ActionScript 3.0 :: Erasing A Circle From Bitmap Data?

Sep 29, 2009

I'm trying to create sort of an eraser to remove sections of a bitmap on stage.

I have achieved this by creating a MovieClip in flash that is a circle and exporting it as a Class called Hole.

Now I use this MovieClip to erase a circle section of the image using the following.

var mat = new Matrix();
var ct = new ColorTransform();
var hole = new Hole();
image.draw(hole, mat, ct, "erase");

Now what im trying to do is scale the size of the circle depending on a certain variable but no matter what I try the scale doesn't seem to change and. The size seems to stay the same as I drew it in Flash. I tried adding the following line

hole.width = hole.height = size;

I even created a class file called Hole and the size as a parameter

var hole = new Hole(200);

This didn't work either it still appeared to have the same size. I have even tried altering the scaleX and Y values with no success.

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// Drawing stage
bmap = new BitmapData(1100,800, true, 0);
dispBmp = new Bitmap(bmap);


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Flash :: Erasing A Specific Selected Portion Of A Bitmap?

Apr 20, 2011

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What I need is to excatly erase the pixels.Now I have created a brush tool using the conventional technique and clearing is possible but what I need is to exactly erase the pixels. Is there some technique to draw this ? This is the code that I am using: I have also uploaded the swf and source code, When trying out, please draw all over the stage using the pencil (press Pencil button and start drawing)The source fla is also provided.

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Ref. - How to draw a continuous curved line from 3 given points at a time

package{import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.geom.Point;


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var xmov1 = xSpeed;
var ymov1 = ySpeed;
var xmov2 = ballRef.xSpeed;
var ymov2 = ballRef.ySpeed;


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public function DrawMain(){
graphics.lineStyle(theLine,0x000000); //default to black lines


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Oct 14, 2010

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