ActionScript 3.0 :: Locating Resources In A Project?
Jan 8, 2010
Using Flash CS3 and AS3:
Where are the resources located? For instance I have checked out a few samples online and the Main.FLA is empty (with maybe a few movie clips).
There are a few .AS files along with the Main.FLA. Where are these .AS files referenced? There is no ActionScript in Main.FLA according to the Movie Explorer.
If I rename the .AS files, the Main.FLA no longer works, so obviously the names are referenced elsewhere.
Can't find the .AS files referenced in the Movie Explorer, and of the Movie Clips, the Library... where am I missing the references to the included .AS class files?
how do you locate where a movie clip resides if you don't see it in the timeline!? I was handed a Flash file in which there is a movie clip of an antimated button (lets call it button A) that I must swap out with another button (button B), but in order to do that I have to find the instance in which button A is used in the banner animation.
Its been difficult since there are multiple layers and scrubbing through the animation doesn't even show when the instances of the button A reside! The only time I see it, is when I export it. Other than that, I have to scrub through and click on every layer and take a shot in the dark by locating the little movie clip circle - which 9 times out of 10 is not the one I was looking for.
when I point my cs5.5 directory to a specific location with my AS files, it doesn't work. When I write code in a AS file it doesn't effect the fla. I've tried to put simple things such as:
var hug:int = 24; trace(hug);
just to make sure. So help? I have everything pointed to my AS source files and stuff. Also my main class works but the other AS files don't affect on the fla.
how can i find (possibly with flash ) the listing of sub properties for events?i would not know if sub properties even exist for an event if i'd not done a tutorial stating so.for example.
var listenerObject:Object = new Object(); listenObject.cuePoint = function(evtObj){ trace(; //how do i find out if such sub properties exists for events?
I cant "center" my project, like you can see its "fixed" (yellow lines) in the left side and I cant see "invisible" part of project... (area around the project). how can I move my project so I can see the not-project area around the project. (picture 2).
At the moment situation... (cant see that area around the project)
I would like to add a widget board to my flash project so users can embed my project in their web page or wiget display. To see what I'm talking bout go here [URL] and click the white + mark on their widgets.If your a moderater please put this in the correct area, and consider making it a sticky so we can post new ways to impliment in different sites as they become available.
I am working on this one project that has a couple of movieclips (already placed on stage) which have a custom class set to export via the Library. Each of those custom classes loads an external SWF using URLRequest().
Is it possible (or, what is the best way) to preload the whole project first, including the external SWFs?
I just wanted to ask if I have a project created in authorware and one more in director.I just wanted to ask can we convert authorware project in flash directly or indirectly?Or can we import authorware project and/or director project in flash.does anybody know or anybody has done this b4???
With parent artifactId of swf, swc, war set to swf, swc, test respectively.On executing mvn on test folder(for that matter clean or anything) I get this following error.
G:Projects est>mvn -e + Error stacktraces are turned on. [INFO] Scanning for projects... Downloading:
Looks like its trying to download the project from maven's central repository instead of building it.
I am developing a project in Flash Builder which will load a file built by Flash CS4. The code in Flash CS4 is below, it's a doc class. I am sure the dispatchEvent has been invoked[code]...
Can anyone tell me if there are any FREE resources for additional Text Effects for Flash 8 Pro?I've dabbled with the conventional glow, stretch, spin, rotate, blur type of transitions over the last couple of weeks, so now have an appetite to try something new.I've found some tutorials around the net on specific single effects, but would relish finding a small group of add-on effects somewhere!
I try to do the above in a function which is an error handler, I want to remove the sock (socket resource) EI (a reference to ExternalInterface) currentIP (which is just a string) lines (array) commands (array) recieved (string)[code]...
I've recently started making a game in FlexBuilder. The game is currently a Flex project. Is there any downside to using Flex as opposed to just Actionscript? A friend of a friend told me that Flex is slower than an Actionscript project. I've been unable to validate this on the internet; is there any truth to that claim?
I have a CodeIgniter project and I made a back-office in Flex. I was wondering how I can implement the Flex project in my CodeIgniter since I'm working with routing I can't route to any directory. So there isn't a way to display the back-office.
The new Flash 10 player was released. [URL] To get things running you currently need to use the Flex3 sdk. More details are described here: [URL] Click the link on my footer.
I am a web developer (CF and working on a new project. I toyed with flash back around the beginning of Flash MX around the early 2000's. Basically I am looking for direction on this -- I would like to have a small flash movie that displays a collection of pictures with some sort of transition. Ideally, I would like to pull the image paths from a database and rotate through them at some time interval. This seems like something that shouldn't be too difficult - and I am sure it has been done thousands of times - I am surprised I cannot find more information through google searches. Maybe I am not keying on the correct terms!??!? Anyways, If anyone could provide some direction - I am hoping that I can pick it up with a little push. Having not touched flash in 7 or 8 years, I am kind of stuck getting started.
I want to embed all my resources in the SWF but I want to maintain the fexibilty of the xml.So, I want to embed my XML and then embed images bringing them from the embedded xml.
I'm working though the Adobe "Flex in a Week" video training series, and I've reached Exercise 9, which deals with creating a remote service call. Up til this point, the data source and images have been local assets (located in src/assets in my Flash Builder project). I access the room list by this:
private function httpFaultHandler(event:FaultEvent):void{"There was a problem","Error"); }[code]...........
However, when I run the application in the blazeDS container, I get no rooms despite the fact that the room list clearly exists in the deployment directory after running the application:
How can I debug the reason for this failure? The deployment process used by the Flash Builder tool is fairly opaque, and the tomcat instance isn't advertising 404s from Flex apps. Is there logging somewhere, or something, that needs to be turned on?
What resources (books or website/tutorials) are available, that cover game development using pure Actionscript 3 code? By pure, I mean not using Flash CS4 and its timeline, and not using Flex MXML components. Everything done using only Actionscript code.
In another question, I asked about using certain objects of the Flex SDK for simple games, and the consensus was that I shouldn't use it at all, but only Actionscript for a game. Sounds reasonable, but the books/website tutorials that I have found on the subject of games, all use AS3 in the context of Flash CS4. They assume your objects will be movieclips, with timelines, etc.
I realize that you can learn game programming from books in other languages, and/or ignore the Flash aspect of AS3 books. I guess what I'm looking for, is whatever information is specific to AS3, such as best practices for AS3-only games, how to make architectural/design decisions, etc. If it exists, anyway :)
This is sort of a two part question. I'm building a flash image viewer to be a portable age-restricted module (violent video games). Basically, it will load any number of images from a CDN and require the user to enter their birthday before viewing it. Simple stuff. The problem is that, per company policy, we can't allow those images to be directly accessible by any means of sniffing (eg, watching your Resources/Net tab in Webkit/Firebug, or watching XHR if we loaded them that way). So, I'd like to get your opinions about the best way to approach this.
At first I thought to have a server-side script that loads the image (eg via PHP) by passing a var that can be decrypted but with a dynamic salt, eg, using a method that is very unlikely to be discovered (for example, having the salt be embedded throughout the string), but that defeats the purpose of the CDN as all requests would be geolocated to the server.
Then I thought that loading the images via sockets would be a good solution, however, I'm having trouble converting the binary image (after removing the response headers) to a Bitmap.Is there a better way to go about this? I know that realistically it's impossible to completely prevent the content from being linked to (eg someone could screenshot the flash) but my goal is just to take steps on our side to prevent that from happening by native means. Below is the socket code (irrelevant parts removed), if that helps any.
I need to make a Windows application in which, at loading time, I need to play a Flash (.swf) file in WebBrowser. But I can play the Flash file directly from hard disk to WebBrowser control. Here I need to play the .swf file in the Resources folder and load it in WebBrowser control.
I would like to have just a single preloader in the beginning of a SWF movie and I want it to show the total download progress of multiple external resources (pictures, sounds, other SWF files, etc.)Is it possible to preload multiple resources in one go and display their total progress with a single preloader?
To be more specific: the movie starts, the preloader loads and gets displayed, then the preloader is displaying 0% progress and builds up to 100% while it loads sounds, images and other SWF files in the background, then when all resources are loaded, preloader goes away and movie continues with the available resources ready to be attached.
I'm a relative noob looking to develop a simple app for the Android platform, I've got the thing working in Air on my machine and am wondering how easy it will be to get it to run on Android OS devices. I've been looking around for how-to type resources but the stuff I've found has either been too vague or too advanced.