ActionScript 2.0 :: Movie With Text Fields + Changing That Text?

Jul 10, 2002

I just started playing with scripting and here is a question i got. I got 1 button.A movie with containts 3 graphics , graph1 , graph2 , graph3 Each graphic contains a Dynamic Text field. The var of that field within graph1 = text1, graph2 = text2 etc. On release should put the text "test" in each of the textfields and should play the whole movie wich contains the graphics with textfields. this is the code i made

on (release) {
set ("", test);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Changing Text In Dynamically Created Text Fields By Timer?

Jun 14, 2009

I have a code that creates 10 dynamic text fields, along the "y" axis, based on a loop.

What I want to happen is, for each text field that is created, i want the numbers to constantly change based on a timer (they'll all change at the same time, but to random numbers).

Right now, the code below changes the numbers, but keeps stacking the new numbers on top of the old...


var timer:Timer = new Timer(100,0);//called every Xms, repeated infinately (0);
timer.addEventListener (TimerEvent.TIMER, doNumber);
timer.start ();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Changing Font Of Text In Dynamic Fields Using Buttons?

Dec 10, 2010

I have a user text input field and a preview button, when they press preview the inputed text appears in a dynamic text field in another part of the window. I need to be able to change the font of the text in the dynamic field using buttons (so the user can see their text displayed in various different fonts which will be embedded into the swf). After watching various different tutorials I hashed together this code for my first button to change the font to Times New Roman which I embedded with the class name timesNew.

ActionScript Code:
times_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showTim);
function showTim(e:MouseEvent):void{
var oneFont = new timesNew();
var timForm:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
timForm.font = oneFont;
[Code] .....

When I run the movie everything works fine and the console shows no errors but when I press the button to change the font the text in the dynamic field simply disappears.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Text Fields Resetting Characteristics (font - Size) When Tabbing To Them And Changing

May 2, 2010

When I set up 3 input text fields, I allow the user to change the font and size of those fields. If the user selects each one with the mouse and modifys them then no problems are seen. But if the user first changes the size and font of text field 2, then tabs to that text field and starts to change the text. The font and size properties revert back to the default.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Text Fields Resetting Characteristics (font, Size) When Tabbing To Them And Changing

Jun 7, 2010

When I set up 3 input text fields, I allow the user to change the font and size of those fields. If the user selects each one with the mouse and modifys them then no problems are seen. But if the user first changes the size and font of text field 2, then tabs to that text field and starts to change the text.  The font and size properties revert back to the default.

I could re-apply the formating everytime the text field changes, but that seems like a bandaid to the problem.

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Movie Clips With Text Fields Ignore Alpha Settings?

Jul 28, 2009

I'm working on a simple movie clip that shows a few lines of outline text.  Audio will eventually accompany the text, and to make the clip more "interesting" from a viewer perspective I've been asked to fade in the text line by line as the clip progresses.  I hadn't expected any trouble with this...I created the text clips individually, converted them to symbols, then applied alpha=0 at appropriate points, then inserted a motion tween to transition to the same clip with alpha = 100.

The problem I'm seeing is that when I publish the swf and open it, it just shows me all the text immediately, no fade in, no nothing.  When I click Control->Play while in editing mode in Flash, the clip behaves as I'd expect.  Is there some feature of text clips that prevents them from behaving as expected in this context? 

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get Dyanmic Text Fields To Work In Flash Movie

Oct 4, 2009

I am trying to get some dyanmic text fields to work in my flash movie. I got one to work and have had trouble getting more than one. I think I kinda got it but it works but works funny. I am trying to load text in two different places. When I click on the first instance (Philosophy Section) nothing shows up. When I check the other instance (Eco_Conscience) the text shows up and then when I go back to the Philosophy Section it works. BUT it doesn't work on the first try. I am attaching code and link.


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Actionscript 3 :: Share Embedded Fonts With Text Fields In Multiple Movie Clips?

Oct 25, 2010

After a lot of experiments and reading many articles, Q&As, I still didn't find the answers to my problem, then I decided to ask my question at great stackoverflow forum:-)

The setup of my project is as follows:

- Create an AS3 project in Flash Builder 4 (Main.as3proj), and write source code in it;
- Create graphical assets in Flash CS5;
- Load the graphical assets in the AS3 project;

In the graphical assets (swfs), there are text fields, we would like to use Embedded fonts for the text fields. But we don't want to embed the fonts in all swfs, we want to create a swf as a font library (FontLib.swf), that embed all the fonts needed across all the graphical assets (swfs).

After loading or embedding the FontLib.swf to the main application (Main.swf), the embedded fonts is availabe: TextField.isFontCompatible(myFontName, myFont)

is true. And when I create a TextField with the embedded font at runtime, it works fine. But besides this, I want to use the embedded fonts for the TextFields in other graphical assets like what I described at the begging, but when I try to change the text for the dynamic text field in a movie clip, the text field will disappear. (Before changing the text, it can be displayed because Flash CS5 automatically embed the fonts for the characters already input in the fla/swf file).

I tried to clone the text field with the same properties of the text field in the movie clip and replaced the old one, as I said, this works as other text fields created at run time. But I have other problem with cloning and replacing the text fields in movie clip. I wonder if there is a way to instruct the flash player to use the externally loaded embedded fonts for the text fields in movie clip.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: For Loop With Array And XML - Populate Dynamic Movie Clips And Text Fields

Aug 10, 2007

I have a Flash site I am developing that feeds in XML into various arrays and populates dynamic movie clips and text fields. I am having trouble making a for loop that works with my movieclips and text fields. I am probably only missing one step and if I can figure it out I will cut my lines of code about 10X. I have attached the fla and image files in a zip file.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Variable Instance Names - Fill Text Fields With Text That Have In An Array

May 21, 2011

Alright so lets say I have a number of movieclips or text fields or something with instance names test1, test2, test3 and so forth. Now say I want to fill these text fields with text that I have in an array and I want to do this with a loop, how do I do this? What I'm really asking is if there is a way to use a variable in an instance name if you catch my drift.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Assigning Text In Dynamically Created Text Fields - Flash 8

Dec 1, 2006

I'm having trouble with dynamically assigning text to a dynamically created text field.


I've tried setting up the TextFormat and createTextField as a function that's called on the onRelease handler. I've tried dropping the whole frackin' code in the onRelease function for each button. Neither approach works. I've been digging around on the web, looking for answers, and nothing seems to solve my problem.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Change Dynamic Text On Not Yet Visible Text Fields?

Nov 4, 2009

Basically I want to get the text fields in my Flash translated. To achieve this, I have the translations in a XML file and all text fields are dynamic. I read the XML (dependent on a language calling parameter from the HTML) and set the text fields like:

this["text_1"].text = "Hello";

The "text_1" and "Hello" are of course retrieved from the XML and I use variables in my code.

Now to the problem: I can successfully set the text field, that is visible in the Frame 1 (where my script is executed), but setting text fields that appear later give me an error. Translated it means something like Null Pointer not accessible. So I assume, that the this["text_x"] can not be found.

Is there a way to access it without copying the script into each text element? I have also thought about events, e.g. when the text is shown the first time and I do the translation then (would have to cache the XML at startup then to save time), but didn't find anything.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: HTML Text In Dynamically Created Text Fields?

May 2, 2007

I am creating a series of text fields to display data from an xml file.

eventClips[i].url_txt.htmlText = "<a href=""+child.attributes.url+""></a>";

I can't get the text fields that I am creating dynamically to accept html,I have tried .html = true;Am I really going to have to create my own button and use getURL?I am using flash 8, as2.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Text Inside The Text Fields Is Scaling On Move?

Aug 25, 2009

I have made a top 10 module for my site that loads variables dynamicly in text fields, it works pretty fine, but i have a problem. The text inside the text fields is scaling on move.I don't want the text inside to scale.Here you have the link:xample of text field creation in my as:

private function createTextField(x:Number, y:Number, width:Number, height:Number):TextField {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Text Fields / HTML Text / Bold?

Jul 5, 2010

I have a linked movieclip that contains two textfields.One of the textfields needs to have regular and bold text, so I thought I would use htmlText however it's only showing the regular font that I embedded?I made the textfield in Flash and called it "details".I also tried to make another textField in the symbol called, "invisi" and I set it not visible:invisi.visible = false;I embedded the BOLD version of the font in the invisi textfield, hoping this would make the "details" text field show the bold font...but no luck.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create Text Fields With Text From An Array?

Mar 19, 2010

I've got a nice bit of code that allows me to dynamically add a dynamic text box to the stage, add text to it and control it's position and formatting:
var txt:TextField = new TextField();txt.text= "feisty";txt.x=50;txt.y=50;var format:TextFormat = new TextFormat();format.color = 0x2F55EA;format.font = "Arial";format.size = 18;txt.setTextFormat(format);stage.addChild(txt);
This just makes the word "feisty" appear on the movie.The problem is that I want to create many words with different positions,different starting times, make them go away and then have different words appear. It would look like this:[URL]The swf at the link was created with After Effects and the file size is 1.5 MB - too big for a web banner. I was told I could recreate the whole thing dynamically with actionscript and get file size way down. I've been working through various tutorials with little luck.
I have a list of 100 words, how do I turn the code above into a cloud of words that appear one or two at a time?  I assume I will put the words into an array, but then how do I get the code above to cycle through the array and pick up the position and format attributes?

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Actionscript 3 :: Text Is Being Clipped Off In The Text Fields - Firefox - Mac

Oct 3, 2011

my client reports to me that some of the text is being clipped off in the text fields. I try to recreate the problem on my pc with chrome and firefox, but everything works fine. But he sends me screenshots from his mac with firefox, and sure enough they are being clipped. He claims its only fire-fox, and it is not a factor of window size. so here are the images to show whats going on:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create Multiple Text Fields With Different Text In It?

Jul 21, 2009

how do i create multiple text fields with different text in it?

i've tried using createTextField() but you can only make 1 textfield if you give it a different instance name everytime you then should be able to make more but they just disappear.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Populate A Set Of Dynamic Text Fields With Text

Aug 15, 2007

I'm trying to populate a set of dynamic text fields with text using a for() loop and cant seem to get it to work.I have 9 seperate dynamic text boxes each labled picNum0 - picNum8. I want to read a number of pictures from an external file then have those numbers populate 1 through 9 into the text fields.I get the variables loaded in with the correct values but the text fields wont populate.[code]When I trace(curPic) inside the for(){} it outputs: picNum0 - picNum8, so I know that the variables are allocating ok, but dynamic text fields arent populating with the correct numbers.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Set Text Properties Of Text Fields?

Jul 22, 2009

I'm having (the smallest issue, but the easiest to solve) is with trying to set text properties of text fields. Here is the Actionscript below:

// font format
var gametxt:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
gametxt.font = "Arial";


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Set A Variable To Another Text Fields Text Value?

Oct 29, 2002

Is this valid:

_global.TxtEnter = Label1.text;

It doesn't seem to work. How can I get the value of the text in Entry1 over to my other variable?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Changing Movie Clip Text?

Oct 24, 2010

Hi, I'm trying to change the text within a movie clip and I can't work it out. My plan is to load the navigation from variables that will be passed from a php file.

This link is to a zip file containing the fla file, [URL]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Changing Color Of A Movie With A Text File

Oct 21, 2003

how can i change the color of a movie clip by a text file.i want to give option to user that he can pass a color code (0Xrrrrrr) and it got reflected in the swf.

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Professional :: Change The Label Text In One Of Buttons The Text Is Changing On The Other Button As Well

Apr 7, 2008

I want to make some buttons and use the buttons.fla library. The button is inserted and given an instance name. A second button is inserted (same kind) and given a new instance name. But when I am trying to change the label text in one of my buttons the text is changing on the other button as well. I believed they where separate instances?


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Getting - Then Changing And Setting - Text Color On A Text Object

Jul 15, 2009

I'm trying to get the letters in a word (each letter is an individual text object) to cycle through three different colors when clicked. Right now, all they do is change from their original color, blue, to black when clicked. No further "cycling" occurs. I'm appending the code. The part of interest is (probably?) in what is presently (and inaccurately) the "traceTextEvent()" function/method. It starts around line 90 of the code.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Changing Text Of A Text Field Within A Sprite?

Oct 21, 2009

Is it possible to change the text property of a text field that is contained within a sprite? I've been trying but can't come up with the right syntax. Here is what I'm doing:
I've created a sprite named "lessonSprite" and added a text field to it in one function. Now, in another function, I'd like to change the text in the field.
I've tried to use this:
lessonSprite.titleField.text = xmlLsnContent.attribute("title");
where "titleField" is the name of the field added to the sprite "lessonSprite" in an earlier function.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Unable To Dynamic Text And Changing Text?

Sep 9, 2010

I have a Dynamic Text box in my Library.  I drag it to my main stage and give it a is now a movieclip. The name is 'mcAdmin'  I added an event listener for MOUSE_OVER  I want the text to change color, but for now I'm just trying to change the text; however, it's not displaying the change in text I want.  I do a trace, and the change is in there on the output window, but it is not displayed as such.How can I :1) use AS3 to change the font color of the text2) use AS3 to change the text and have it display? 

function onMouseOver_txtAdmin(e:MouseEvent):void{ Mouse.cursor="button";
//Current mcAdmin text is 'Administration'
//I want to change the color of Administartion on Mouse_Over


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Actionscript 3 :: Changing Color Of Particular Text In A Text Field?

Mar 15, 2011

Consider I have the text

A quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

Now, this text is in a dynamic text field. I do not want to change the color of the whole field. just made fox red and dog blue.

How, can I do that in AS3. Have been looking around without no luck.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Text Disappears When Changing TextFormat Or Text?

Apr 24, 2009

I have a textfield that is dynamicly created which contains some text and has a textformat applied to it, which works fine, and I have my happy little text field.

the problem comes when I try to change the text and textformat after an event. I am doing it as so:

targ.getChildAt(2).text = "back"

then the text becomes invisible. I know it is changed because once I rollover the container movieclip, the text appears.

I tried to dispatch a rollover event after I change the text, but no dice.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Changing Text In Dynamic Text Box

Sep 6, 2011

I'm trying to put a text in a dynamic text box. The text element, however, is placed dynamically:

var topText:myDynamicText = new myDynamicText(); = "NameTextTop";
topText.text = String("Text 1");
topText.text = String("Text 2");

Placing the text element isn't the problem, but I cannot seem to change the text in the element. As you can see, I tried placing the text before and after putting the text element on the stage. Both didn't work. The text element is creating from scratch by adding text with the Text Tool. It's single line dynamic text, Arial regular and the text characters have been embedded. Can anyone tell me what might be the problem, because I'm completely stuck.

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