ActionScript 3.0 :: Setting BackgroundColor Of A TextInput?
Feb 9, 2009
I've already tried a lot, but there was no way I could change the color of my textInput. Adobe Livedocs couldn't help me and there was no working piece of code I could find in other messageboards.
These things haven't work for me:
myTextInput.setStyle("backgroundColor", 0xFFF00);
myTextInput.setstyle("backgroundColor", Number(0xFFF00));
myTextInput.setstyle("backgroundColor", "#FFF00");
Do I have to do something about the border of the textInput. Or about the "background"-Property (if it still exists for AS3)??
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var tf:TextFormat = new TextFormat; tf.color=0xFFFFFF; tf.font="Sans-serif"; tf.size=12; tf.bold=true; txtlowtemp.setStyle("textFormat",tf); txtlowtemp.backgroundColor=undefined; txthitemp.setStyle("textFormat",tf);
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<mx:TextInput text="{}" />
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public var itemToEdit:Object = {};
private var nameInput:TextInput = new TextInput();
public function MyClass() {
nameInput.text =;
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Panel xmlns="mog.miss.component.*" xmlns:mx="" >
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That's really all I want to do. Why is something like this so complicated? When you go into Component edit mode, you can easily change the highlight colors. Then why make it impossible to change the actual ground color? Why should I have to scour the internet to find complex code just to change the color? Sorry, it's just frustrating.Anyway, if setStyle("backgroundColor", 0xCCCCCC); ... was all I needed to do that would be fine, but that doesn't work.Even if it's not possible, I would accept text rollOverColor, or hover... nothing.I think there should be a drop down color box in the component editing window at the very lest.
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Code: Select alltf.font = "Arial";
tf.size = 10;
tf.bold = false;
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Jan 18, 2005
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_root.backgroundColor = "0x00ff00";
..normally do the trick?
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Jan 18, 2005
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my code:
this.holderSub_mc.createEmptyMovieClip(["sub1a_mc"], mydepth+15);
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Feb 24, 2011
i can set the stage's background color, etc., using a SWF metadata tag:
[SWF(width="1024", height="600", frameRate="60", backgroundColor="#000000")]
or if i'm using Flash Professional, i can simply set these properties for the document in the UI.
while the Stage class offers the ability to set a frameRate and override width and height thru properties in actionscript, why is it not possible to set the background color of the stage the same way?
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Dec 29, 2010
Firstly, I have searched the forum for related topics and found 2. I have tried to make sense of the code involved to make it work with my current project but nothing works.
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The user should just type in their name in scene 1. By pressing a button I trace the variable as a test and on scene 2 I should see the users name, but no.
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fname.text = "test";
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("name1").text = "123"
or is it possible to create an array of components?:
txt[0].text = "123"
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("name"+i).text = "123"
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Group xmlns:fx="[URL]"
xmlns:mx="library://" width="150" height="500" xmlns:components="components.*" >
[Code] .....
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Jan 29, 2011
I have a login form with various textInputs and a submit button. If you submit proper login credentials the system unloads the login view and loads the app view. Pretty standard. Unfortunately I've noticed this weird bug where if you hover over one of the textInput boxes with the mouse, then fill the form using only the keyboard (and leave the mouse parked on top of the textInput), and then tab to the submit button and press the space bar, i.e. login via keyboard, the mouse cursor will remain a caret in the new view, no matter what you do (move, click), until you find another textInput to undo the cursor state. I've tried to do all sorts of stuff via CursorManager but nothing seems to do the trick. I've tried dispatching events ROLL_OUT or MOUSE_OUT events to the textInput but that doesn't do the trick either.
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