ActionScript 2.0 :: HTML Text In Dynamically Created Text Fields?

May 2, 2007

I am creating a series of text fields to display data from an xml file.

eventClips[i].url_txt.htmlText = "<a href=""+child.attributes.url+""></a>";

I can't get the text fields that I am creating dynamically to accept html,I have tried .html = true;Am I really going to have to create my own button and use getURL?I am using flash 8, as2.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Assigning Text In Dynamically Created Text Fields - Flash 8

Dec 1, 2006

I'm having trouble with dynamically assigning text to a dynamically created text field.


I've tried setting up the TextFormat and createTextField as a function that's called on the onRelease handler. I've tried dropping the whole frackin' code in the onRelease function for each button. Neither approach works. I've been digging around on the web, looking for answers, and nothing seems to solve my problem.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Changing Text In Dynamically Created Text Fields By Timer?

Jun 14, 2009

I have a code that creates 10 dynamic text fields, along the "y" axis, based on a loop.

What I want to happen is, for each text field that is created, i want the numbers to constantly change based on a timer (they'll all change at the same time, but to random numbers).

Right now, the code below changes the numbers, but keeps stacking the new numbers on top of the old...


var timer:Timer = new Timer(100,0);//called every Xms, repeated infinately (0);
timer.addEventListener (TimerEvent.TIMER, doNumber);
timer.start ();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamically Created Text Fields?

Mar 11, 2010

I am trying to make a quiz application. I want to use classes in this project (which I am still learning how to use). I found a sample posted by a user here that I can clearly understand. The issue I am having is that actaul text for the questions is very long. So when I apply my questions it just runs the text off of the stage. How can I have the text field drop to another line so that it doenst go off of the stage? Here is the code that creates the text field (it is on an AS file).
public function QuizQuestion(theQuestion:String, theAnswer:int, ...answers) {            //store the supplied arguments in the private variables:            question = theQuestion;            theCorrectAnswer = theAnswer;            choices = answers;            //create and position the textfield (question):            questionField = new TextField();        


I am guessing I need to add something where the text field is created that talks about the width of the text field and allow it to be multiline, I am just not sure how to word it in AS3...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamically Created Text Fields At Run-time?

Jun 18, 2010

I am trying to create 2 dynamic text fields at run time and load an XML in the fields. These 2 text fields are separated by a small space between them no matter how many lines of text the XML file contains.After few attempts there is still a problem with loading 1 of the 2 external XML files.The attached example loads 1 of the 2 XML files only when the text of text field 1 is written inside Flash.one_txt.text = "write some text here"When i try to load on both fields XML files an error comes up which I am not able to figure out why!

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Text Fields / HTML Text / Bold?

Jul 5, 2010

I have a linked movieclip that contains two textfields.One of the textfields needs to have regular and bold text, so I thought I would use htmlText however it's only showing the regular font that I embedded?I made the textfield in Flash and called it "details".I also tried to make another textField in the symbol called, "invisi" and I set it not visible:invisi.visible = false;I embedded the BOLD version of the font in the invisi textfield, hoping this would make the "details" text field show the bold font...but no luck.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: RemoveTextField(); - Remove All The Text Fields Which Was Created?

Aug 18, 2010

Is there a way to remove all the text fields which was created? I used instance.removeTextField() but still I see some text boxes. In my fla when I go back and forth between frames I still see there are text boxes by the text cursor appearance. I'm having trouble because the buttons can not be clicked when the text fields are there. I'm using several of these in different frames.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Randomly Place Dynamic Text Fields Created At Authoring Time?

Dec 4, 2009

I have four dynamic text field created at the authoring time in Frame-4. I just need them to be placed randomly every time when I come from Frame3. I have known that there is a Math Class which generates random numbers which would be an effective way. how do I proceed ahead i.e shall I create an array and seed it with the their current positions etc etc

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Professional :: Using HTML In Dynamic Text Fields - CS4?

Mar 4, 2010

Is there a way to type HTML directly into a TextField in Flash CS4?  I've created a TextField on the stage, set it to dynamic, set "Render text as HTML" and thought that I could then type HTML directly into the TextField and that it would be rendered as such.  Instead it displays whatever HTML I type as regular text.

I assume then that the only way to get HTML into one of these fields is to dynamically load it into the TextField through the htmlText property.  Is this right?  And if so, what exactly is the purpose of having a "Render text as HTML" button in the first place?  Couldn't I just load the HTML into the TextField through the htmlText property anyways?

Well, at any rate, I was really hoping to use as much of the flash interface for the project I'm working on, such that anyone who didn't know AS3 could easily update it themselves.  Now it's looking like not only will they have to know AS3 and HTML, but also have to deal with the hassle of formatting what will potentially be a complex system of images, textfields, and videos all in AS3 with no visual interface.
Is it too much to ask to be able to just highlight some text and make it bold or italic?  That's really all I need, sadly.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: <p> Tags In Text Fields Set To HTML?

Mar 4, 2003

We have invalid characters in text fields ie: <p> tags, when loading data from a local object (even though the text field is set to render as HTML) ?


1) has anyone encountered this before?

2) know of a work around?

3) find/replace script we can run through the local object to replace the any <p> tags arising?

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IDE :: Variables From HTML Text Fields To Flash?

Sep 25, 2009

I'm looking to send variables from text fields in an HTML source and direct them to a SWF object on the same page. The variables would be sent once the user hits a send button.

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Arrays :: Dynamically Populate Text Fields In Flash?

Sep 1, 2010

I am trying to figure out how to dynamically populate textfields in Flash. The text in the fields will either say ON or OFF based on the value of bstatus.var bstatus will either have a value of 0 or 1 I have the following textfields listed below.I'm not sure if the syntax is correct, but I was thinking that the text fields would be in an array, and I would create a for loop--that will go through the array in order to have the fields populated.

var textFields:Array = new Array();
textFields[0] = compTxt.text;
textFields[1] = bathLightTxt.text;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamically Create Text Fields At Run-time?

Jun 17, 2010

I am trying to create 2 dynamic text fields at run-time.

With the following lines of code I manage to create the 2 fields but i cannot figure out how set a space between the 2 fields without specifying the _y value.[code]...

I am looking for an alternative way to set a space between the 2 fields instead of specifying the _y value which is shown in bold!

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamically Aligning Text Within Input Fields

Mar 6, 2011

I have some input text boxes on a form. The text within those boxes is appearing in the top left, so looks kind of stupid. I thought this would be easy to correct by moving the text away from the edges with some coordinates something like in the following:[code]Unfortunately myTextBox.text is a string so won't allow x and y values to be applied to it. Can anyone tell me how I can use actionscript to move the text around within the Input text box?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Visibility With Dynamically Generated Text Fields?

Oct 25, 2009

I have a dynamic textfield that's being created at runtime using information from an xml file and is being attached to a movieclip (a box that acts as the background for the text). (lines broken for readability. This code is all on the same line)

var thisFeatureDesc_txt =

I then assign the text to the textField and make the containing movieclip's alpha to 0.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Html From File Into Several Text Fields?

Sep 8, 2006

I'm making a four column layout with four dynamic text fields and text that loads from a html file. The structure of the site and which html file is to be loaded on which page is specified in xml, but the actual content on each page needs to be editable in separate html files (different people will do the editing, and I don't want them to go around messing with the structure).

The problem is that I need the four columns of text to be loaded from a single html file. I was thinking that I could make four paragraphs <p>paragraph1</p><p>paragraph2</p> etc., one for each column, but how do I load them each into a separate dynamic text field?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Wrapping Off On Images In Html Text Fields?

Mar 21, 2007

Hey guys is there anyway to turn wrapping off on images in html text fields?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamically Create Text Fields With Embedded Fonts?

Nov 20, 2009

I have combed through the forums and read every font embedding article I could find and still I don't understand what's going on. I have created a simple test case that I have attached to this post. Hopefully someone can tell me what I'm doing wrong.Here's the situation ...ultimately, my goal is to be able to dynamically create text fields with embedded fonts (I'm using Arial or Arial Unicode) that can display a variety of languages (English and Russian are the primary ones I'm working on right now). In the attached sample, I have added a font to the library and set it to use Arial Unicode.I have 3 text fields on the stage: Field 1 is generated entirely from code using createTextField, Field 2 is a design-time text field that uses the embedded library font, and Field 3 is a design-time text field that uses basic Arial rather than Arial Unicode.For the 2 design-time fields I have embedded the glyphs necessary to display English and Russian as well as some others.I also have a few buttons on the stage to create the 3rd text field (using createtextfield), send english or russian text to all 3 fields, and turn embedding on/off of the generated text field.

Here are the results I've found:With embedding OFF:English shows up fine in all 3 text fields (in the generated one, it uses the system default font instead).Russian shows up in the generated field and in the 3rd field (basic Arial) but NOT in the field that uses the embedded library font.With embedding ON:NOTHING shows up in the generated text field the 2 design time fields function the same as they did before.I REALLY don't understand why the design-time text field doesn't work when it uses the library version of the font. Why should that matter? I also don't get why even ENGLISH doesn't work in the generated field when embedding is on.

//EDIT: I just tried using Arial as the font for the generated text field rather than using the linkage name for the library font and now the embedding works. So I guess my main question is why it doesn't work using the library font....I thought that using the library font .

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamically Sized Dynamic And Input Text Fields?

Jun 26, 2009

So, I'm making a text editor for my mobile (Nokia 5800). Anyway, I want it to have kinetic scrolling, but since I will be allowing the user to input their own text and also to load their own text files, how could I re-size both a dynamic text field and an input text field so that all of the text is shown, but there isn't alot of empty space (no one wants to kinetically scroll to the bottom just to realize it is 3000 lines of emptiness ).

I was thinking possibly finding the total number of characters in the string and deciding on a number of characters per line, then finding line height and making the text box be number of lines time line height. On problem with that is I'm not using a fixed with font (Quicksand Bold), so it would probably not work the best.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Text Fields 'suddenly' Not Parsing HTML

Feb 1, 2011

I have come across a bizarre Flash problem with dynamic text fields. I built a site in flash for a designer about a million years ago. The content in her portfolio's dynamic text fields loads from plain .txt files. The fields, which were set to parse simple html tags, used to do so perfectly. At least the last time I checked in April of 2006. The designer just contacted me last week: one of the fields is no longer parsing the html. ?! I opened the original .fla and it is definitely set to do so. Why would this suddenly stop working?[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get Values From Dynamically Created TextInput Fields?

Aug 17, 2011

Is it possible to retrieve the value from an TextInput box that is created at runtime?

I've assigned the TextInput box (or many MANY boxes, in this case) with unique names using something like, = "input"+i inside a for loop. But then, later if I try to retrieve the value of input2.text, for example, I get the old 1120: Access of undefined property input2.

Oddly, if I assign an eventlistener to the input box in the same for loop, and trace, I get the name input2. But if I try to call the value directly via input2.text, I get the error.

So is there some way to get that TextInput value without giving it a name within Flash? Or perhaps a better way to assign a name to it in the first place?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: All Of Text (which Is Created Dynamically) Disappears

May 15, 2011

all of my text (which is created dynamically) disappears. But when I comment it out, it all reappears. Why is my code doing this and what can I do to fix it?


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamically Created Text And Alpha?

Jan 8, 2008

I have a slight issue with a dynamically created text field I have. Basically I have a movieclip already on stage, and within it, using actionscript I create a text field in itAll that works, however when I animate the alpha of the parent movieclip from 0 to 100, the text field is always there, it never fades in. It looks wierd too, like the movielip will fade in, but the text will be there already without the fade, even though that textfield is inside the moveliphere's my code;

var my_fmt:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
my_fmt.font = new TitleFont().fontName;
my_fmt.color = 0xFFFFFF;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load Vars From One Html File With Other Dynamic Text Fields?

Nov 18, 2006

When i've created a vars in my fla file and load it from the html file to dynamic text field, using this action


Ok ... it is working, but it only for 1 text field. So .. how i can load a vars from one html file with other dynamic text fields.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Multiple External HTML Text Fields With Style Sheets?

May 7, 2010

Site loads two flash files at the same time with multiple dynamic text fields that load .html files with external css style sheets. The site works almost perfectly when viewed offline, but when you upload it the text boxes sometimes load and sometimes do not. I'm a graphic designer so I really don't know actionscript 3.0 (or any version) very well... so I'm attaching the footer .fla file which by itself suffers from the same problem, and the other files are too big to upload so here is the link to the other .fla file used on the homepage

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Formatting Text In A Dynamically Created Texfield

Aug 29, 2009

Could someone please outline the proper syntax for formatting text in a dynamically created texfield using actionscript 3 please? I understand the textColor but for some reason txtfld.textFont = "Verdana"; doesnt work for me.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Dynamic Text In A Dynamically Created Movielcip?

Mar 10, 2011

I created a movieclip and linked it to a class called CustomButton. Inside the movie clip is a text field with name btnText. I then created a few buttons with this code:

var newBtn:CustomButton = new CustomButton();
// set properties of new button
newBtn.x = INIT_X;


So far, so good. Everything works ok and the code sets the text of the new movieclip. Now, I wanted to actually write the CustomButton class and add some properties and eventually do other stuff with it and so I wrote this:

import flash.display.MovieClip;


On trying my script again, it gives me this error:

Code:1119: Access of possibly undefined property text through a reference with static type String

the line of code it refers to is:

newBtn.btnText.text = text;

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Created A Dynamic Scrollbar Which Scrolls Dynamically Loaded XML Text?

Aug 14, 2010

I have a small issue going on. I created a dynamic scrollbar which scrolls dynamically loaded XML text. But it's not scrolling..You can view it here:(Click Start, 2 times the right arrow, then the book, to the righthand side there is a scrollbarI have divided my Scrollbar into 3 classes, the actual scrollbar, the scrollbar custom event and the scrollbar including content and mask.This is the actual scrollbar:

Code: Select allpackage com.own.ui
import flash.display.*;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Effects - Use Tweener To Animate Blocks Of Text Created Dynamically

Jan 11, 2008

Just actionscript? [URL] i use tweener to animate blocks of text created dynamically but like that, on Browse effect database, take a look on Scatterbounce. just so cool! just actionscript???

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamically Create Multiple Text Fields That Fade Out And "die"?

Sep 12, 2010

I want to dynamically create multiple text fields that fade out and "die". I have been looking over the "sprite" programming but there seems to be nothing that works in CS4. Have I bitten off more than I can chew with this one?THe basic concept is this:I want the function to do the following. Step 1: Create a new dynamic text field.Step 2: Tween it to fade out (or whatever).Step 3: Kill the text field.Key item is that the function should be able to create multiple text fields and each text field may be

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