ActionScript 3.0 :: RegExp (quantifier) Curly Brackets To Calculate Grouped Values?
Aug 5, 2011
It was hard to sum the issue so here's what I mean in the title is something like the following:
ActionScript Code:
var rX:RegExp = /^([0-9]+-[a-z]+){3,5}$/i;
trace(rX.test("1-a")); // false
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var cursorDirection2:Point = pt.subtract(rootpos2);
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[Code] .....
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My regex pattern works for but it ignores any letters in brackets.
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Feb 4, 2011
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[header 2]
[ header3 ]
I can grab these headers by doing so
var expression:RegExp = /[ [a-z0-9 ]+ ]/igxm;
var items:Array = text.match(expression);
But I would also like to remove the white space from before and after the brackets, so the headers can align against the left edge. Also, for [ header3 ], I would like to remove the white space inside the brackets, before "h" and after "3". What would be the correct regex for something this?
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