ActionScript 3.0 :: Random Orbit Around Origin?

Oct 21, 2009

I'm making a little kids game at the moment with all kinds of critters and such.I randomly place the critters around the stage. Now to give them some more life i would like them to wander around a little bit but not stray from their origin (the place they were initially put).Now i recon i should store their origin in some vars and then setup a timer (or an onComplete with any random tweening engine) and then get new random coordinates to tween too that are within range.I think.I'm not sure if i'm on the right track as i can't get this to work properly so far.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Orbit One Mc Around Another, But Always Facing?

Sep 28, 2008

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var radius = 1200;
var degrees = -120;
onEnterFrame = function (){


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private function upHandler(event:Event):void {
isCameraRotating = false;
} private function downHandler(event:Event):void {
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Edit: I found out that [A] is 152,098,232 km and its [B] is 147,098,290 km. I'll scale these down once i find out the [X] and [Y].

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Oct 13, 2010

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var centerX:Number;
var centerY:Number;
var centerZ:Number;


ok so RBall is my first moving object and my orbiting object will be called orbit

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Professional :: Changing The Origin Of The Stage?

Aug 13, 2010

This question has been raised in other forums as one of "moving the stage," and the solution seemed to be that the stage cannot be moved, only the components of the animation can be moved. That solution does not work for my situation (I am using CS4) where moving a motion path causes the shape off an object to be altered.Perhaps I can pose the question this way:The stage initially has origin (0,0) and the size of the stage is measured from that point. Is it possible to change the origin to, say, (-100, -200), which, in effect moves every object on stage 100 pixels to the right (because the stage has moved 100 pixels to the left) and 200 pixels down?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Trigger A Function That Appear On The Origin File?

Jan 27, 2010

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import InternalCarousel;

and uses it as its:

var carrusel:InternalCarousel = new InternalCarousel();
carrusel.y = -900;
carrusel.x = -200;
carrusel.scaleX = 1.4;
carrusel.scaleY = 4;
addChild (carrusel);

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But nothing seems to work. Which is the correct code that I have to use to make it work?

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Feb 1, 2010

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Media Server :: VOD Is Stopping Whenever Origin Restarts

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<running environment>
-windows 2003 server
-using linux based load balancer(two origin only FMIS)
-FMIS 3.5.3
-default settings of all XML, CONF
-origin only and 2 servers
-providing live and vod services(vod files are placed in NAS storage and FMLE is feeding live video)
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-nomally 300 VOD clients and 200 LIVE clients are connected on live time.
-changed HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesTcpipParameters MaxUserPort created and set value 65535 in registry)


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Media Server :: FMS Origin-Only Clustering Setup

Nov 9, 2010

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How To Change Coordinate Origin In Flash Stage

Jan 16, 2010

I think I did this before but can't find the code. Flash as many other graphical frameworks use the top-left corner as the coordinate origin (0,0) because it's how the underlying memory model is by convention. But it would be really simpler for my calculations if the origin was in the center of the stage, because all the game revolves around the center and uses a lot of trigonometry, angles, etc. Is there some built-in method like Stage::
setOrigin( uint, uint );
or something like that?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Reset All Movie Clips To Origin?

Jun 27, 2011

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Mar 25, 2011

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Some code using x and y to calculate new xvelocities


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Media Server :: Clustering Origin / Edge Docs

Aug 15, 2010

where can I find step by step guide for clustering FMS? url...but ,  it is not clear what exactly to do , it just says like :Install and configure the first Flash Media Server.Use the same serial number and license file each time you install Flash Media Server.NOTE A special cluster license file is required. For more information, contact your Macromedia representative.Confirm that this Flash Media Server instance is working correctly.Configure the Flash Media Server instance as an origin server.Install and configure the next Flash Media Server in the cluster.Configure this Flash Media Server instance as an edge server.Make sure this edge server points to the origin server.Repeat steps 5 through 7 for each edge server that your license file allows. ".

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Media Server :: Edge Origin On Live Applications

Sep 22, 2010

I just came accross edge origin configuration. I was wondering if this would be good if I use Edge-Origin configuration on live applications, like live Video Chat or sharing a drawing board. I understand that they will be useful in case of failures of edges. But unlike 'videos on demand' applications like streaming, edges will help since the edges will cache them. So for a live application, apart from failover any other advantages of having Edge-Origin setup?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Resizing .swf Window Causes Stage Size And Origin?

Feb 14, 2011

When I create a little .swf file with actionscript it will run correctly in whatever stage size I choose for the document.  However, I want the display to update when I change the window size that the .swf is running in as it is running.  It does some resizing as I drag the corner of the .swf window, but not correctly.  I actually put the statement:
graphics.drawRect(0,0,stage.stageWidth, stage.stageHeight);into the code, and it is not drawing the origin at the corner of the window (among other problems).  Is this a bug in Flash, and/or is there some way around this  When I put the window back to its original size, it displays correctly, and this is happening for all stage sizes and aspect ratio

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Media Server :: Origin - Edge Limitation On VOD But Not On LIVE

Feb 23, 2012

we have an origin server where video materials are stored and one edge where clients are conected to.

If i allow clients to connect directly to core server it can go easily to 1000 users without any problems. If the clients connects to edge after 100 users the player will start buffering the video every few seconds.

On the other hand if i connect a FMLE to core ( same video bitrate as materials already encoded ) clients can connect to edge and there is no problem
( tested with 1000 users ) and no buffering issues appeared.

There is no IO wait problem on core, edge is configured not to use any cache. There is no connectivity isssue between master and edge.

Both origin and edge are 4.0.3.

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Flash :: Javascript Upload In Spite Of Same Origin Policy

Apr 20, 2010

Can one upload files to a domain other than the domain a script originates from? For example, suppose you're hosting files on [URL], and you want to upload files to [URL], would the following script violate the same origin policy (using uploadify):


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Move The Origin Point Of A MovieClip In Adobe Flash CS3?

Sep 2, 2010

How do I move the origin point, or zero point, of a MovieClip to the same origin point of the stage without scripting in Adobe Flash CS3?

Example: While I'm trying to move objects within a MovieClip, the origin point is at (stage) 200,-300. This means that when I put objects in a MovieClip, the objects' X,Y coordinates, as displayed in properties, are off by that much.

This point is way off the edge of the stage and I'd like to move it back to the stage's origin point so that my X,Y coordinates are meaningful.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Drag And Drop Then SNAP BACK TO ORIGIN?

Mar 10, 2011

5 text choices (choice_1 → choice_5)5 text field targets (box_1 → box_5)FUNCTION:1. Drag the choices to the targets.2. When dropped they display in target fields.3. Then snap back.I thought I had it but no cigar ... must be close though.Everything functions properly EXCEPT when I drag a choice and drop it all five choices go to choice_5 (XY) instead of their own origin.HOW DO I SOLVE THIS?PROBLEM CAN BE SEEN HERE



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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sprite's Transformation Point And Insertion Origin

Aug 5, 2011

I am making application which will dynamically create sprites via action script and copy the sprite's image to a bitmapdata object via .draw() function. I would like to store the location of the sprite's transformation point and insertion origin (which would be set within the flash editor when the sprite is created/imported.) Is there a way to access the location of the transformation point and the insertion origin via ActionScript? I just want to read it, I do not need to change it.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [Flash8] Move Back To The Origin Point

Oct 14, 2008

I tried to create simple animation from this Kirupa's tutorial My aim is to make a circle run from left to right and when it is almost to the edge it will move back to the origin point and it will loop only 3 times. So I came up with totally baby script like this:


But the MC is not move back to the original place. Sorry for not even finish the script for stop looping. Only tweak on play loop it make me very confused. My knowledge is quite in entry level but I eager to learn. Could you let me know what is wrong with the script?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Drag And Drop Game / Snap To Origin

Sep 7, 2011

i cannot snap the object into its origin. I've made two AS for this one, a DragDrop as and a DragGame as.[code]I just don't know where to put the code that could make the objects snap to its origin.

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