Flex :: TextInput - Setting Text Property Before Object?

Sep 30, 2009

I'm trying to convert an MXML component to an ActionScript Class. The component consists of a Form with a TextInput, TextArea, and two buttons - Save and Cancel, and a Validator for the TextInput, and other logic to handle events that occur. This component is currently extended by several other components. Now, in the MXML component binding the TextInput text property to a property in an Object was very easy:
<mx:TextInput text="{_itemToEdit.name}" />

But in ActionScript, I'm creating the TextInput and setting the text property before the Object is set, and the TextInput is not being updated:
public var itemToEdit:Object = {};
private var nameInput:TextInput = new TextInput();
public function MyClass() {
nameInput.text = itemToEdit.name;

How can I make sure that the TextInput text property is bound to the specified property in the Object?

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Flex :: Set Text Property On KeyDownHandler On TextInput?

Oct 11, 2011

I extended a mx.controls.TextInput to create a custom component with a different behavior.I'm trying to set the text property on the keyDownHandler(), and for some reason it doesn't work as I expected. The text on the component just kinda ignore the change.I'm using Flex 3.6.Down here is a simple example code that explains what's going on:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute" xmlns:customcomponent="com.test.customcomponent.*">
<customcomponent:TextTest x="20" y="20"/>

And below de AS class:

package com.test.customcomponent
import flash.events.KeyboardEvent;


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Actionscript 3 :: Setting Property Of Object In Flex?

Dec 2, 2010

<mx:Canvas id="maincanvas" backgroundColor="7000" width="100%" height="100%">
<mx:TextArea backgroundAlpha="0"/>

However if I try creating a new textarea object via:

var textarea:TextArea = new TextArea ();
textarea.backgroundAlpha = 0;

flex throws the error :

1119: Access of possibly undefined property backgroundAlpha through a reference with static type mx.controls:TextArea.

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Flex :: Get Label Height After Setting Text Property?

Jun 17, 2011

I'm looping through a recordset, and for each item I create at runtime a spark Label and set the text property from a field of the recordset. The labels must have a fixed width and some text goes multiline. I want to arrange the label vertically so I need to know the height of the label so I can place the next label properly, but when I try to read this property, after the labels is added through the addElement mehtod, it returns 0.

how to get the label height?

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Flex :: Setting Text Property Of A Combobox On Application Start?

Jul 20, 2011

I am using the combocheck example from the following site: [URL]

It's a very useful component and works very well.

Now, I need to set the text property of this combo box upon application startup with certain values (which are defined dynamically according to some criteria). The problem is that although I have no problem setting the text property of the combo box at other times of the application run, setting the property at startup seems to have no effect unfortunately.

For example, I want to set the text property of the combobox to "Bob" (which is one of the items in the dataprovider for the combobox) and the "set text" method is called on the combo box. Performing a step-through shows that the "set text" method is receiving the correct value item but not setting the _text property.

I have tried not doing anything until "ApplicationComplete" but no joy there either.

Here is the code (a combination of the code from the URL above and some other changes to it). However, as I've stated above, the codes does work. The problem is that it doesn't work at the application startup. Whenever an event is fired and setComboText is called as a result, the text of the combo box is set correctly.

private function onComboChecked(event:ComboCheckEvent):void {
var obj:Object=event.obj;
var index:int=selectedItems.getItemIndex(obj);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Setting The Color Of The Text Of A TextInput Component

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Flex :: Setting Focus On A Popup's TextInput Control?

Jul 27, 2010

I'm trying to have a popup window with an immediately editable TextInput. This means that the user should be able to type inside the TextInput once the popup is displayed.

The problem is that I can't focus on the textInput. What happens is that when pressing a key for the first time, no text is inserted, only after a second key is pressed does the component gain focus and the user is able to type. For instance, typing "test" once the popup opened results in "est" being displayed...

For some reason the component only gains focus when the user explicitly clicks on it or types something. Programmaticaly setting the focus does not work.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Panel xmlns="mog.miss.component.*" xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" >


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Setting TextField's 'text' Property Slow?

Apr 1, 2010

Short version:Setting a TextField's 'text' property seems to be quite slow. Any way to optimize this?Long version:For a video player I'm working on, I've rewriting a bunch of code I've written in the past and optimizing where I can, and I've noticed something a bit strange.I have a time readout (the typical "00:00 / 01:00" thing) that I'm updating every frame, and it seems to be gobbling up FPS (I'm using mrdoob's great little Stats class for monitoring).The thread to make the call is a bit heavy -- involving a dispatched custom event from the FLVPlayer class (with the current netStream.time as a property) onEnterFrame, which is passed up 2 parents and then back down via a function call -- but I've isolated each step along the way and everything is totally fine (running at or close to 30fps) right up until that very last call where I set the TextField.text property, which results in about a 10fps drop.

If I comment out the setting of TextField.text it runs great, but even if I set it to something arbitrary (like currentTime.text = "0") -- bypassing the reformatting math -- it just tanks.Anyway, anyone know if there's something I can do about this? I've considered using a Timer set to 100m instead of onEnterFrame, but I actually assumed the overhead would come from the dispatching of and listening to the event as well as the reformatting of the time, but *not* the very last step of setting the .text property, which is something I can't avoid whether I use a Timer or onEnterFrame.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Setting Event Handler For Button - Error #1009: Cannot Access A Property Or Method Of A Null Object Reference?

Nov 24, 2009

I seem to be having a recurring problem attaching events to a button i have created within 2 other movieclips.I get the following error:

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.

So it looks like it can't find the button, in order to attach the event listener. The question is why? I am attaching a similar event to a button on the main timeline and that works fine. So it looks like a scope issue, but I am referring to it properly.

code below:
import flash.net.navigateToURL;
import flash.net.URLRequest;
import flash.display.*;[code]................

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Jul 15, 2009

I'm trying to get the letters in a word (each letter is an individual text object) to cycle through three different colors when clicked. Right now, all they do is change from their original color, blue, to black when clicked. No further "cycling" occurs. I'm appending the code. The part of interest is (probably?) in what is presently (and inaccurately) the "traceTextEvent()" function/method. It starts around line 90 of the code.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Setting BackgroundColor Of A TextInput?

Feb 9, 2009

I've already tried a lot, but there was no way I could change the color of my textInput. Adobe Livedocs couldn't help me and there was no working piece of code I could find in other messageboards.

These things haven't work for me:

myTextInput.setStyle("backgroundColor", 0xFFF00);
myTextInput.setstyle("backgroundColor", Number(0xFFF00));
myTextInput.setstyle("backgroundColor", "#FFF00");

Do I have to do something about the border of the textInput. Or about the "background"-Property (if it still exists for AS3)??

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Flex :: Cancel Text Selection On Textinput?

Jun 9, 2010

So the real problem is the lack of an onReleaseOutside function. I found some examples of how to bypass this during a drag function but it was not applicable for a text input.The problem is that when a user selects some text in textinput and mouses off the application area and then mouses up, I'm getting a problem that the textinput keeps thinking that the mouse down is actively selecting text in the textinput and continually overwrites the characters being entered in the textinput. in the search bar of the live store on the page, type some text, then highlight it all and don't let up on the mouse until you are outside the store.I finally hacked some junk together so I can tell if the mouse goes off the stage using some code like.

var x = stage.mouseX;var y = stage.mouseY;if(x < 0 || y <0 || x >stage.stageWidth || y > stage.stageHeight)I'd like to just make the textinput stop thinking it should be highlighting text so that even if the user scrolls out of the applet and mouses up that the text input still overwrites what is in the search bar and functions as normal.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Setting Text In An Object?

May 15, 2004

I am working on a game, and have some characters set with lil boxes that should show their names and stats. I set the boxes like this, and this works fine:

character.prototype.statsBox = function(depth,x,y,name,HP,MP){
this.depth = depth;


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Flex :: Access The Selected Text In A TextInput Control?

Jun 15, 2010

I'm using Flashbuilder 4. I have a Spark TextInput control, and I'm implementing a "Copy" button that will copy the selected text only from within this control to the clipboard (pretty much like the RMB Copy does).

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Flex :: Get Actual Text Width In Pixel Of Spark TextInput?

Dec 21, 2010

As textWidth property is no more accessible in spark textinput how we can get that property ?

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Flash - Flex - Condition In Binding (for TextInput Prop. Text)?

May 26, 2011

For example <s:TextInput id="sd" text="{if () {0} else if() {1} else {2}}"/>

Is it possible to do something like that?

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Flex :: Set Mouse Cursor As Hand On TextInput Without Losing Text Selection?

Dec 20, 2009

I want to have the mouse cursor to be changed to hand when used for entering the<mx:textInput>. When the field is already on focus, text selection should be available.I tried any combination of useHandCursor="true", buttonMode="true" and mouseChildren="false",and the closest result is when using all three of them. Then the hand cursor does appear, but the text field loses its selection 'abilities' (text cannot beselected using the mouse). This is logical, since mouseChildren="false" disables this. But how do I acheive the desired result?

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Flex :: Change Highlight Color For TextInput Control's Selected Text?

Mar 24, 2011

I have a Flex3 TextInput control, with white text on a black background. I would like to change the style of highlighted text within the control to use black text on a white background (or something similar). I would love to do this using Flex styles, however I'm comming up empty handed

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Adobe Flex 4 Rendering Issues With Text In Disabled TextInput Component?

Apr 22, 2011

I have an application which displays employee information. If the user opening the detailed employee information page is not authorized to make changes I set the TextInput to disabled. Some users are reporting rendering issues with this. The TextInput's text value does not appear inside the box but is misaligned and is outside of the component. You can see the screenshow below of the disabled ID column where the numbers which are supposed to be in the TextInput box are far off to the right.


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Actionscript 3 :: Why Do Object And Function Counts Increase When Setting Text

Nov 24, 2011

-Firstly can some one please explain what is meant by Object and Function in a profiling environment.

-Secondly, why does the Object and Function count increase when I repeatedly set the text property of a textfield:[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Readonly Property Of TextInput?

Jan 24, 2009

I've got a small question. Is there a readonly property of a TextInput? (not just .enabled) And how do you do it then?

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Flex :: Setting MX Image As Mask On Graphic Object?

Feb 22, 2011

I'm having trouble setting up a Graphic object (a solid filled rectangle) to be masked with an image that gets loaded at runtime. I've managed to get it to work with the following code:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="[URL]"
[Code] .....

Setting the PNG inside the <s:mask> makes the stage render nothing, while adding the mask programmatically in the init() method causes correct behaviour. It took me quite a while to figure this out and I'd like to understand what it is that I'm doing incorrectly in the MXML approach, as that seems to be what is being done in the Cookbook (other than me using an Image and the example using a Group wrapped BitmapImage).

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ActionScript 3 :: Flex - Get Object Which Own Property

Oct 27, 2011

My problem is to find out the object which owned my property... for example:
My Class :
public class MyClass{
var myGroup:Group; //Spark Component

Now, I add my Group to another UIComponent. Next step in Class XYZ I wan't to get my MyClass Object ... but I can only see the var myGroup
public class XYZ {
public function getObject(group:Group):MyClass {
return group.????;

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Flex :: Bind To Object Property

Nov 25, 2011


The labels text will be "Property", but if object.property is changed, the label isn't updated. Is there any way around this?

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Actionscript 3 :: What Property Governs The Text Color Of Checkbox Text OnMouseOver In Flex

Feb 3, 2010

Because the color of the background image in my application is very dark, and the Alpha is very low, when I hover my mouse over a checkbox, the text is scarcely visible. I've scoured the interwebz in vain for what property to set, either at design-time or in the MouseOver event for the checkbox and just can't figure out what property or setStyle property to alter to be able to control the color of the checkbox text when the mouse pointer is hovering over it.

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex - Tell If Object Has A Certain Dynamic Property On It?

Oct 12, 2011

I have a dynamic Actionscript class as follows: public dynamic class Foo {....} In my code I (may) add some properties to it: myFoo["myNewDynamicProp"] = "bar"; Elsewhere in my code, given an instance of class Foo, how can I determine if that dynamic property has been added already without throwing an expensive exception?

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Flex :: Add Eventlistener If The Object Property Is Updated Or Changed In Air?

Nov 16, 2009

I am working in air application , i need to know how to add event listener when any object is updated,how can i implement this.Example:i have Class name Vehicle, and child class are Car,Bus,Bikes,Scooter,..etc, child class also have many properties like color,model no,....etc

I have array collection and AddChild() method in Vehicle class by this, i will add, child class to the vehicle class.I need a event listener which can trigger if any of the property is updated or changed in any of the child class property, how can i implements this in Flex3.

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