ActionScript 3.0 :: Remove All Resources In It?

Jan 12, 2009

I tried to do[code]...

I try to do the above in a function which is an error handler, I want to remove the sock (socket resource) EI (a reference to ExternalInterface) currentIP (which is just a string) lines (array) commands (array) recieved (string)[code]...

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Add On 'Text Effect' Resources?

Dec 29, 2009

Can anyone tell me if there are any FREE resources for additional Text Effects for Flash 8 Pro?I've dabbled with the conventional glow, stretch, spin, rotate, blur type of transitions over the last couple of weeks, so now have an appetite to try something new.I've found some tutorials around the net on specific single effects, but would relish finding a small group of add-on effects somewhere!

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash CS4 (player 10) Resources

May 28, 2008

The new Flash 10 player was released. [URL] To get things running you currently need to use the Flex3 sdk. More details are described here: [URL] Click the link on my footer.

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Banner / Image Rotator - Looking For Resources

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I am a web developer (CF and working on a new project. I toyed with flash back around the beginning of Flash MX around the early 2000's. Basically I am looking for direction on this -- I would like to have a small flash movie that displays a collection of pictures with some sort of transition. Ideally, I would like to pull the image paths from a database and rotate through them at some time interval. This seems like something that shouldn't be too difficult - and I am sure it has been done thousands of times - I am surprised I cannot find more information through google searches. Maybe I am not keying on the correct terms!??!? Anyways, If anyone could provide some direction - I am hoping that I can pick it up with a little push. Having not touched flash in 7 or 8 years, I am kind of stuck getting started.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Embed Resources From An Embedded XML?

Mar 20, 2011

I want to embed all my resources in the SWF but I want to maintain the fexibilty of the xml.So, I want to embed my XML and then embed images bringing them from the embedded xml.
For example, this is my test.xml[code]...

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Flex :: HTTP Resources Not Loading?

Jul 8, 2009

I'm working though the Adobe "Flex in a Week" video training series, and I've reached Exercise 9, which deals with creating a remote service call. Up til this point, the data source and images have been local assets (located in src/assets in my Flash Builder project).
I access the room list by this:

<mx:HTTPService id="rooms" url="assets/roomList.xml"

Here are the two result handlers:

private function httpFaultHandler(event:FaultEvent):void{"There was a problem","Error");

However, when I run the application in the blazeDS container, I get no rooms despite the fact that the room list clearly exists in the deployment directory after running the application:

$ find . -name roomList.xml

How can I debug the reason for this failure? The deployment process used by the Flash Builder tool is fairly opaque, and the tomcat instance isn't advertising 404s from Flex apps. Is there logging somewhere, or something, that needs to be turned on?

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Actionscript :: Resources For Pure Games?

Oct 14, 2009

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In another question, I asked about using certain objects of the Flex SDK for simple games, and the consensus was that I shouldn't use it at all, but only Actionscript for a game. Sounds reasonable, but the books/website tutorials that I have found on the subject of games, all use AS3 in the context of Flash CS4. They assume your objects will be movieclips, with timelines, etc.

I realize that you can learn game programming from books in other languages, and/or ignore the Flash aspect of AS3 books. I guess what I'm looking for, is whatever information is specific to AS3, such as best practices for AS3-only games, how to make architectural/design decisions, etc. If it exists, anyway :)

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Flash :: Drupal Path To Resources?

Aug 27, 2010

I have the following javascript to embed a flash in my page.tpl.php

<script type="text/javascript">
var flashvars = {
xmlUrl: "xml/banner.xml" //Use to change XML filename or location


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AS3 :: Flash - Obscuring The Loaded Resources?

Sep 11, 2010

This is sort of a two part question. I'm building a flash image viewer to be a portable age-restricted module (violent video games). Basically, it will load any number of images from a CDN and require the user to enter their birthday before viewing it. Simple stuff. The problem is that, per company policy, we can't allow those images to be directly accessible by any means of sniffing (eg, watching your Resources/Net tab in Webkit/Firebug, or watching XHR if we loaded them that way). So, I'd like to get your opinions about the best way to approach this.

At first I thought to have a server-side script that loads the image (eg via PHP) by passing a var that can be decrypted but with a dynamic salt, eg, using a method that is very unlikely to be discovered (for example, having the salt be embedded throughout the string), but that defeats the purpose of the CDN as all requests would be geolocated to the server.

Then I thought that loading the images via sockets would be a good solution, however, I'm having trouble converting the binary image (after removing the response headers) to a Bitmap.Is there a better way to go about this? I know that realistically it's impossible to completely prevent the content from being linked to (eg someone could screenshot the flash) but my goal is just to take steps on our side to prevent that from happening by native means. Below is the socket code (irrelevant parts removed), if that helps any.

package com.std.socket {
import flash.system.Security;


As I'm writing I'm thinking that in SocketRequest::evt_socketResponse(), the this.sock.readUTFBytes() bit should really be:

this.request.response_parts.push(this.sock.readBytes(,, evt.bytesLoaded));

and then remove the headers from, but TBH I'm not super ByteArray-savvy.

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Flash :: Publish External Resources With SWF In AS3

Jan 16, 2011

Is there a way to load graphics externally when in development but package the graphics into the project's swf when it is published?

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C# :: Play A SWF File Placed Into Resources Folder

Aug 1, 2011

I need to make a Windows application in which, at loading time, I need to play a Flash (.swf) file in WebBrowser. But I can play the Flash file directly from hard disk to WebBrowser control. Here I need to play the .swf file in the Resources folder and load it in WebBrowser control.

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Flash :: Replace SWF Resources Without Having To Decompile?

Sep 23, 2011

I want to replace an image inside of a SWF File without the need to decompile it.

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Actionscript 3 :: Preload Multiple Resources In One Go?

Jan 3, 2012

I would like to have just a single preloader in the beginning of a SWF movie and I want it to show the total download progress of multiple external resources (pictures, sounds, other SWF files, etc.)Is it possible to preload multiple resources in one go and display their total progress with a single preloader?

To be more specific: the movie starts, the preloader loads and gets displayed, then the preloader is displaying 0% progress and builds up to 100% while it loads sounds, images and other SWF files in the background, then when all resources are loaded, preloader goes away and movie continues with the available resources ready to be attached.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Use Library Resources From Class?

Feb 28, 2009

I have a font in my library and I want to access it from a class.

myFont:Font = new FontName(); doesn't seem to be working.The linkage is setup. How can I get this to work?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Locating Resources In A Project?

Jan 8, 2010

Using Flash CS3 and AS3:

Where are the resources located? For instance I have checked out a few samples online and the Main.FLA is empty (with maybe a few movie clips).

There are a few .AS files along with the Main.FLA. Where are these .AS files referenced? There is no ActionScript in Main.FLA according to the Movie Explorer.

If I rename the .AS files, the Main.FLA no longer works, so obviously the names are referenced elsewhere.

Can't find the .AS files referenced in the Movie Explorer, and of the Movie Clips, the Library... where am I missing the references to the included .AS class files?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Developing For Android - Resources?

Apr 27, 2010

I'm a relative noob looking to develop a simple app for the Android platform, I've got the thing working in Air on my machine and am wondering how easy it will be to get it to run on Android OS devices. I've been looking around for how-to type resources but the stuff I've found has either been too vague or too advanced.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Extracting Binary Resources From SWFs?

Mar 11, 2009

Some time ago I had to protect an swf but, since I never did it before, I had no fancy obfuscation tools and stuff like that. So what I did was this:



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ActionScript 3.0 :: Resources For Package / Class Design?

Dec 17, 2009

I am somewhat new to OOP and am attempting to learn how to design and execute custom classes. My goal is to create a package that extracts data from an XML document. Do any of you have links, books or other resources you would recommend? So far, I've got the following:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Reusing External Loaded Resources

Feb 17, 2011

I need to load an external resource and be able to reuse it (create new objects based on that resource). I need to create multiple objects using that resource and I don't want to load it again over and over every time I need to use it. My question is: How can I load a resource (in my case, it's a collada file ".dae") once and be able to reuse it again?

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Javascript :: Looking For Resources To Explain A Security Risk?

Jun 18, 2010

I've a developer which has given users the ability to download a zip archive which contains an html document which references a relative javascript file and flash document.The flash document accepts as one of it's parameters a url which is embedded in the html document. I believe that this archive is meant to be used as a means to transfer an advertisement to someone who would use the source to display the ad on their site, however the end user appears to want to view it locally.When one opens the html document the flash document is presented and when the user clicks on the flash document it redirects to this embedded url. However, if one extracts the archive on the desktop and opens the html document in a browser and clicks the flash object, nothing observable happens, they will not be redirected to the external url.

I believe this is a security risk because one is transferring from the local computer zone to an external zone.I'm trying to determine the best way to explain this security risk in the simplest of terms to a very end user. They simply believe it's "broken" when it's not broken, they're being protected from a known vulnerability.The developer attempted to explain how to copy the files to a local iis instance, which I highly doubt is running on the users machine, and I do not consider this to be a viable explanation.

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Adobe - Limit CPU Resources / Shockwave Flash

Sep 14, 2010

Can I set a maximum percentage of CPU resources a specific program or process can use? I want to use the executable name instead of its pid, because I would like certain executables to always run with constrained resources.

The reason I ask for that is that I am bored of the way Shockwave Flash behaves. It is not possible that to draw a few stupid things in my browser it takes 50%, 80%, 99% of my dual core CPU!

MacBook Pro 2009 -
MacOS X 10.6.4 -
Chrome 6.0 -

P.S.: Now, when my fan starts running I now the reason and I know how to temporarily fix it: I kill Shockwave Flash and everything is back as normal.

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Java :: Resources For Advanced LCDS Topics?

Oct 28, 2010

I'm looking to bone up my LCDS knowledge, but find that resources for anything beyond simple examples is lacking.

NIO configuration on LCDS
Configuring LCDS as an Edge server
Configuring LCDS in a cluster, and appropriate fail-over strategies
Advanced assemblers
Strategies for managing high-throughput applications
Advanced JMS integration

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Actionscript 3 :: Keep Media Resources For Flash Game

Jun 10, 2011

We are developing an epic game using flash cs5 and actionscript 3 (no flex at all). There are lots of images and other media stuff in library that we need to use. Early i just kept them in my main .fla, but then compiling swf became very slow (more images - more time to compile). So i put all my images to filesystem outside flash, and it helps. But then some lags and bugs appeared, especially when we were testing the game on remote server. Seems like files just don't have time to load (or they loaded uncompletely) - though i did it pretty correct, sequentially, with events like onload and so on.

Finally i've created another swf with all the images and resources. I'm loading it once in my main swf and i compile it only when i need to add a new image. It works rather well, but i have feeling that i'm doing it wrong or there is another right way to organize resources more easy. Also there are some minor troubles with second swf; for example, i have to make user wait until it loads inside my first file, and if i want to run from my desktop, i always must keep these two files near in one place. And, as amount of images growth and growth, it becomes annoying to compile my 2nd swf again, even if i need to do it not so often.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Resources For Cool Flash Websites?

May 21, 2010

Can anyone recommend some good flash website resource sites like [url].....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Good Online Flex Resources?

Jan 9, 2007

Can anybody tell about good online flex resources? maybe a good forum?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Math And Programming In Flash - Resources?

Jan 2, 2008

I was just wondering if there are any good books/resources out there that helped someone out that is pretty terrible when it comes to Math when programming in actionscript, or I guess programming in general. I guess I'm after some sort of resource where it had basic problems which would involve a bit of math, then went through the problem in a detailed way solving the problem but at the same time explained what was going on so I would learn the math and also solve the problem using code.

I don't want to just be told how to do it with a bunch of code I don't understand. Really hoping there is some awesome book out there called '101 guide to maths in programming' or something like this, (hopefully more geared towards flash/actioncsript)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Embedding Lots Of Resources Easily?

Apr 23, 2010

I am using FlashDevelop and Flex SDK, I use this to embed things on the swf:[code]Now, I would like to embed more than 100 files (or maybe more!), and doing this one bye one will take long and will be very exhausting Is there any easy way to that easily?

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Professional :: Good Resources For Making Flash Games?

Apr 4, 2010

What I'm wondering though is, are there any good resources out there for making games in Flash CS4.  I know I'm going to get some "learn the basics first" replies, and yes I know I need to get a solid grounding in those, but I want to be able to start gathering resources, and look ahead to what I'll be able to do with Flash in the future.  By resources I mean books, other websites, your own advice about game making, etc...

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Xml :: Enter List Of Website Resources And Output A Doc For Flash Use

Nov 2, 2009

I've got to construct a basic xml file listing website assets (pictures and text strings) that a flash photo gallery references.

I'm using a Mac and OpenOffice. I've got Dreamweaver, dashcode, and a couple of open source IDE's. I'm not a programmer, so scripting gets a little difficult.

I'm hand typing the file right now, but the task is very slow because of the number and order of the "fields" and values for each record in the xml.

Is it possible to set up a spreadsheet of the data and then parse an xml file from that? I've got to follow this format for each record:

<photo imageurl="url" linklabel="text"linkurl="url" showFlipButton="true"><title>text</title><description>text</description></photo>

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Flash :: Game - All Resources Do Not Completely Load For Different Users

Mar 10, 2010

I am running an online flash multiplayer game. However, I have been facing a problem lately where some users cannot actually completely load all the resources required to run the game. The percentage that users get stuck at is different for different users (for instance, one could get stuck at 43% and some other at 91%). I don't think there is any problem with the files as such because the resources are completely loaded for the majority of the users and the game works just fine for them. Has anyone faced such a problem before?

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