ActionScript 3.0 :: Serialization And Regestering Classes?
Jun 28, 2010
Another observation on serialization:Make sure that you have registered ALL classes that may be written by the writeObject() method.By 'registering' I mean using the registerClassAlias() call.Most noticeably this goes for subclasses.For example, if I write an object to the streamwith
ActionScript Code:
and question is an object of class MCQuestion, which is a subclass of class Question,
I've been looking at various questions in StackOverflow and in other sites, but I have not seen a library that a) generates actionscript code given XSDb) serializes to and deserializes from XML using the generated classes. In Java world this is JAXB. I have a set of large XSDs, based on which a web service is producing XML output. I don't want to write actionscriptclasses by hand, that'd be huge piece of work. Having source code in actionscript since writing code based on runtime binding of xml/json to objects is much more error prone compared to having proxy like classes.
I am trying to set up a communication between a flash client and a C# server. I would like to know if Flash allows me to perform XML serialization in the way that C# does. This is because I would like to use the XMLserialization class in C# for passing of data. If this is not possible, what other methods are available for communication?
I am using AS2 in flash CS3. I am trying to set up a communication between a flash client and a C# server. I would like to know if Flash allows me to perform XML serialization in the way that C# does. This is because I would like to use the XMLserialization class in C# for passing of data. If this is not possible, what other methods are available for communication?
I have been trying to test my application to make sure that all the important classes can serialize/reload themselves properly (especially those which implement IExternalizable):
[Test] public function testMyObjectSerialization():void { var myobj:MyObject = new MyObject();[code]....
And I would like to be warned when I try to serialize a strongly-typed object which does not have a [RemoteClass] set (because that almost certainly represents a bug in my code).So, is there any way to configure the AMF serializer to give warnings?Also, it seems like this might be possible using services-config.xml... But the documentation seems to imply that services-config is channel-level, and I'd really like it if my unit tests could run without talking to the server (and I'm not using LCDS, so a bunch of the services-config wouldn't apply to me anyway).
I have an actionscript class that serializes and unserializes data compatible with php's serialization functions. I expanded it to support binary data but now the unserialization does not seem to work. For example, this data is not unserialized correctly:
What is serialization support like for the new Vector class? I have a Vector.<GameMove> which I'd like to serialize into a ByteArray. GameMove is a custom class. I presume it's necesssary to call registerClassAlias() on GameMove, but do I also have to register Vector.<GameMove>? It's it it's own distinctive type, or is it kinda composed of those two types?
I have a Panel in my application which contains 2 buttons and 3 canvas components at certain I want to store the current state of panel in some file or database...and afterwards I want to load the same panel again in my application when I come back and run the application. I tried to convert whole panel into ByteArray object using its readObject() and writeObject() methods...but when I read the ByteArray and add the panel in my application using addChild() method it doesn't add anything and there was no error or fault...
writeObject creates ByteArray that I am able to print but when i get it back and add child, I am not able to get the panel and it's children.
I recently came into a situation when sending a nested object from Java to Flex via a HashMap the Objects were null. More precisely:final Map< Integer, List<String>> tempMap = new HashMap<Integer, List<String>>();would send the keys as integers but the values were all null.But when sending the same with String keys:final Map<String, List<String>> tempMap = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();the objects came thru.Are there any restrictions in BlazeDS serialization when using complex types as keys?
Is there any way, without having the creator of the object implement any special functions (no specific serialization functions) (however, they can use annotations), to have Flash serialize a generic, possibly deep (objects within objects within objects, etc, etc, etc) object?
The game is written in Flash, and I plan to develop the server in node.js because (a) it would be a cool project for learning node.js, and (b) it's fast, which is important for games.The server's architecture is based on messages sent between the server and client (sort of like Minecraft's server protocol). The message format I have so far is a byte (the packet type), two bytes (the message length) and that many bytes (the message data, which is a mapping of key-value pairs). Problem is, I really don't want to develop my own serialization format (because while I probably could, implementing it would be a pain compared to using an existing solution).Unfortunately, I am having problems finding a good candidate for the message data serialization format.
ActionScript's own remoting format might work, but I don't like it much.SON has support in node.js (obviously) and in ActionScript, but it's also textual and I would prefer binary for enhanced speed.MessagePack looked like a good candidate, but I can't find an ActionScript implementation. (There's one called as3-msgpack on Google Code, but I get weird errors and can't access it.)BSON has an ActionScript implementation, but no node.js support besides their MongoDB library (and I'm planning on using Redis).
I'm building a realtime action multiplayer game in Flash which is using too much bandwidth because it sends message objects as XML (as required by the Smartfox server). I'm now trying to cut down on that by serializing my objects to strings before feeding them to Smartfox. I've tried JSON but it doesn't work. Is there another serialization method that is compacter, for example that encodes numbers in Base64 instead of decimals? I don't care about human-readability in this case.
I was wondering if it is possible to do custom serialization of Arrays/ArrayCollections in as3 via amf. To be more specific, i want to be able to pool objects on the client so that im not instantiating new objects every time i make a RemoteObject call. I tried using IExternalizable but that only lets me serialize the objects myself not instantiate them. The flash player is still instantiating objects itself and them letting me set the object state via readExternal.
i need to serialize AS3 strong typed Objects, send them to a C# Application and then be able to derserialize them as Hashtables/Dictionarys or so because i have no corresponding C# Class. I then will make some changes to that Hastable and need to be able to send them back to the as3 App. I tried using JSON (see this question with bounty Typed AS3 JSON Encoder and Decoder ?) as i already got JSON serialization to Hashtables in C#. It does not work because AS3 has no support for typed JSON.
I also looked in XML and found asx3m which is strong typed in as3 but i can find a solution to serialie and deserialize this to proper hashtables in c#.
I'm using BlazeDS to remote some Java objects that I'm consuming in a Flex application. I'm getting a type coercion error with one of my classes that I can't for the life of me figure out. I have other classes that are working fine using the same data types, and I've gone over my mapping a dozen times. I'm following all of the necessary conventions for getters and setters as far as I know...
Anyhow, my question is: how can I debug this problem? Running the Flex app in debug mode spits out some generic errors to the console that don't really help much (TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert Object@5d1d809 to valueObjects.SomeClass.).
I'm trying to use the native flex serialization/deserialization process to save/load state of a workspace in flex. In order to save or load a file I have to use my servlet, which just bounces back the bytes from the input stream to the output stream. Here's a basic outline of my Flex code:[code]So my problem here is not with the saving of the workspace. That works great. My problem is with the loading of a workspace. The that I write to the byte array is not reconstituted into a MyWorkspace object even though it is exactly what I wrote to the file.There has to be a way of making a MyWorkspace object from the data, but I can't figure it out.
I was using the serializing approach between Flash and PHP for the longest time before AMFPHP had its 1.0 release (wow...that was a long time 2006)!Serializing using a sepiroth's AS library paired with PHP's built in serializing functions worked and I didn't change it because it did the job.
Should I switch over to the AMF format and technology? One pro is that the data exchange is probably more efficient for AMF because it's a binary format.I've also see other scripting languages/frameworks such as Python/Django, Ruby/Rails supporting AMF. I guess AMF is also a standard format. Does each language serialize data differently?
The examples I'll use don't do anything - they're classes without ANY members - no variables, methods, anything.
Let's say I extends Sprite and call it MySprite.
I save it in test.core
Now I create another custom class called MyWindow that extends MySprite.
I save it in
Then I create another class that extends MyWindows (the example I'll use is a document class - but that doesn't matter - I've tested using an instance too).
Notice that I'm not even trying to instantiate the helper classes - just having them there throws the error.
If there is only a single helper class, everything runs fine.
Also note that - as far as I can tell - this only happens when extending one class from another package, then extending that class with more than one helper object.I'm pretty sure there's no namespace bumps or typographical errors, as this is a very pared-down version of the original application.
EDIT: seems the problem exists even without the crossing packages - even extending MySprite in the document class with multiple internal classes generates this error.
I am creating a library in AS3. Inside the library I make use of a bunch of classes/packages that need not be exposed to the end user of my lib. I want to only expose one of these classes.
I guess my questions are:
1) How are libraries commonly distributed in AS3?
2) Is there a .jar equivalent in AS3 that developers can include, but will only have access/knowledge of the classes I've declared as public?
I have an actionscript project which uses visual symbols from an SWC. I have a CheckoutButton which has the following class associated with it (compiled into the SWC in Flash CS3).
Does anyone know how to get actionscript to render a null date value '000:00:00T00:00:00'? I am calling a web service that expects date fields in the SOAP xml. I need some of these dates to serialize as null and I can't see how to produce null. The closest value I can get is '1899-11-30T00:00:00Z'. Below is the code I am using:
I'm trying to import a class from a class that is located in another folder. How do you move up a directory? Using./ or ../ doesn't seem to work. Essentially I want to access a TweenLite Class but not from the document class. My class is at com/myName and the class I want to access is at com/TweenLite. import ../TweenLite doesn't work... I realize I could just copy and paste the entire Tweenlite folder again, but there's got to be a less duplicative way of doing this..
inheritance and building classes from other classes.
I have 3 classes: gfxRoomText - changeable colour gfxRomInter - changeable colour - interactive gfxRoomImg - interactive - only image / no colour
The first two incorporate the same text field and functions to change colour. The second and third incorporate another class to interactive with. What is the best way of creating these classes using inheritance and how?
I have to use many custom classes for a project, each class includes lots of elements(methods,properties) and I generally forget their names when coding. Is there any editor which I can enumarate the elements of my classes after pressing "." like Flash's built in classes?
I am new to classes and I am just starting to follow tutorials on how to assign classes and sub classes and I am wondering when you assign a base class or class to an object(Symbol e.g movieclip) through the properties, are all instances on the stage no matter how many and what they are named influenced and is the Stage/main timeline always the parent? and just one more question, is the parents objects display list all the movieclips that are used on the stage or all the instances on the stage?
I am doing an Actionscript 3.0 project which involves introspection. I am wondering if there is a way to get all the classes within a given package structure.