constantly update.
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Oct 19, 2010
I have some simple code that should update some dynamic text but it seems to be doing it out of order.[code]
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Mar 19, 2010
I've got a nice bit of code that allows me to dynamically add a dynamic text box to the stage, add text to it and control it's position and formatting:
var txt:TextField = new TextField();txt.text= "feisty";txt.x=50;txt.y=50;var format:TextFormat = new TextFormat();format.color = 0x2F55EA;format.font = "Arial";format.size = 18;txt.setTextFormat(format);stage.addChild(txt);
This just makes the word "feisty" appear on the movie.The problem is that I want to create many words with different positions,different starting times, make them go away and then have different words appear. It would look like this:[URL]The swf at the link was created with After Effects and the file size is 1.5 MB - too big for a web banner. I was told I could recreate the whole thing dynamically with actionscript and get file size way down. I've been working through various tutorials with little luck.
I have a list of 100 words, how do I turn the code above into a cloud of words that appear one or two at a time? I assume I will put the words into an array, but then how do I get the code above to cycle through the array and pick up the position and format attributes?
View 10 Replies
Oct 3, 2011
my client reports to me that some of the text is being clipped off in the text fields. I try to recreate the problem on my pc with chrome and firefox, but everything works fine. But he sends me screenshots from his mac with firefox, and sure enough they are being clipped. He claims its only fire-fox, and it is not a factor of window size. so here are the images to show whats going on:
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Jul 21, 2009
how do i create multiple text fields with different text in it?
i've tried using createTextField() but you can only make 1 textfield if you give it a different instance name everytime you then should be able to make more but they just disappear.
View 9 Replies
Aug 15, 2007
I'm trying to populate a set of dynamic text fields with text using a for() loop and cant seem to get it to work.I have 9 seperate dynamic text boxes each labled picNum0 - picNum8. I want to read a number of pictures from an external file then have those numbers populate 1 through 9 into the text fields.I get the variables loaded in with the correct values but the text fields wont populate.[code]When I trace(curPic) inside the for(){} it outputs: picNum0 - picNum8, so I know that the variables are allocating ok, but dynamic text fields arent populating with the correct numbers.
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Jul 10, 2002
I just started playing with scripting and here is a question i got. I got 1 button.A movie with containts 3 graphics , graph1 , graph2 , graph3 Each graphic contains a Dynamic Text field. The var of that field within graph1 = text1, graph2 = text2 etc. On release should put the text "test" in each of the textfields and should play the whole movie wich contains the graphics with textfields. this is the code i made
on (release) {
set ("", test);
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Oct 21, 2009
Yet again, I have another simple problem. I have an input text field and a movie clip that contains a dynamic text field. The dynamic text field updates when the user types. Simple enough. However, when I add a frame to my main timeline and cut/past my mc on it, the dynamic text field doesn't update. Here is my simple .fla file showing what I'm trying to do.
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Mar 30, 2012
I created a text area on my stage using the text tool, then converted it to a MovieClip symbol. I called it ScoreLabel and I clicked "Export for ActionScript". I named the instance of the text area scoreLabel. However, when I do this in my code:
scoreLabel.text = this.score;
it doesn't change. That line is in my file, which is the document class. How can I change the text shown in this text area using ActionScript? Maybe I need to import a library?
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Jan 22, 2009
on my onEnterFrame function, I just want to keep updating a Dynamic Text Box location. It's giving me more trouble than I anticipated, and the solution is probably very easy. I have spent 30 minutes (give or take) on trying to figure it out, but to no avail. This is what I have at onEnterFrame:
ActionScript Code:
_root.HPnum._y += _y - 60;
_root.HPnum._x = _x + 20;
Fairly simple, it's in the as code file that I want it to track. What happens is, it does get moved, but I cannot see it anywhere.
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