Media Server :: Adding Edge Servers To A Live FMS Server?

Nov 26, 2009

Does anyone know if this is possible  I have an FMS server in our production enviroment that contains multiple vHosts, at the moment I have one edge server setup for each host based on the comment at the bottom of this entry:[URL]

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Media Server :: Built-in LoadBalancer For Origin/Edge Servers

Jun 10, 2011

We are currently deciding what to use: Wowza(not so much, since they are undergoing the lawsuit) or Adobe Flash Media Server. The problem is that I couldn't find any information on how to configure the loadbalancer using FMS. I tested with Wowza and they use built-in loadbalancer but not so for FMS. Forgot to mention that we need it mostly for live events using RTMP protocol. My current configuration has 1 origin server + 2 edge servers(trial developers edition). I can manage to play livestream from the edge--origin servers using egde url. How can I configure the edge server so that when I connect to the origin server it redirects me to the least loaded edge server?
I tried to set up the connection limit for the origin server for 2 connections(one for the fmle, one for edge) and connect with 5-10 clients but my origin server didn't redirect the stream to the edge.

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Media Server :: Edge Origin On Live Applications

Sep 22, 2010

I just came accross edge origin configuration. I was wondering if this would be good if I use Edge-Origin configuration on live applications, like live Video Chat or sharing a drawing board. I understand that they will be useful in case of failures of edges. But unlike 'videos on demand' applications like streaming, edges will help since the edges will cache them. So for a live application, apart from failover any other advantages of having Edge-Origin setup?

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Media Server :: Origin - Edge Limitation On VOD But Not On LIVE

Feb 23, 2012

we have an origin server where video materials are stored and one edge where clients are conected to.

If i allow clients to connect directly to core server it can go easily to 1000 users without any problems. If the clients connects to edge after 100 users the player will start buffering the video every few seconds.

On the other hand if i connect a FMLE to core ( same video bitrate as materials already encoded ) clients can connect to edge and there is no problem
( tested with 1000 users ) and no buffering issues appeared.

There is no IO wait problem on core, edge is configured not to use any cache. There is no connectivity isssue between master and edge.

Both origin and edge are 4.0.3.

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Flash :: Media Server - Automatically Configure Edge From The Admin Console Of Media Interactive Server?

Jan 17, 2010

How can we automatically configure edge from the admin console of flash media interactive server?

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Media Server :: Only Allowing RTMPE Connections To An Edge Server

Jul 8, 2011

I have a setup where I have some edge servers (as in <Mode>remote</Mode>) that pull content from an origin server. I only want to allow RTMPE connections to the edge server. I'm trying to do this by using the <DisallowedProtocols> element on the origin server. I'm setting: <DisallowedProtocols>rtmp,rtmps,rtmpt</DisallowedProtocols>

in the relevant Vhost.xml on the origin server. However, when I do that, proxying through the edge server stops working. I get a "Connection attempt rejected by FMS server [ Server.Reject ] : Connection failed." from OSMFPlayer (which I'm using for testing) and these lines show up on the origin server's core.00.log file:


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Media Server :: Restrict An Edge Connection To Core Server?

Feb 15, 2012

I want to restrict unauthorised edge servers connecting to my core server . How do i do it?

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Media Server :: Adding Overlaying Mask On The Live Stream

Dec 28, 2009

Can I add overlaying graphics upon the live stream by server-side ActionScript before publish the stream? For example, suppose in case of video conference, I want to put a mask graphic on peoples face to hide them, and change the mask on the fly by server-side code, such as moving it or making it transparent.

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Media Server :: Setting Up Flash - If I Setup Another Channel Pointing To The Other Edge Server Ip Adresss It Doesnt Work?

Sep 24, 2011

i have a orgin server and 2 edge servers and a load balancer

first off im confused in each edge server i set them to be remote, rtmp and changed the routeentry to  <RouteEntry>*:*;96.44.***.***:1935</RouteEntry> on both servers
orgin server is just local
what my question is im streaming to orgin and its getting sent to 1 edge and other edge is doing nothing no traffic the stream i set it this way url:


which is the 1 edge thats working if i setup another channel pointing to the other edge server ip adresss it doesnt work.. what am i doing wrong isnt all this supposed to be load balanced or am i missing steps...or did i do it wrong on the flash player config.

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Media Server :: Swf Hosted On One Server Connect To Live Stream From Another Server?

Apr 28, 2010

One server - is streaming server with Flash Media Interactive Server 3.5that host the application with asc files in FMS application directory.Second server - is the IIS web server that host thehtml,aspx,swf etc.. files.So basically i heve swf file on one server that have to connect to live streaming via rtmp on different server with different ip address.I did not find any clear explanation on this crossdomain rmtp issue.ys only HTTP can use crossdomain.xml policy filebut not rmtp.So what policy security procedure need to be done in order to enableswf file hosted on one server to connect and show rmtp live cam broadcasting from another server?

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Media Server :: Deploying Edge And Origin Server?

Dec 21, 2010

I have setup an Origin and Edge server to offload live and VOD content.  However, my end-users are pointing explicitly at the Edge server.  Is there any way to configure the setup so the Edge server (proxy)is transparent and the end-users only know about the Origin server?I am trying to configure video split streaming with FMS.

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Media Server :: Edge / Origin Server Configurations

May 27, 2011

I've been trying now for few days to configure an Edge server that would connect to our working Origin server. I have not changed anything on the Origin server and media are served properly I can easily play all media from the videoPlayer.html sample app distributed with the server.


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Media Server :: Adding Chat To FMSS During Live Webcam Broadcasts?

Oct 13, 2010

How would I go about adding chat to FMSS during live webcam broadcasts? I will be using FMSS to broadcast webcam.Obviously it is an outgoing stream only as I am told to do cam to cam I need FMIS and at present I do not need cam to cam and I can not afford FMIS.I want the viewers of the webcam broadcast to have a chat window where they can send comments to the person on the webcam and the person on the webcam can type back if they want to.I have glazed over some posts here and saw that it can be done in Flash, I want to know if I can do it with FMSS. It does not need to be elaborate.

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Media Server :: Secure Flash Media Streaming Server 3.5 (live Stream Connection)

Aug 23, 2010

I have Flash Media Streaming Server 3.5 (not Interactive) running on RHEL5.5 x86_64 Linux.All is working well, however how do I prevent unauthorized access to connecting to the live stream and streaming content?How can I setup the server to require a user and password to stream live media to the server?I am new to this product and I have been reading some documentation but I have not found a clear cut answer on how to force a username and password to connect to the server to stream live content only.I am using the Adobe FMS Apache install, what files need changing?[code]I want to lock down a person from connecting to the server on the public internet and starting a live stream?Can this be done with a user name and password?

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Media Server :: RTMP & Flash Media Streaming Server Live Application?

Feb 3, 2010

I'm running Flash Media Streaming Server and have only been serving VOD up until now.  I had my network administrator open up port 1935 to the outside world during the setup process and now I can't remember if that was actually required for streaming VOD to clients.  Most documentation I've read says that this port should be open, but I seem to recall reading something at one point that suggested it wasn't necessary.

I've just started messing around with publishing live streams using Flash Media Live Encoder to the Flash Media Streaming Server.  I have that working without issue but was surprised to find that no authentication is required before a client running the live encoder can publish a stream to the Flash Media Streaming Server.  An authentication module is available however it only works with Flash Media Interactive Server and Flash Media Development Server.

If I leave port 1935 open to the outside world, there would be nothing to stop anybody anywhere from streaming video via my server.  Anyone else running a default install of Flash Media Streaming Server and with port 1935 open to the outside should see that this is true of their setup as well.  I'm wondering if I can safely close port 1935 without limiting the functionality of the server or if there's some way I can require authentication prior to publishing a live stream even though I'm not on the four-and-a-half-times-more-expensive edition of the product.

View 30 Replies

Media Server :: Adobe Flash Media Live Encoder Not Connecting To My Server?

Aug 31, 2010

I am working on streaming programs through "Adobe flash Media Live encoder" in my website.The steps that i done for streaming is
    * Installed Adobe flash media live encoder
    * In the FMS URL entered as  " rtmp://myserver ip/live "
    * In stream given as "livestream"
    * when i click connect the follwing error is displaying " Invalid primary FMSURL "
The website i am going to implement is [url]... which is done using PHP. Is there anything i have to do in coding to connect the media server.

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Media Server :: Stream Video With Flash Media Live Encoder To The Server?

Jul 19, 2011

when i try to live stream with FMS! I can stream video with Flash media live encoder to the server but when i create the player to recieve the livestream from server,i can not recieve the live stream,can anyone give me a step by step tutorial of how to do it?

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Media Server :: Flash Media Server 4.5 Live Streaming In IOS Devices

Oct 26, 2011

I have a FMS 4.5 with (License) and is set up and running fine, now I want to stream Live to the IOS Devices but no luck. I have a web page for test purpose with the video src tags to: URL... and in the server I have a livestream.m3u8 pointing to the same URL..., Now the Encoder have the AAC plugin and all the presets like it shut but when I go to see it in my IPad 2 this is how it looks.

View 11 Replies

Media Server :: Client Returns Server Not Found:rtmp:// When Accessed From Another Pc?

Jun 29, 2010

i have a small LAN of about 8 computers all of which are running windows 7. I have installed FMS and XAMPP webserver on one of the machines. I want to stream live from one PC to all the other PCs on the LAN. I have a webpage with jwplayer embedded in it on my XAMPP webserver that is able to see the live stream when i start it locally. I mean the live stream works fine on the machine with the servers on it. But when i want to view the live stream from another machine in the LAN by accessing the webpage that has the jwpalyer from another machine, The jwplayer returns "server not found:rtmp://" error. I was thinking that maybe a firewall is blocking the 1935 port but i have turned off the firewall of every PC on the LAN. I have unistalled any antivirus program on all the PCs. But i still get the same error when i try to access the live stream from another PC on the LAN.When i run netstat -a -n|find ":1935" i get SYN_SENT and i think the request for the stream is sent but the conection is rejected.

This is the code for the webpage with jwplayer embedded in it. maybe it:
<html>head> <title>JW FLV Media Player</title>    <script type="text/JavaScript" src="swfobject.js"></script>


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Media Server :: Way To Pass Rtmp Call For A Live Stream Through A Proxy Server?

Mar 4, 2011

Somebody I know can't watch because they have a proxy server.The nc.connect() call to get the live stream fails because it goes direct from AS3 to FMS and doesn't go through the proxy server.

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Media Server :: Save To File Live Video Stream In Server?

Apr 27, 2009

I use FMIE and can i do save to file Live Streaming in server installed fms, not local system ?

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Media Server :: Server-side Buffer For Live Dynamic Streaming?

Jul 10, 2009

Finding faults in my reasoning, or expanding the discussion further. We are benchmarking FMS 3.5.x for live dynamic streaming and we have run across an issue. When throttling the client from a high bandwidth (1500kbps) to a low bandwidth (325kbps) via a bandwidth shaper (a physical firewall) it takes a very long (real-) time for the client to see the new stream-quality.
During the investigation of this issue we have narrowed this down to:
1. when transition is requested from client, the client-side buffer is 1/2 i.e. 4-5seconds.
2. if transition is request on a client with unlimited bandwidth, it takes about 6 seconds for the server to process, find an acceptable switching position and send a "transition.complete" event.
3. on the throttled client however, this event takes much longer.


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Media Server :: Fms Live Stream Server Stops Sending Data Around 4+hrs?

Mar 21, 2012

My rtmp client connects to the server ok and rtmp data flowing ok for about 4hours, in the wireshark trace I can see that the server just stops sending data roughly after 4hours. The server version is 3.5.1, and I also try it on a 4.0 server the data stops coming from the server as well after 5+hours. There are no errors or any indication of session disconneciton in the diagnostic logs. I have also looked thru the settings in applicaiton.xml and server.xml I just don't see any obviious reason for the issue. I do send rtmp Acknowledgement to server after the client receives "window size" bytes, and the client sends ping response to server.

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Media Server :: Force Authenication To Stream Live Content Interactive Server On Linux?

Dec 6, 2011

We purchased Flash Media Streaming Server Interactive edition in order to have the security featuers of not allowing unauthorized connections streaming live content to the server. Is there a document with procedures that details how to make this happen, the allowedHTMLdomains.txt does not work when you place in IP ranges that you do not want connecting. I need some help just to figure out a way to keep someoen from connecting to the server and not streaming live content. Has anyone configured this in Linux because the documentation is mainly for Windows. Any help/advice would be great since this seems to be a common problem for anyone who runs Linux.

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Media Server :: Live Encoder + Streaming Server Authentification?

Jul 9, 2010

is there a possibility of authentication FMLE users to the server on the FMSS? Or such a possibility exists only in the FMIS? Actually, somebody had to deal with this problem? Decide whether it?

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Media Server :: Setup Of Client And Server For Live Webcam?

Oct 9, 2011

No I have installed fms4.5, but I can't find good docs how to set something like this up. In Learning section I saw a lesson, but this one isn't ready.So I want to publish using flash and the subscribers to the livestream can be iPhones or Browsers.

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Media Server :: Live Stream Connection Limit Per Server?

Nov 5, 2011

I Need to Broadcast 20,000 to 40,000 Live Streams.! (Bitrate : 128Kbps / Viewers Per Stream Apprx-10 Server : Adobe FMS Server Amazon EC2 Instance - Bandwidth Apprx 100mbps)My Question is1. How Many Concurrent connections Possible for one Adobe FMS Server? (Amazon EC2 Instance)2. is this possible to use RTMFP for this process? (20,000 Connections Via Amazon Adobe FMS Server EC2 Instance )3. if Possible Over RTMFP then How Many Developer Keys Need for this Operation. (or) Pricing Details for the Developer Key. (or) Any Separate Key[s] Available For Amazon EC2 Instance?

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Media Server :: Do Live Streaming Using Flash Media Server?

Jun 11, 2010

I m a begginer with FMS. I have a licenced version of FMS and I want to stream a live video from the Localhost or another machine with camera. And then then I should broadcast it to many clients. I don't know how to begin

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Media Server :: Can't Stream From Live Encoder To Media Server

Nov 14, 2011

I'm new to Adobe Flash and I'm just trying out the Flashe Media Server 4.5 to stream live video on a local machine. I'm using a FLME 3.2 to capture the video from my digital camera, which works fine, and I can connect to the server with no worries as well. But I have issues streaming the content in the Sample Video Player that comes with the server.


I've also tried playing some sample videos on it. it even refuses to play those. What could be the problem??

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Media Server :: Changed To Push The Servers Harder

Jul 30, 2009

I am trying to load test my 2 server load balanced FMS 2 environment which has been set up with the profile for 1000 connection 40MB. When I hit about 140 connections/server it fails with a "Bandwidth Penalty activated at time 1248945759.731000 with bandwidth 5945889 and limit 5000000" error logged in the event viewer immediately followed by many rejection errors: " immediately followed by many rejection errors: "
Connection rejected by server. Reason : [ License.Limit.Exceeded ] : (_defaultRoot_, _defaultVHost_/DLvideo/_definst_) : Current server bandwidth usage exceeds license limit set. Rejecting connection."The load testing mechanism is a test harness that was created by a third party and seems to work well up until the above messages are logged. It basically is making 25 sustained streamed video connections per minute until it starts disgarding connections as noted above.
The servers are not even breathing hard (RAM is less that 50% consumed and CPU Utilization is < 5%) 1GB NIC on each server.What parameter(s) can be changed to push the servers harder.

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