Media Server :: VOD Is Stopping Whenever Origin Restarts

Jun 10, 2010

<running environment>
-windows 2003 server
-using linux based load balancer(two origin only FMIS)
-FMIS 3.5.3
-default settings of all XML, CONF
-origin only and 2 servers
-providing live and vod services(vod files are placed in NAS storage and FMLE is feeding live video)
-only alphabet charater file name (no * , no _, no other special character)  of VOD files
-nomally 300 VOD clients and 200 LIVE clients are connected on live time.
-changed HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesTcpipParameters MaxUserPort created and set value 65535 in registry)


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Media Server :: Streaming Cuts Out And VOD Restarts?

Mar 6, 2010

I just purchased and installed FMS for my music streaming service. I got the streaming set up fine so that it streams mp3s using the VOD application, but quite regularly the stream will just cut out and the VOD application in the administration section will just disappear and restart with 0 clients. It doesn't even happen when I have that many connected clients, at times it's happened with just 15 users, and i've had Red5 running over 200 clients at a time.

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Media Server :: Fail To Connect Origin Server Through NAT

Apr 11, 2010

i have install a delveopment origin server for FMS testing, it can success steam VOD through internal ip, then we move on to test external ip steaming, but if fail to connect through external ip address, our firewall is using NAT mapping for the ip address, we have enable port 80 & 1935, did we need to change to edge server? i have try to change the vhost setting, but once i change the setting, internal & external will fail to conenct it, i have modfiled these setting in default vhost.xml, did any thing i need to change it? <Mode>remote</Mode> <Anonymous>false</Anonymous> <LocalAddress>all</LocalAddress>

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Media Server :: Deploying Edge And Origin Server?

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I have setup an Origin and Edge server to offload live and VOD content.  However, my end-users are pointing explicitly at the Edge server.  Is there any way to configure the setup so the Edge server (proxy)is transparent and the end-users only know about the Origin server?I am trying to configure video split streaming with FMS.

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Media Server :: Edge / Origin Server Configurations

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Media Server :: Edge/Origin Clustering?

Feb 1, 2010

I am having a multi user application running in FMS. I need to cluster them using Edge/Origin with Origin failover.I went thru, http:[url]......My questions are,1) which software load balancer can I use? Is there possiblitiy of configuring the fms server to be reverse proxy.http:[url].... in the below link its mentioned that we can configure edges in 4 ways.Client auto discovery proxyServer auto discover (reverse proxy)Explicit URIImplicit URI (recommended)what configs do I need to do.I was successfut only Explicit URI way by configuring the Vhost.xml. How would I do for others?

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Media Server :: Configure A Back-up Origin?

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Flash Media Interactive Server 3.5We currently have an Edge/Origin configuration. We have another Origin Server to be used for fail-over. How do you setup a back-up Origin Server?

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Media Server :: FMS Origin-Only Clustering Setup

Nov 9, 2010

I was successfully able to setup FMS edge-origin cluster but Origin-only clustering is the one we wanted for our live applications. The only place I found was 'Large Scale Deployment with FMIS'. I guess for Origin Only Clustering, we need to have our own caching system. What does get cached in a Live AV Chat? How do I propagate it to other Origins? What kind of plugins would I need for cache managing? What should the plugin do?

In the attached Origin Only Architecture, what does the Primary Origin do and Secondary Origin do? I thought Origin is the place where the application is actually running and Edges do proxy. Is it the same here in Origin-only clustering also? Are there any tools which can measure the lag in AV? (like performance measuring tools or load testing tools for FMS). What kind of software Load Balancer can we use for FMS clustering? (Like Nginx, Zeus or something?)

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Media Server :: Clustering Origin For Each Application

Nov 15, 2010

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Media Server :: RTMPE Between Edge And Origin?

Jul 15, 2011

I would like to know when this feature will be available. As well as rtmpe between FMLE and Origin.

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Media Server :: HDS VOD With Origin/Edge Setup?

Jan 29, 2012

Is it possible to use origin/edge setup when streaming using HDS ? I have succesfully tested using RTMP but when I try the HDS string - get error "we are having problems with playback". I can view the stream directly if I connect to the origin server. I have 1x origin server and 1x edge server.

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Media Server :: Clustering Origin / Edge Docs

Aug 15, 2010

where can I find step by step guide for clustering FMS? url...but ,  it is not clear what exactly to do , it just says like :Install and configure the first Flash Media Server.Use the same serial number and license file each time you install Flash Media Server.NOTE A special cluster license file is required. For more information, contact your Macromedia representative.Confirm that this Flash Media Server instance is working correctly.Configure the Flash Media Server instance as an origin server.Install and configure the next Flash Media Server in the cluster.Configure this Flash Media Server instance as an edge server.Make sure this edge server points to the origin server.Repeat steps 5 through 7 for each edge server that your license file allows. ".

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Media Server :: Edge Origin On Live Applications

Sep 22, 2010

I just came accross edge origin configuration. I was wondering if this would be good if I use Edge-Origin configuration on live applications, like live Video Chat or sharing a drawing board. I understand that they will be useful in case of failures of edges. But unlike 'videos on demand' applications like streaming, edges will help since the edges will cache them. So for a live application, apart from failover any other advantages of having Edge-Origin setup?

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Media Server :: Origin - Edge Limitation On VOD But Not On LIVE

Feb 23, 2012

we have an origin server where video materials are stored and one edge where clients are conected to.

If i allow clients to connect directly to core server it can go easily to 1000 users without any problems. If the clients connects to edge after 100 users the player will start buffering the video every few seconds.

On the other hand if i connect a FMLE to core ( same video bitrate as materials already encoded ) clients can connect to edge and there is no problem
( tested with 1000 users ) and no buffering issues appeared.

There is no IO wait problem on core, edge is configured not to use any cache. There is no connectivity isssue between master and edge.

Both origin and edge are 4.0.3.

View 7 Replies

Media Server :: Stream Play And Origin Edge Setup

Apr 28, 2010

I'm stuck trying to get a call on a recorded video file (.flv) to translate from origin to edge servers. Don't even know if it's possible. If I call on a server, and connect a viewer directly to that server, the viewer sees the stream play. If I call on an origin server and connect a viewer to edge servers the stream does not play.

Is it possible to configure in any way that the play() call would propagate to edge servers? According to FMS 3.5 docs on the Stream class, the following is the case:
"When you call the server, the server becomes the publisher."
See [URL].

If that server becomes a publisher and lets say it was an origin server on a CDN, shouldn't the other machines in the configuration receive the published stream? Somehow when you publish a live stream to an origin server it makes its way to edge servers. Is this analogy not relevant to the scenario wherein you call on a recorded file?

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Media Server :: Built-in LoadBalancer For Origin/Edge Servers

Jun 10, 2011

We are currently deciding what to use: Wowza(not so much, since they are undergoing the lawsuit) or Adobe Flash Media Server. The problem is that I couldn't find any information on how to configure the loadbalancer using FMS. I tested with Wowza and they use built-in loadbalancer but not so for FMS. Forgot to mention that we need it mostly for live events using RTMP protocol. My current configuration has 1 origin server + 2 edge servers(trial developers edition). I can manage to play livestream from the edge--origin servers using egde url. How can I configure the edge server so that when I connect to the origin server it redirects me to the least loaded edge server?
I tried to set up the connection limit for the origin server for 2 connections(one for the fmle, one for edge) and connect with 5-10 clients but my origin server didn't redirect the stream to the edge.

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Media Server :: HTTP Based Origin / Edge Configuration?

Dec 13, 2011

Is it possible that support origin/edge configuration with http-based in FMS? If so, how do I configuration for that?

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Connect One Edge To Multiple Origin In Flash Media Server?

Mar 20, 2012

Is there a way to do this?One edge to connect to  two or more origin.

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Media Server :: Do An In-place Upgrade From 3.5.2 To 3.5.3 On Origin Servers - Recommended Precedure?

Apr 20, 2010

I need to do an in-place upgrade from 3.5.2 to 3.5.3 on my origin servers. Is there a recommended precedure to acheive this? I want to have the minimum downtime possible. CentOS, x64. I think something along the lines of :


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Media Server :: FLV Playback Stopping Early?

Jan 12, 2009

I have an intermittant problem with FLV playback. I am using FMS 3.0.1r123 and FLVPlayback component to play RTMP streams that have been recorded using a webcam via RTMP. Maybe 1 in 10 recordings will not play back the last couple of seconds of the movie. A day or two later they are fine and play completely! I have made some tests;

1. Using Video object instead makes no difference (it seems the Event.COMPLETE message arrives early)

2. Using HTTP playback fixes the problem (but I want to try and keep the RTMP playback if possible though but I guess this is one way out)

3. The duration before the movies plays back properly seems to vary but is always at least 24 hours later (is that weird or what?)

4. Seeking past the 'end' will play the last couple of seconds.

5. The metadata duration reported at the start is correct (but how can you force FLVPlayback to use this length?)

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Media Server :: Clean DVR Record File Without Stopping Broadcast To Client?

Jan 27, 2010

It's possible to clean DVR record file without stopping broadcast to client?

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Media Server :: Can Adobe Flash Media Streaming Server 3.5 Run On AMD Athlon Dual Sock Quad Core?

Nov 10, 2009

Can Adobe Flash Media Streaming Server 3.5 run on AMD Athlon Dual Sock Quad Core?I just requested a Dell server to be added to our farm to run as a Media Server and to my surprise, while reading the requirements for FMS it states the following: 3.2GHz Intel® Pentium® 4 processor (dual Intel Xeon® or faster recommended)

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Media Server :: FLVPlayback Component's NcMgr.netConnection Is Null When Connecting To My Flash Media Server?

Jan 13, 2010

I'm trying to troubleshoot a Flash Media Server working with a little video playback application I wrote a few years ago that has suddenly stopped working.I'm using CS3/Actionscript 3.My app uses the FLVPlayback Component, and was working well last time I checked.  I recevied a report that the videos stopped working, and have been looking into it.I figured I'd add a bunch of event listeners to the FLVPlayback's ncMgr.netConnection so I could get debug info on things like io errors, net status, etc.The problem I'm running into is that the netConnection is null when I set it to anything on my Flash Media Server, and adding any event listeners to this netConnection throws errors.Here's what I've tried so far:

Playback of a local FLV file works fine.In the FLVPlayback documentation, I found an example and stole the URL of the stream they were using in the example, and that works fine, although it is an HTTP protocol stream rather than RTMP.Any attempt to access FLV files on my Media Server, which has worked fine in the past, basically cause the FLVPlayback object to sit and hang in "buffering" mode and never progresses beyond this point.The netConnection object in this case is null.Here's my code:[code]........

Again the purpose of this is to troubleshoot the video streaming from the Flash Media Server, and it seems like there is no netconnection to the server being created.Does this mean that the server is not working, or is there a problem with the way I'm trying to access the content on the server?This was all working fine before, and I have set up the server-side application .ASC files and such to allow things to work fine on the server end.

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Flash :: Media Server - Automatically Configure Edge From The Admin Console Of Media Interactive Server?

Jan 17, 2010

How can we automatically configure edge from the admin console of flash media interactive server?

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Media Server :: Number Of Connection Allowed In The Free Developer Ediiton Of Flash Media Server?

Mar 27, 2010

I would like to know the number of connection allowed in the free developer ediiton of Flash Media Server.

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Flash :: Media Server - Send Video And Audio Data To A Media Server By Using RTMP Protocol

Jul 22, 2010

I'm trying to make a software which sends video and audio data to a flash media server by using RTMP protocol. Currently, my program can communicate with a flash media server correctly. RTMP specifications does not describe about the raw data in video/audio messages, so I muxed raw H.264 and AAC data into video/audio messages and sent to the server. The server seems to accept them, but a video player cannot playback the stream sending from the server. The player just says "Loading..." For a test purpose, I sniffed the network packets between Wirecast and the flash media server and ripped off only video and audio data. Then, I muxed those data into video/audio message and sent to the flash media server. In this case, the video player connected to the server can playback the stream correctly.

I checked the stream sent from Wirecast, the stream seems not to be H.264 raw data because those data are not started from 0x17 instead of H.264 start code. With those situation, I am wondering what kind of container format I should use for H.264/AAC data to the flash media server.

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Media Server :: Not Save FLV In Sample Flash Media Interactive Server Feature Explorer?

Jul 1, 2010

I have to a problem using the Flash Media Interactive Server Feature Explorer. I want use the sample: RecordStream. I can see the instance "RecordStream" in console FMS 3.5. and show me the video in app AIR, but does not save the .FLV in my server.

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Media Server :: Security Check Determined That I Need To Patch Our Adobe Flash Media Server?

Jul 6, 2010

Apply the security patch found here:http:[url]............For more information see the followingresource:CVE: 2009-1365

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Media Server :: Secure Flash Media Streaming Server 3.5 (live Stream Connection)

Aug 23, 2010

I have Flash Media Streaming Server 3.5 (not Interactive) running on RHEL5.5 x86_64 Linux.All is working well, however how do I prevent unauthorized access to connecting to the live stream and streaming content?How can I setup the server to require a user and password to stream live media to the server?I am new to this product and I have been reading some documentation but I have not found a clear cut answer on how to force a username and password to connect to the server to stream live content only.I am using the Adobe FMS Apache install, what files need changing?[code]I want to lock down a person from connecting to the server on the public internet and starting a live stream?Can this be done with a user name and password?

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Media Server :: Sophos Antivirus Can Stop Taking Connection By Flash Media Server?

Oct 13, 2010

Our flash media server  stops taking connection sometime. Any one have any idea about sophos antivirus?

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