ActionScript 3.0 :: Set Position For External Flv?

Nov 19, 2010

I have been having major trouble using embedded FLV's as anyone who has read [url]...

I have tried using externalk FLV files instead. They are only small, basically they are a persons animated face with some talking.

I do not require a player so have selected none, which is fine. I have had to move them and use the freetransform tool to get some of them to fit in the right palces perfectly.

However, when I publish the movie the FLV's are in different places to where they appear in the fla?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Position Of External Sound In External Swf?

Jul 23, 2010

In trying to activate the remainder of the pause button, I find that using MovieClip(loader.content).channel.position always returns 0. I've tried numerous other combinations to access the position of the sound for the play function to resume correctly. The visual part of extswf.swf stops and starts exactly as it should.

In CntlClass:
public var loader:Loader;
public var movie_mc:MovieClip;
public var soundResume:int = 0;[code].........

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Position External Movie

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ActionScript 3.0 :: External Swf Not Loading In Right Position?

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I have an external swf that im loading onto my main.fla but it loads into the bottom right corner of the stage and i would prefer it on the stage.

This is the code i am using in the subMenu movieclip which contains all the buttons to call external movieclips:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Position External Swf Movie?

Mar 24, 2011

i have a peice of code to load two external swf files, the problem is that both the files load in to different positions i have a position x,y snippet but the probelm is for that to work i need for both external movies to load in to the same place, is there a way that i can define which movie i want to position.?

ActionScript Code:
var fl_Loader:Loader = new Loader();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Position An External Swf Being Loaded?

Apr 9, 2009

I have an external swf loading on a button and it appears at the bottom right corner of my main, this is a problem cuz its about the same size as my main and so its cut off the screen. Is there a way to position the X and Y coords when it loads?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Cannot Correctly Position External Swf

May 18, 2010

I'm using a Loader component to load and external swf which dynamically loads external jpegs (it's a photo gallery). When I test the movie locally all looks well with the external swf positioned exactly where I put it on the main stage. However, once loaded to my web host the external swf is bumped downward about 150 px.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Load An External Swf At A Specific X & Y Position?

Sep 26, 2009

I am trying to load an external swf at a specific x& y pos. from a button. This is the code I am using :

on (release) {gotoAndPlay(4);loadMovie("gallery.swf",1); xpos="7", ypos="119"; 

The movie loads fine if I remove xpos="7", ypos="119";How do I get it to load at that specific position?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load External SWF File Position?

May 18, 2010

I want to load that SWF file in the center of the screen.

I got "loader(the variable that loads external SWF file)" and I don't know how to assign the X and Y position of that loader in the center of the screen.

here is my code.....

ActionScript Code:
var myStage:Stage = this.stage;
myStage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
myStage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: External SWF Position In Liquid Layout?

Jan 6, 2011

I am making a liquid flash site with a video player which loads within the central movieclip. When the site loads everything sits in place perfectly, however if the browser is rescaled in anyway the external swf pushes up to the top of the screen and stays there permanently. This is the link to the site:http:[url]...... It's not the liquid layout code for the mc as this rescales fine, just the external swf doesn't. This is the code I am using to load the external swf also:

var Xpos:Number = 0.5;
var Ypos:Number = 0.5;
var swf:MovieClip;[code].....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [CS5] External Swf Into Movieclip Scale And Position?

Feb 2, 2011

[URL]while in "portfolio" section, if you resize, the content go to the left.I know WHY it does it : while in a MC, an external movieclip lose his stagesize to compress into the movieclip, if resize, it use the size of ALL the content in the SWF to resize. the external fla stage is 1600 x 680, but the content goes out of the stage to the right to make an 1760 x 680 make it LOAD at the right place and right size, i've got a layer with a MC (externalStageSize) in the external SWF that is the size of the Stage, while on frame 1, only this MC(externalStageSize) is active, so when loaded, the _level0 flash can position and scale the external SWF.

BUT, while active content is on, any live resize does not go well..I tried to "connect" the scaling with (externalStageSize) BUT once loaded the size does not change.I wanted to use the math : "new width" = ("allcontent".width / externalStageSize._width)/Stage.width but _level0.ContentMC.externalStageSize._width return the value it have in the flash... like, even if rescale, it will say "1600" is there a way to counter this ? before you ask : AS3 was out of the question because the person who will maintain the site is not that advanced.

some script used when resize :
ContenuMC : the movieclip in witch external swf is loaded

function setContent() {
// content dimensions
ContenuMC._width = Stage.width;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS4 : Get An External Swf To Load And POSITION In Main File?

Apr 14, 2010

I'm trying to get a swf file to play in a main swf file. I can get it to play, but it always appears in the top left corner. I've tried several different methods to position it but every one of them either doesn't work or won't play the file.Here's what I'm using right now.

Actionscript Code:
stop();loadMovieNum("circles.swf", 1);var xset = 381;var yset = 179;

The swf plays just fine, but it won't take the coordinates.I also need to get it to stop when I go back and the command

Actionscript Code:

doesn't work.A tutor in my class showed me a method to place the swf into a box on the main stage without doing a lot of scripting, just putting in some file-name and size/position references, but he's not available right now to ask how he got that started.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sending Position Of Objects To External Script

Oct 7, 2009

I have a flash script which creates instances of movie clips and stores them in an array. What I want the script to perform next, is when clicking a "save" button the position and the movieclip class name of each created instance will be sent to an external script to store.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Position External Swfs On Main Stage?

Jan 3, 2011

figure this out I am using this code inside my nav movieclip to load external movie clips on the main stage

var Xpos:Number = 110;
var Ypos:Number = 180;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Start External SWF When Movie Clip Gets To Y Position?

Mar 3, 2008

I have one movie clip that when clicked on moves to the left of the screen, after it gets there I want another and exteral swf to load. But I dont know how to get the external clip to load after the movie clip gets to the left side of the screen....Here is what I got so far..

square_mc.onRelease = function()
{ square_mc._x = 30;
square_mc._y = 180;


when square_mc get to the Y position of 180, run the external clip.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [Flash8] Place An External Swf File On It In A Desired Position When The Corresponding Page Is Being Loaded + Scaling

Aug 18, 2006

I have a flash file (a flash navigation bar actually, which gets loaded in all the webpages inside the website). What I am trying to do is place an external swf file on it in a desired position when the corresponding page is being loaded. I am using FlashVars (variable name -> 'movieName') to pass the name of the movie clips. These variables are read by the navigation swf file and the corresponding swf file should be loaded in the area specified. Now, to create a container, I am using createEmptyMovieClip() method which will host all the external swf files.

The swf files are all being loaded but with a lot of problems. First, no matter what I try, the swf file comes at a fixed place (which is way off from where it is supposed to be). I have tried checking if the container loaded the movie before fixing its position but it changed nothing. Although it did change the position of a weird background colour box I am getting when the movie starts loading - which brings me to the second problem.

A rectangular box flashes once when the external swf is loaded, and its position is being affected by whatever I am setting the _x & _y values of the container movies to. I have no idea why it is happening as it doesn't happen when I test that swf seperately.


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Actionscript 3.0 :: Setting "Z" Or Layer Position When Loading External Swf?

Oct 31, 2008

I've been using the loader class to import external swf files when I need them. I can position them on the screen where I need them using the:

loader_var.y properties

However something that seems to stump me is how to position the loaded content below other content in the movie. I tried making the layer where I was actually calling my external file below the other layers and yet when I export the Flash movie the clip that I'm importing at run time always ends up on top of every thing. Is there a way to specify which objects imported media comes in above or below?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Fluid Layout Stop Changing Resize Position When Movieclip Is At Certain Position?

Nov 19, 2009

I added a Menu_mc on my stage. Initially, this should be at the center of the stage and when I click on it, it will tween on the upper left corner of the browser. However, when I resize the browser, the Menu_mc goes back to the center of the screen.

I have tried separating a different actionscript file where it is specifically for initialization of the object and another one for resizing. And then when I call it on my main AS file it goes like this:

// Add the symbols to stage
var Menu_mc = new Menu_MC();


But it seems futile.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Move The Vertical ScrollBar Position Of The ScrollPane To Top/initial Position

Jun 30, 2009

I am using a ScrollPane in my application(viz., instance name is: myScrollPane). When I view the contents of the ScrollPane, it shows them perfectly. My issue is: When I try to view data present inside the ScrollPane, if I move the Vertical-ScrollBar of the ScrollPane to middle(or somewhere from top to down) and then click on Submit button(viz., instance name is: submit_btn), then its Vertical ScrollPosition must be reset from middle(or any position where we leave it before) to top(or initial position). Hence, I need to move the Vertical ScrollPosition of ScrollPane to top (or) initial position. Everytime, I need to refresh the VerticalScrollBar Position when I click on the submit button. How to do it?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Move Punto_mc From Current Position To Random Position After Release?

Aug 29, 2009

how to make an actionscript to move punto_mc from current position to random position after release, and then from this new position to mevo to another randon position after release?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Tweening The Canvas Position While Keeping It's Mask Position?

Feb 3, 2012

I have simple image gallery, where images are placed one next to another and the mask is revealing only one of them. Now I want to tween position of the images, but when I do that the mask is "traveling" alongside with the images..

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Full Browser Flash - Traced Its X Position And The Var StageXcenter Position And Like Suspected It Shows Different Values?

Nov 12, 2007

So I'm trying my hands on some full browser flash and after reading a couple of tuts I wrote this

#include ""
Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
stageListener = new Object();[code]...

The trace's are because it didn't work like I thought it would.Etc the middle movieclip didn't center itself but rather positioned itself seemingly how it pleased so I traced its x position and the var stageXcenter position and like suspected it shows different values.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Take Button Position Half Width Of Own X Position On Stage

Feb 9, 2011

i want to take btn1 position half wwidth of own x position on stage

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Get And Set The Scroll Bars Position (pixel Position)

May 5, 2011

I have a ScrollPane and I want to get and set the scroll bars position (pixel position). For example, if the user changes the scroll bars position and then refreshes the page, we need to take the user at the same point where he was before refresh. For this I need to get the respective scroll bars positions before refresh and then set it to the saved position after load. I have got the positions by hPostion and vPosition but now when I try to save the values back to the same properties after refresh it doent work.

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Actionscript 3 :: Tween Position Relative To Current Position?

Jan 23, 2010

I have a tween set on a timer:

var manTimer:Timer = new Timer(1000,14);
manTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, moveMan);
function moveMan(e:TimerEvent):void {[code]....

I just need to make the tween's position relative to it's current position, as opposed to starting at the stage's 0 position then moving the the stage's -40 position. It needs to start at its current position the move -40 from that position.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Movieclip To Move To The Position Of Each Of Buttons From Any Position?

May 13, 2010

I'm hoping someone can solve this headache. Basically, I want a movieclip to move to the position of each of my buttons from any position along my x axis. Therefore, the movieclip needs to 'flip' to face the way it is traveling.At the moment I have the movieclip moving to the mouse x axis when I ROLLOVER the button and stop following the mouse when I ROLLOUT but the code won't flip the movieclip so I must have something wrong...

btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER,followCa t);
btn02.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER,follow Cat);
btn02.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT,stopCat );


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Mouse X Position To Control Movie Position?

Feb 1, 2006

Basically the x position of the mouse should control the play position of a movie. Do I need something like an event handler (I'm not sure exactly what these do, but I've seen similar scripts that seem to use them).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Setting A Position Of Movieclip Called Red X And Y Position?

Jul 3, 2009

setting a position of movieclip called red x and y position within a movieclip called background

background.redsquare.x = 300;
background.redsquare.y = 300;

comes up with TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties.

setting a position of movieclip called red x and y position withen a movieclip called background

redsquare.x = 300;
redsquare.y = 300;

This works fine but how can that be when surely you must access the red withen the background rather then just accessing red?

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IDE :: Cursor Position Not Mouse Position In Input Text Box

Nov 12, 2009

I have an Input Text area that users can edit and then submit. I need to be able to show, on screen, the cursor's current position as they type. I don't need to know where the mouse is but all work-arounds I've found so far can only tell me the mouse position. The font for the text is 'courier' or 'courier new' and the Input Text area is scrollable.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Changing Y Position Results In Random Position

Nov 8, 2010

I've run into a new problem, this time with positioning. I've narrowed down the line that's causing it--"block.y = block.y + block.height;" in SetOfBlocks.shiftDown. When I take it out, no problem. But with it in, instead of just dropping each block down by a block height, the affected blocks sometimes move up, and also often move about randomly within the X axis--although their new positions always keep them lined up with the 'grid', which is to say, within multiples of the block height and widths.


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