Media Server :: Built-in LoadBalancer For Origin/Edge Servers

Jun 10, 2011

We are currently deciding what to use: Wowza(not so much, since they are undergoing the lawsuit) or Adobe Flash Media Server. The problem is that I couldn't find any information on how to configure the loadbalancer using FMS. I tested with Wowza and they use built-in loadbalancer but not so for FMS. Forgot to mention that we need it mostly for live events using RTMP protocol. My current configuration has 1 origin server + 2 edge servers(trial developers edition). I can manage to play livestream from the edge--origin servers using egde url. How can I configure the edge server so that when I connect to the origin server it redirects me to the least loaded edge server?
I tried to set up the connection limit for the origin server for 2 connections(one for the fmle, one for edge) and connect with 5-10 clients but my origin server didn't redirect the stream to the edge.

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On the other hand if i connect a FMLE to core ( same video bitrate as materials already encoded ) clients can connect to edge and there is no problem
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Is it possible to configure in any way that the play() call would propagate to edge servers? According to FMS 3.5 docs on the Stream class, the following is the case:
"When you call the server, the server becomes the publisher."
See [URL].

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Media Server :: Fail To Connect Origin Server Through NAT

Apr 11, 2010

i have install a delveopment origin server for FMS testing, it can success steam VOD through internal ip, then we move on to test external ip steaming, but if fail to connect through external ip address, our firewall is using NAT mapping for the ip address, we have enable port 80 & 1935, did we need to change to edge server? i have try to change the vhost setting, but once i change the setting, internal & external will fail to conenct it, i have modfiled these setting in default vhost.xml, did any thing i need to change it? <Mode>remote</Mode> <Anonymous>false</Anonymous> <LocalAddress>all</LocalAddress>

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I am trying to load test my 2 server load balanced FMS 2 environment which has been set up with the profile for 1000 connection 40MB. When I hit about 140 connections/server it fails with a "Bandwidth Penalty activated at time 1248945759.731000 with bandwidth 5945889 and limit 5000000" error logged in the event viewer immediately followed by many rejection errors: " immediately followed by many rejection errors: "
Connection rejected by server. Reason : [ License.Limit.Exceeded ] : (_defaultRoot_, _defaultVHost_/DLvideo/_definst_) : Current server bandwidth usage exceeds license limit set. Rejecting connection."The load testing mechanism is a test harness that was created by a third party and seems to work well up until the above messages are logged. It basically is making 25 sustained streamed video connections per minute until it starts disgarding connections as noted above.
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This works on a Windows XP development server, but not on the RedHat deployment server. Are there any configuration options that I need to be aware of in order to allow my application to perform requests such as these (i.e. HTTP requests to remote servers)?

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Oct 3, 2011

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Jul 8, 2011

I have a setup where I have some edge servers (as in <Mode>remote</Mode>) that pull content from an origin server. I only want to allow RTMPE connections to the edge server. I'm trying to do this by using the <DisallowedProtocols> element on the origin server. I'm setting: <DisallowedProtocols>rtmp,rtmps,rtmpt</DisallowedProtocols>

in the relevant Vhost.xml on the origin server. However, when I do that, proxying through the edge server stops working. I get a "Connection attempt rejected by FMS server [ Server.Reject ] : Connection failed." from OSMFPlayer (which I'm using for testing) and these lines show up on the origin server's core.00.log file:


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Feb 15, 2012

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Apr 14, 2010

Flash Media Interactive Server 3.5We currently have an Edge/Origin configuration. We have another Origin Server to be used for fail-over. How do you setup a back-up Origin Server?

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Media Server :: VOD Is Stopping Whenever Origin Restarts

Jun 10, 2010

<running environment>
-windows 2003 server
-using linux based load balancer(two origin only FMIS)
-FMIS 3.5.3
-default settings of all XML, CONF
-origin only and 2 servers
-providing live and vod services(vod files are placed in NAS storage and FMLE is feeding live video)
-only alphabet charater file name (no * , no _, no other special character)  of VOD files
-nomally 300 VOD clients and 200 LIVE clients are connected on live time.
-changed HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesTcpipParameters MaxUserPort created and set value 65535 in registry)


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Media Server :: FMS Origin-Only Clustering Setup

Nov 9, 2010

I was successfully able to setup FMS edge-origin cluster but Origin-only clustering is the one we wanted for our live applications. The only place I found was 'Large Scale Deployment with FMIS'. I guess for Origin Only Clustering, we need to have our own caching system. What does get cached in a Live AV Chat? How do I propagate it to other Origins? What kind of plugins would I need for cache managing? What should the plugin do?

In the attached Origin Only Architecture, what does the Primary Origin do and Secondary Origin do? I thought Origin is the place where the application is actually running and Edges do proxy. Is it the same here in Origin-only clustering also? Are there any tools which can measure the lag in AV? (like performance measuring tools or load testing tools for FMS). What kind of software Load Balancer can we use for FMS clustering? (Like Nginx, Zeus or something?)

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Media Server :: Clustering Origin For Each Application

Nov 15, 2010

I have an FMS Clustered in Edge-Origin configuration. Can I have different Origins for different applications but the same edges?.I have multiple edges forwarding the requests to the Origins based on the application name?[code]And if its possible, can someone advice the advantageous of having different Origins for different Applications?

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Media Server :: Setting Up Flash - If I Setup Another Channel Pointing To The Other Edge Server Ip Adresss It Doesnt Work?

Sep 24, 2011

i have a orgin server and 2 edge servers and a load balancer

first off im confused in each edge server i set them to be remote, rtmp and changed the routeentry to  <RouteEntry>*:*;96.44.***.***:1935</RouteEntry> on both servers
orgin server is just local
what my question is im streaming to orgin and its getting sent to 1 edge and other edge is doing nothing no traffic the stream i set it this way url:


which is the 1 edge thats working if i setup another channel pointing to the other edge server ip adresss it doesnt work.. what am i doing wrong isnt all this supposed to be load balanced or am i missing steps...or did i do it wrong on the flash player config.

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May 3, 2010

I want to implement an internet chat application, I mean, I want a front end, which connects a web cam (mic and speaker). So, I can send videos and audios to a back end server (do flash streaming? but I am not sure what good product out there I can use), and also send both A/V to another computer on the internet. In other words, need a front end that sends local a/v from webcam (&mic) to backend and receives remote a/v from backend to webcam (and speaker) + backend streaming server.

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Media Server :: FMS 4.5 Edge On H264 Recorded Streams?

Jan 4, 2012

We have 2 FMS 4.5 servers, one working as origin one as edge we are running our custom DVR application on Origin server, wich records streams. Clients are connecting to edge server and they can watch live or rewind back and watch recorded stream, the problem is after too many clients are connecting to edge server the rewind option becomes unstable, form our investigation we determined that rewind working bad only on that parts of file wich is not cached on edge server yet (caching is working fine when there are not too much clients).
We have currently upgraded from FLV Streams to H264, FLV was much stable and was able to handle much more connections.

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