ActionScript 3.0 :: Slow Performance With Bitmap Erasing?

Nov 26, 2008

for the past couple of weeks I've been learning AS3, and for a school project I'm doing a remake of the popular DOS game Liero. Everything is working fine, I got a layer of dirt that I am shooting away, but the problem is that after a few hundred bullets, the game starts to lag heavily whenever a shot is fired.I'm using a simple bitmap and a brush to erase the parts where the bullets hit.

// Drawing stage
bmap = new BitmapData(1100,800, true, 0);
dispBmp = new Bitmap(bmap);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Erasing Parts Of A Bitmap?

Mar 20, 2009

I'm in need, again, of some assistance. I'm making a game with 2 pictures. and the concept is built on that you erase part of the top-bitmap to see the bitmap under.How can I accomplish this?I tried to wrap my head around the bitmaps and the draw and the FillRect but can't get it to work completely.Basically I want 2 bitmaps, and a cursor which erases parts of the top one to show the one underneath.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Erasing A Circle From Bitmap Data?

Sep 29, 2009

I'm trying to create sort of an eraser to remove sections of a bitmap on stage.

I have achieved this by creating a MovieClip in flash that is a circle and exporting it as a Class called Hole.

Now I use this MovieClip to erase a circle section of the image using the following.

var mat = new Matrix();
var ct = new ColorTransform();
var hole = new Hole();
image.draw(hole, mat, ct, "erase");

Now what im trying to do is scale the size of the circle depending on a certain variable but no matter what I try the scale doesn't seem to change and. The size seems to stay the same as I drew it in Flash. I tried adding the following line

hole.width = hole.height = size;

I even created a class file called Hole and the size as a parameter

var hole = new Hole(200);

This didn't work either it still appeared to have the same size. I have even tried altering the scaleX and Y values with no success.

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Flash :: Erasing A Specific Selected Portion Of A Bitmap?

Apr 20, 2011

I have two layers namely topLayer_mc and bottomLayer_mc. The actual vector drawing is drawn on the top layer and onmouseUp of the tool, a bitmap copy of the vector graphics on the top layer is taken and added as a bitmap to the bottom layer. The top layer is cleared subsequently. It is working for the pencil tool.Now I need to create an eraser tool. This is where things get tricky. In the application there is an option to save the image as png, so alpha has top be preserved. So the coventional method of draw a brush using the vector and using the draw method of bitmap will not work. Of course, on a visual level it would work if the brush drawn using the vector is to have the same color as that of the background.

What I need is to excatly erase the pixels.Now I have created a brush tool using the conventional technique and clearing is possible but what I need is to exactly erase the pixels. Is there some technique to draw this ? This is the code that I am using: I have also uploaded the swf and source code, When trying out, please draw all over the stage using the pencil (press Pencil button and start drawing)The source fla is also provided.

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AS3 :: Professional - Performance In IOS - Animations Run Really Slow (CS5.5)

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2) The frame rate is set for 24 fps.

3) I have created a universal app (iphone and ipad), publish resolution is standard at full screen.

4) Ironically, I have already tried caching as bitmap. That actually slowed my animations even more. I am truely at the end of the line here and don't have any possible solutions.

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Jan 27, 2006

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Actionscript 3 : :Improving Slow Performance Of Drawing Application Using BitmapData.draw()?

May 27, 2011

I am using a custom Flex skin to create an active blur/frosted glass effect on the background of floating Panels, TitleWindows, and other containers (similar to http:url....). There is a background image in the Application skin, and potentially any number of other components above and below the active blur component. Here's some relevant code within the skin:

public static const BLUR_FILTER :BlurFilter = new BlurFilter(16, 16, BitmapFilterQuality.HIGH);
private var _bitmapFill :BitmapFill = new BitmapFill;
private var _matrix :Matrix = new Matrix;[code]....

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I've read about using scrollRect and cacheAsBitmap, but I'm not sure where to apply these properties (or other optimizations I'm not aware of) within the Application or its components.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Getting The Bitmap Rotation Performance?

Dec 15, 2009

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Unfortunately, it seems that rotating the container with this 500x500 Bitmap in it is nearly as slow as it was when I hadn't snapshotted it and rotated the whole thing, filters and all. I have already played with the BitmapData's transparency, turned on and off cacheAsBitmap on various combinations of containers and the bitmap itself (hahaha), checked the Bitmap.smoothing property out, blah blah blah, the whole nine yards. Rotating a decently sized Bitmap (thus making pre-rendered/calculated frames a really bad idea) ... how do I make this run at a tolerable speed without eating my CPU and turning the fans on?

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i've created a full spectrum color wheel Sprite object that is composed of 1440 vector triangles, or slices if you will. since i want to animate the color wheel, i've activated the display object's cacheAsBitmap property. however, caching the vector as a bitmap does not increase performance during animation it remains slow, jumpy. importing a PNG screenshot of the color wheel into the library with lossless compression, converting it to a Sprite, and rotating this new image asset performs great during animation. why does an uncompressed PNG image asset import out perform the same vector image with cacheAsBitmap property set to true?

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Sep 12, 2011

this is what i'm trying to accomplish; With a click on a movieclip (cannon_mc)a shot is being fired (ball_mc)

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What is the most efficient way to accomplish this? With a timer or something like this;


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Performance :: Optimization - Improving Performance With Large #'s Of Objects

Jan 11, 2011

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<tabnavigator />
<tabnavigator />
<tabnavigator />

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Performance :: Improve Flex Performance For Invisible Views?

Mar 19, 2012

We have a medium size Flex 3.6 application that contains around 20 different page views (managed via a single lazy ViewStack) each having multiple components. Most use custom renderers.All model data is loaded at startup and changes to model instances are communicated via binding and/or collection change events.Once the user has viewed each page at least once, all page views are instantiated and happily listen to update events.Which in effect means that each time a model instance changes, all interested views receive that event and compute derived data or trigger item-renderers.I have tested and confirmed this behaviour in a proof-of-concept application. Even when setting a list to being invisible, it still listens to collection change events and invalidates any renderer affected.What would you do?

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Actionscript 3 :: Erasing A Movieclip?

Oct 14, 2010

I have a fully working flash application, made in as3. Now i dynamicly added a movieclip and i would like to be able to erase that movieclip with a eraser of some sort, my goal is to be able pick up a sponge with the mouse and then start dragging over the movieclip and erasing the parts where i dragged over it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Erasing Drawing From Stage?

Jan 12, 2010

I tried to erase whatever was drawn on the stage by using a similar function in a recent previous post but I'm not getting it.when I try to use it an error says that this is no longer supported. I tried addChildAt() and inserted different Num but it only erased everything including my button.the current code is:
var drawing:Boolean = false;,0x000000);,mouseY);
this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onLoop, false, 0, true);stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onDown, false,0,true);stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onUp, false,0,true);


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Flex - Erasing Components On Canvas?

Oct 6, 2010

The problem is when background of top or below label is changed, the top or below button is erased.

<mx:Canvas width="100%" height="100%">
<mx:LinkButton icon="{icon1}" width="25" x="10" y="10"/>
<mx:LinkButton icon="{icon2}" width="25" x="10" y="100" />
<s:VGroup width="100%" height="100%" id="lst" click="highlight( as Label)" gap="0">
<s:Label />


So do anyone know the possible solution for this problem?

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Actionscript 3 :: Erasing A Layer Where Mouse Is Over It?

Jul 18, 2011

I got the following question.

i added the following elements to the stage:

homeBg = new HomeBg();
homeMask = new HomeDrawBg();

I allready instantiated them in the beginning of the document. But my problem is the following. the homeBg layer is a image, the homeMask layer is the same image but it has a pencil scetch look. What i want is that wherever i move my mouse, the homemask layer should be erased so the bottom layer becomes visible(only where the mask is erased). So how can i tell the mask layer to erase itself if the mouse is over it?

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IDE :: Erasing Text Effect Masks?

Feb 25, 2009

I'm attempting to create a dry erase board style animation effect in my flash movie where I'm erasing the text, like a dry erase board type effect. I've tried doing a frame by frame mask animation and it's not turning out very well. Has anyone attempted this before? Are there any tutorials or maybe after effects > flash tricks?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Blendmode - Erasing One MovieClip From Another

Nov 10, 2009

I am trying to erase one movieclip from another using the blendmode="erase" setting, but can only get it to work on the stage as the parent. This means it erases a hole through everything! The attachmovie also doesn't seem to work as I was expecting and I was hoping that when you drag the movieclip, the attached clip would move with it? If you check out the FLA [URL] you can see whats happening right now and what I want to achieve (diagrams provided in FLA).

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash: Erasing Area Dynamically?

Mar 27, 2012

flash: Erasing area dynamically?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Erasing Lines Drawn With Root?

Aug 20, 2009

How can I erase lines I've drawn using

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Pixel Have Changed To Get The Percentage Of The Complete Erasing?

Feb 2, 2010

I'm working with Threshold on BitmapData class. I need the threshold return the modified pixel (the pixels match with the equation).I need to detect how many pixel have changed  to get the percentage of the complete erasing! I did it with getPixel32/setPixel32 but it's faster with threshold (i'm doing it on 15 bitmapdata at the same time)

pixelChanged += bmp.bitmapData.threshold(bmpBrush, bmpBrush.rect, new Point(this.stage.mouseX, this.stage.mouseY), ">", 0);
so, each pixel bigger than 0 should match this equation ... and they will be set to 0 after that (default color value). Next time, because they are 0, pixels are not suppose to change again because 0 is not bigger than 0 ! But it still return me a value, like if the pixel have changed! I've tried with different combinaison of mask/threshold .I join a sample of my problem (drag the triangle and check the output window ... the number increase even if the pixel is transparent 0x00000000)

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