ActionScript 3.0 :: Variable Instance Names - Fill Text Fields With Text That Have In An Array
May 21, 2011
Alright so lets say I have a number of movieclips or text fields or something with instance names test1, test2, test3 and so forth. Now say I want to fill these text fields with text that I have in an array and I want to do this with a loop, how do I do this? What I'm really asking is if there is a way to use a variable in an instance name if you catch my drift.
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Mar 19, 2010
I've got a nice bit of code that allows me to dynamically add a dynamic text box to the stage, add text to it and control it's position and formatting:
var txt:TextField = new TextField();txt.text= "feisty";txt.x=50;txt.y=50;var format:TextFormat = new TextFormat();format.color = 0x2F55EA;format.font = "Arial";format.size = 18;txt.setTextFormat(format);stage.addChild(txt);
This just makes the word "feisty" appear on the movie.The problem is that I want to create many words with different positions,different starting times, make them go away and then have different words appear. It would look like this:[URL]The swf at the link was created with After Effects and the file size is 1.5 MB - too big for a web banner. I was told I could recreate the whole thing dynamically with actionscript and get file size way down. I've been working through various tutorials with little luck.
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Oct 29, 2002
Is this valid:
_global.TxtEnter = Label1.text;
It doesn't seem to work. How can I get the value of the text in Entry1 over to my other variable?
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Jan 7, 2011
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I want the dynamic textbox to show the instance name if possible..
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Nov 6, 2009
There's a movieclip, lets call it myMovieClip. Inside this movieclip there is a dynamic text box, lets call this one myText. Now to change the text within this text box that is embedded in a movieclip, it's simply:
However, what if there is a variable, called myVariable that stores the instance name of the text box. With only one text box I know it's pointless, but for the sake of example, lets leave it simple. So, suddenly the code looks like:
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Mar 20, 2011
I started a thread about a reference to a symbol House, in the output window, which was: House_1. A lot of people said some useful things about that. All day I've been thinking about it, and I came to the conclusion that I don't understand things, at a very basic level.
Consider:I make a movieclip which I give the Symbol name Drawer. (I don't export it for AcitonScript.)On the stage I manually place two instances of this Symbol. The first one I give the Instance Name drawer (in the properties panel). The second one I leave nameless.Now if I trace the names of both these clips, by
the output window gives me
Now I know that the so-called "instance name" which I gave in the Properties Panel (drawer) is, in reality, a variable name which Flash gives my first instance behind the scenes. And instance2 is a name that Flash gives my second instance. What exactly the nature of that name is, I do not know.My point is: both names (drawer and instance2) are the .name property of these movieclips. Otherwise I could not have traced them through asking for the .name property, in the above. Yet only the first of these two can be manipulated:
drawer.x can be set;
instance2.x can (as we know) not be set.
But...why? What is the real difference between these two kinds of names? How can they both be the .name property of their underlying movieclip, yet be of such a different nature? What IS the nature of the instance2 name? If it's a String, how come the .name property of one movieclip can be a variable name, while the .name property of another (but identical) movieclip is a String?
I've searched every bit of web page on the net I could find. But it looks as if nobody addresses this issue. We all just work with it - but it makes no bloody sense. A name property = a name property, you'd think. Whether Flash set it or I set it should not make a difference. The x property of a clip, for example, does not change in nature according to who set it - me or Flash.So, again, just to emphasize the problem: how can a property (the name property) of a movieclip change in NATURE depending on who set it? After it's been set, shouldn't the name property of a clip be of exactly the same nature as the name property of another clip?
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Nov 23, 2005
Having a problem with a Flash/ASP/Database project.I've seen tutorials that pulls address book listings dynamically from the DB. When you hit "next" button it just populates dynamic text fields with variable names like "name" "address" with the appropriate info. Problem I'm having is.. what if you want to display all the entries on the same screen.If the variable names on the dynamic text fields are hard coded named "name" "address" "phone number" etc. , how can the second set of info display underneath the first one properly and not just pull the same text from the first record into the text fields? (name2, address2, etc.)
Is there a way to dynamically change the variable name of a dynamic text field? I'm thinking you should be able to have it note how many records there are, then loop until it reaches the end of the record set. So, can the variable names be dynamic so it will populate the text fields with the appropriate info?
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Nov 21, 2010
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Jan 26, 2010
So my website was created in FLash CS4 which is AS3. I did a tutorial online recently to create scrollbar for dynamic text; but sadly I didn't realize the code I had copied was AS2! I tried to import the scrollbar.swf into my website and it gave me this message:Text field variable names are not supported in ActionScript 3.0. The variable 'txt' used for the text field 'txtBox' will not be exported.[code]
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Apr 20, 2012
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Feb 1, 2010
I'd like to gather (at run-time) all dynamic text fields on the stage and push them into an array. Then I can load an xml of data and populate each dynamic text field in the array with a matching value in the xml file.
So basically I'm writing one class file I'd like to be used on many different swf files, each of which can have one or 20+ dynamic text fields. I'd like the swf to loop through each text dynamic field, throw each into an array and then grab an xml item with a matching name as that text field and set its textfield.text value from it. So actually if the dynamic text fields are just in a for loop then I guess I wouldn't even need to place them in an array, just not sure how to identify the dynamic text fields on the stage.
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Jun 9, 2011
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Aug 10, 2007
I have a Flash site I am developing that feeds in XML into various arrays and populates dynamic movie clips and text fields. I am having trouble making a for loop that works with my movieclips and text fields. I am probably only missing one step and if I can figure it out I will cut my lines of code about 10X. I have attached the fla and image files in a zip file.
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Apr 5, 2010
I have some movieclips on stage each with an instance name like this: 101, 102,103,104.. etc.When I click one of them, it's istance name is added in an array:[code]I've got a button on stage too and I want when this button is clicked to change the Y of all the selected movieclips:[code]
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Apr 19, 2012
I have a bunch of buttons on stage, and i want to place all of those buttons names in an array so i can assign an event listener to them easier. What i have is:
var btnArray = new Array["btn1","btn2","btn3","etc...."];
for(var c=0; c<btnArray.length; c++)
btnArray[c].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, doSomething);
But that isnt working.
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Oct 7, 2009
I have been scripting this flash profile card which pulls data from multiple XML files. The problem i am having is when it comes down to pulling this 1 set of information which is accessing the attributes of an array of specific XML nodes on display after the first item it inputs a comma before each item.
My code:
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---
xmlData = new XML ();xmlData.ignoreWhite = true;xmlData.onLoad = loadXML;xmlData.load ("../xml profiles/test.xml");
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----
function loadXML (loaded){if (loaded){ xmlNode = this.firstChild;
This is just a draft version of the layout i used to pull up fake data... to show the commas.Lastly i am wondering if it is possible to control the 3 text fields using 1 scroll bar or would i be better off learning how to create columns in 1 text field to display these lists.
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Aug 16, 2009
Lets say I have 3 Movie Clip Symbols in my Library : Movie0, Movie1 and Movie2
Each movie has a dynamic text box: "TextBox1"
I want to be able to write a function that can manipulate the alpha(or any attribute) of the TextBox1 in all three MovieClips.
In my limited experience I thought I could do something like the following:
for (var row:int = 0; row < dataArray.length; row++)
Movie(row).TextBox1.alpha = 1;
I hoped that this would loop through 3 times and set the alpha of the TextBox1 in all three movies to 1.
Is this possible? Can you reference an instance with use of a variable?
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Aug 18, 2010
Trying to set up a world of warcraft like hotkey setup for an RPG i'm making for a school project, where you drag spells from the spellbook onto the hotkeys. Understand all the concepts, however, instead of doing a ridiculous amount of if statements, I want to loop the functions. Unfortunately, I don't know how to refer to certain variable and instance names within loops. I shall show you what I have:
ActionScript Code:
for(var i; i<2; i++){
spellbook_inst["spell_"+i+"_inst"].onPress = function(){
_root.hold_spell_position_inst._x = this._x;
_root.hold_spell_position_inst._y = this._y;
The "spells" (i.e., icons you drag from the spellbook) are all named spell_(number)_inst, and are movieclips within the spellbook_inst movieclip. I want the drag function to be available for all spells. At the moment, I don't get any syntax errors, but nothing happens, so I presume I have referred to it incorrectly.
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May 28, 2009
This should be simple but I can't come up with or find the answer anywhere. All I want to do is create a series of Arrays with instance names generated on the fly. I then want to reference these later. I have a "for" loop with a variable "count" that I want to add to a base name of rowArray and use the result to create an Array. I would think that it would look something like this:
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Mar 24, 2012
In Flash, I created a grid of 400 buttons with instance names c0 through c399.[code]...
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Feb 5, 2010
I have just started actionscript after a long break, I am creating a crossword and each box is an 'Input Text' field. Since there are a lot of text fields, I do not want to have to create variables for each text box,I wanted to do something like this:
ActionScript Code:
var inputs:Array = new Array( "_1a", "_1b", "_1c" .. );
for( var i:int = 0; i < inputs.length; i++ ) {
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Jun 30, 2010
How do you pass instance names into arrays? I've got a bunch of movieClips of states.
They all have instance names.. alabama, arkansas, delaware, florida, georiga, etc..
I am trying to send them all to an array because I need to be able to disable the movieClips all at once and I don't want to call each one separately. I setup an array and a "for" loop, and it properly gets each value in the array:
ActionScript Code:
states = new Array(alabama, arkansas, delware, florida, georgia);
stateslength = states.length;
View 9 Replies
Jun 24, 2009
Why I can't set properties to instance names with Array
Code: Select all// instance names:
// a1_mc, a2_mc
var allElements = new Array("a1_mc","a2_mc");
allElements.x = 250;
alllements.y = 250;
View 3 Replies
Nov 28, 2010
i want to use a variable(text) to refrence a movieclips instance name
function InventoryShow(event:Event):void
var SC:URLVariables = new URLVariables(;
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Sep 12, 2009
The movie I'm creating will have many movie clips on each frame and each will have a mouseover tooltip.I have the code set so that I can mouseover a defined movie clip and I properly get the tooltip.[code]This works, where n1 is the instanced name of the movie clip.What I want is to be able to define a variable "whichNav" that will dynamically change to a movie clip instanced name when I mouse over that movie clip, then I can replace "n1" in the above code with "whichNav" and not have to remake the above code for every movie clip in the frame.For example, I could have movie clips instanced as n1, n2, n3, n4... ect. I want a variable that will track which movie clip I have my mouse over, and input that variable into the above code to create the tool tip for each movie clip.
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Sep 15, 2009
I worked again on a new Project and stumbled while trying Arrays. I have two cubes(cube_mc, cube2_mc) in my scene.
My code:
var gy:Number = 0;
var gravity:Number = .2
var moving:Array = new Array(cube_mc, cube2_mc);
this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, gravityFUNC);
function gravityFUNC(event:Event):void{
I was trying to put both cubes into the array, and then affecting the whole Array with gravity. When I test it nothing happens, and it shows no errors.
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Sep 15, 2009
I worked again on a new Project and stumbled while trying Arrays.
I have two cubes(cube_mc, cube2_mc) in my scene.
My code:
Code:var gy:Number = 0;
var gravity:Number = .2
var moving:Array = new Array(cube_mc, cube2_mc);
I was trying to put both cubes into the array,
and then affecting the whole Array with gravity.
When I test it nothing happens, and it shows no errors.
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Jan 3, 2006
I have 35 textboxes with the names "t1" to "t35". How would I call these names in a for loop? I have tried this with no luck:
I know I'm doing something wrong with the ("t"+i) but I dont know how how to combine a string and number like that.
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Jan 6, 2012
i have instance of "HelloClass" class on my main movie :
so my HelloClass exteds movieclip and has var named Variable1 that also class with var fullurl
i want to access fullurl string value dynamically , somthing like: _root.["mc"].["HelloClass"].["variable1"].["fullurl"]
so i can access every var from external swf
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Jan 6, 2012
i also write this question in as2 forum, but i need it also for as3i have instance of class "HelloClass" on my main movie my HelloClass exteds movieclip and has var named Variable1 that also class with var fullurli want to access fullurl string value dynamically , somthing like:_root.["mc"].["HelloClass"].["variable1"].["fullurl"]so i can access every var from external swf
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