ActionScript 3.0 :: Scripting To Forward Visitor To HTML Site?
Mar 3, 2011
I have an intro in flash to go to an html/css site. What I have right now is when the image is clicked on it jumps to a scene and plays the animation and that's it. What I don't know is the scripting afterward. I need to know what the script is to allow it automatically forward the visitor to the html site after the animation plays. The intro page is on its own page.Right now my code is on frame 1 and this is it:
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May 22, 2003
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May 10, 2009
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Mar 23, 2010
Here is my situation:
I have a Flash file hosted at:
I have a web page that embeds that Flash file at:
The <embed> code for that SWF has the "allowScriptAccess" parameter set to "sameDomain". Currently, I cannot put links in "flash.swf" that change the location of the embedding page, because they are on different domains, and making a getURL() or ExternalInterface call won't be permissible.
Changing "allowScriptAccess" to "always" is not an option. Putting both files on the same domain is also not an option.
Policy files don't seem to be the solution (perhaps I'm coding them wrong?) and changing the "document.domain" of the embedding page doesn't seem to work either.
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Jun 2, 2011
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I have been advised (by a software program used by my client) that this website is vulnerable to a reflective type XSS attack and have been advised to 'sanitize' all user input.
respect to XSS and would respectfully like to ask that AFAIK there is no user input. What should I sanitize and how?
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Dec 10, 2009
I've looked all over the net to find an answer but no luck. Obviously the getURL script doesn't seem to work with cs4 so I'm looking for another way.
Basically, when the flash intro is finished playing, I would like it to automatically go to the main part of the site.
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Jun 21, 2009
how to enable the forward and back buttons in internet explorer for a 100% flash site? Looking for a tutorial which only uses actionscript if that's possible... found a few on google but they use javascript (in seemingly complex ways, and I dont know javaScript)... also named anchors arrent an option either because they dont truely take you "back," they only go to the prior named anchor on the timeline.. And, they only work on the root timeline.
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Dec 29, 2007
If you try navigate around, the url window will change to etc etc and the back and forword button seem to be working also, if you copy and paste the link, the flash will be smart enough to go to the indivual page alsoMy question is s below1) how do we make the back & forward button to work2) how do we contruct the url to be so dynamic
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Feb 4, 2011
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May 20, 2009
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Oct 5, 2005
I'm trying to use this generic function in an HTML-enabled dynamically loaded text box (.txt file):
<a href="asfunction:my_mc.loadMovie,file.swf">Load Movie!</a> load a new .swf ("artist.swf") into this mc: "_root.content"
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releasesbutton.onRelease = function() {
if (_root.section != "releases.swf") {
_root.section = "releases.swf";[code].....
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Jul 8, 2010
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Nov 3, 2011
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May 25, 2010
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Each page is flash expect for the Content page.Now each page also has its own url without loading a new swf file. How is this done?Also how does the swf know what url its on to highlight the correct menu button?
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Oct 8, 2010
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Jun 3, 2010
I am still pretty new to the whole SWFObject thing and I have this code that is working great. but I have no idea where to put (or how to put) a link to an alt site for pc's and devices that are not Flash enabled... this is my current working code.
and say I want the user to be redirected to the address below if on a iPhone or some other thing that does not support flash.
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Oct 21, 2002
I am trying to get around using java script in the html of the site. I found this script , is it possible to adapt this, see below?
'This script will detect which version of the player a user is using and redirect to an appropriate page. This script checks for the first decent build of the v6 player build 29. Just change the anmes of the destination files and paste this script in the very first frame of your swf.'
version= getVersion(); space=version.indexOf" "); myString=version.substring(space+1,version.lemgth) ; myArray=myString.split(","); player= new Object(); player.platform=version.substring 0,space); player.majorVersion=parseInt(myArray[0]); player.minorVersion=parseInt(myArray[1]); player.buildNo=parseInt(myArray[2]); player.patchNo=parseInt(myArray[3]); if (player.majorVersion==6) && (player.buildNo >= 29){ getURL("myversion6page.html"); }else{ getURL("myotherpage.html"); }
could the Flash 5 file do either the following depending on which flash player is detected:
1. Have the Flash 5 swf display the text 'You need to update your Flash player' and open up the macromedia download page in a new window.
2. If the Flash 6 player is detected, have it load the Flash 6 that was originally intended to be in that place of the html.
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Jun 4, 2009
Is it possible to make a visitor hits counter using just AS2 ?
Or what is the other way to do this ?
The site is totally in flash only.
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Feb 2, 2009
I have a html link that display the city of the person viewing the site. How can I display that information into a swf dynamic text field, using that html link?
So far I got this script half working because it display the information in the output window. How can I get it to display it on a dynamic text field?
var lv:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
lv.onLoad = function(success:Boolean) {
if (success)
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Dec 29, 2006
I want to record to a XML document everytime a user loads a .swf. Simply just increase the number in the XML document by 1. The issue tho is i'm limited to the server side scripting thats available. No asp, no php, only JSP. Client side scripting(javascript,etc) would be perfectly acceptable as well.Is actionscript capable of writing to a xml file and producing the results i'm aiming for?
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Oct 8, 2009
how to make visitor can't save/download the swf while they save page the web? i keep searching and is using swf object can prevent from downloading?
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Aug 21, 2010
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Nov 8, 2011
I have a site that embeds 3 flash movies in an HTML page. The site works in all browsers on Mac and PC except IE 7, IE8, and IE9. (I'm not worried about IE6).
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Apr 20, 2010
I'm using a flash rotating banner in my website which takes images and descriptions from an XML file.
I do changes to my XML very often... but in my local machine, the banner takes a day or two to get updated.
Although I can clear my local machine's cache, the problem still remains for other users who visit my web page..
is there a programmatic way in flash or in html to overcome this problem ? Maybe a server configuration?
PS: below code works fine, but it clears out the cache completely... i need to clear XMl cache after a specific time period..
var timestamp:Date = new Date();
xmlData.load("/flash/images.xml?cachebuster=" + timestamp.getTime());
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Jan 18, 2012
Not necessarily my own website, but if you browse to [URL] and take a look at the scores/schedules area that has the left/right slider, is there a reason taps that usually register as clicks don't cause the slider to move? Is it a flash bug? Just want to know out of curiosity's sake.
I'm on Google Chrome, OSX Lion, MacbookPro 13".
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Nov 24, 2009
I have a Mp3 player that plays or mutes the sound depending on if you click it or not.Now where i need help is that the site is a PHP based website and the player is obviously flash.Is there some way to create a cookie or session variable that stores whether you have muted the sound or not from page to page?
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Sep 3, 2009
I am having a strange delay issue when clicking on a button. My code is simple and is as follows:
fight.onPress = function() {
getURL("pages/pageOne.html", "_self");
-fight is the instance name of the button
-the code is in the actions layer as it should be
-there is no other AS within the animation
The problem is when the animation finishes and a "click here" button comes up, it takes several clicks for the button to actually work. It eventually goes to the url but only after multiple clicks, between 1 and 8. The hit box of the button is larger than the button itself so its not the empty counters in the letters or spaces between words.
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Nov 29, 2010
I am new to CS5 and i'm wondering how to make a flash banner play only once for the visitor. My home page has a search engine and every time the search the result will display with the banner playing again. this is the same for navigating through pages. I want the banner to stay on the last frame. its not looping, its just replaying everytime i navigate.
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Apr 7, 2011
I'm currently working on a portfolio-website in Flash CS5. Everything is good so far,but my only problem is the image gallary. My idea is that when the visitor moves the mouse over one of the images, a hover effect will activate - which is does. The only problem now is that I can't get the images to show in a big format when you click on each of them, for a better view of the image.[URL]..
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