ActionScript 3.0 :: TabIndex Arrow Alternative To WASD?

Jun 17, 2010

I have a challenge in a flash movie with TabIndex that involves some pretty comprehensive keyboard functionality and have solved the problem but the client is not madly happy with the solution. Problem is I don't know whether there is another way of solving it.

I've built a app the allows the user to upload a picture and manipulate it using marker placement. You can either drag the markers with the mouse or using tabIndex can tab through them then, once highlighted, you can move each marker up, down, left and right using the WASD keys.

I thought this was a nice solution since gamers are familiar with WASD to move directionally, however the client wants to use the arrow keys for this function. The problem resides in the fact that within the tabindex the arrow keys act in the same way as the tab, in that they tab forward or back through the index.

Client suggest tabbing to marker, clicking ENTER to disable tabbing, using the arrows to move the marker, then clicking ENTER again to re-enable the tabbing, move to the next marker, click ENTER to disable... etc etc.

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public function ship() {
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keysDown);
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keysUp);[code]..

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} else if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) {
} if (Key.isDown(Key.DOWN)) {
} else if (Key.isDown(Key.UP)) {

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I have:
Where userName and password are the text field names. TabIndex works then but not the Enter key. It's only one or the other. How can I make Tabindex and Enter key Compatible?

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AS2 :: Professional - Tabindex Not Working In Contact Form?

Feb 17, 2011

I have a contact form on my site for which the text inputs are  created via AS2. This works fine but I cannot get the tabbing to work  (or even have any effect) no matter what I do. I have a menu that  sometimes displays at the top, sometimes on the left and sometimes at  the bottom. If it's at the top or bottom then the form tabbing works  fine, however if it's down the side then when i tab from  contact_namefield it goes to the 8th menu option, then the 9th menu  option, then contact_emailfield then contact_messagefield.Similarly if i  tab from the top of the menu it's goes down sequentially to menu option  7, then to contact_namefield, then menu option 8, then menu option 9  then contact_emailfield then contact_messagefield.

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var currfont=_root.textfont;
var inputcol = "0x" + _root.textcolour;var my_fmt:TextFormat = new TextFormat();my_fmt.bold = false;my_fmt.font = "Arial";my_fmt.color = inputcol;


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<mx:SWFLoader source="form.swf" top="20" horizontalCenter="0" id="formSwf" complete="swfCompleteHandler(event)"/>

the form fields stop receiving focus on tab. I've been looking at the FocusManager in flex, for some sort of solution, but I can't seem to find any examples, and I'm not entirely sure I'm looking in the right place. Am I stuck redoing this form in flex?

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:WindowedApplication xmlns:fx="" [code]..........

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UPD: Explicitely setting tabIndex does not work either:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:WindowedApplication xmlns:fx=""

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Oct 3, 2011

I have a button with a tabIndex. The button contains a textfield.When I click on the edge of the button and hit tab, the next item is correctly focussed.But when I click on the textfield (non-editable,not tab-enabled, no tabindex), and then hit tab, it focusses on the first object on the page, even though the parents focusIn function is triggered, in which I'm setting the focus to the parent object[code]...

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Can't See Alternative Content

Dec 17, 2010


iphone safari can't see <a id="alternative" target="_blank" href="#">iphone can't see me</a>

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ActionScript 2.0 :: If Then Else Alternative?

Nov 7, 2006

I made a script which will tile dynamic mc in a way that after a number of clips (say 5) in a row, i would like the 6th mc to position on the next row below the first row, like this:

1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10

i was able to do it thru series of if-else if statements but the thing is that i was wondering if there's a better logic in doing this, i was thinking of using switch statement but is there a way to type "i>=9 && i<=20" into a case parameter? here is the code and i have also attached the fla if anyone would like to see:

if (i>=20 && i<=25) {
item._x = item._width+275;
yVal = (i-20)*(item._height+5);[code].....

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Oct 25, 2007

I have created a Flash application for a "big" client which communicates heavily with the server. Flash app is initially loaded with a big XML file, which is retrieved by an aspx file. Then every 5 seconds, it calls a different aspx file to update. There are 3 asp files, which also sends back XMLs, that it calls periodically on top of the aspx file. Buttons on the app calls 4 different asp files with data being sent via querystring, but, uses the XML.sendAndLoad commands since we want the communication being done behind the scene.

During testing on development and live sites, we noticed no problems. We had sporadic complaints about the application being slow, but, they were so rare that we let it slide.

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Given this scenario... is there anything I could try to improve the speed of server communications?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Go Back With The Back Arrow But Can't Go Forward With The Forward Arrow

Mar 5, 2011

I have been working on a tutorial in Flash on the topic of Flash () for two days, and I am just finishing up on a template. I have fixed five bugs, but I cannot think of how to fix this last one. I'd rather actually fix the problem this time, instead of improvising . So, here is what is going on:

I have this thing at the end where you have to enter in the code that I taught the viewer to proceed, then hit the continue button to finish the tutorial. But for some reason, whenever I try to go back with the back arrow, it does, but then I can't go forward with the forward arrow until I reach the first frame that contains actual tutorial ("page" 2). Then it works again. It seems really random, but there is [obviously] a good explanation for it. I thought it might have something to do with the fact that all of the arrows up to the "test" part, excluding the back arrow there, have the exact same instance name. However, "page" 2 is the 2nd time it is used (introduction, then the "page" 2, then 3, 4, 5, and 6, then the test part thing), so it makes less sense that it would work the 2nd time, but not the third, fourth, fifth, or sixth. And I know there's nothing wrong with the code itself:


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Sep 5, 2009

I have an application requiring exporting of Flash animations to run on an embedded media player. This accepts a number of video formats. The most reliable I have found so far is DivX. The player supports DivX versions 3.11, 4.x & 5.x. The export codec in CS3 is DivX 6.8.5 which is not compatible with the player.The player also supports MPEG2 but the quality is not very good. Other options are Xvid Mpeg4 video (doesn't work) and MS Mpeg4 video codec V2 & V3 (also not supported in CS3).I have tried downloading a variety of alternative second source file converters but frankly tied myself in knots. Any idea how I can get around this problem and get a DivX 5.x codec to work natively within CS3?

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Sep 23, 2009

I'm having huge bug issues with LocalConnection that nobody seems to be able to find errors in my code/files. So... I'm looking for an alternative. I need a main swf file to load an external swf including the ability to have it move from one frame to another. If this isn't a possibility, I can also just have the main swf hide/reveal a div or just an image in the html.

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Flex :: Alternative (free) IDE For It?

Jun 27, 2009

I am an Adobe Flex developer and I am sick of Eclipse. Is there an alternative (free) IDE for Flex? I am aware of Tofino, but I can't get that to work on my MSVS Express editions, and I don't want to buy the whole thing.

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Flex :: Get Good Alternative IDE?

Mar 24, 2011

Good alternative Flex IDE? I am interested in free editions mostly but I will also take under consideration the paid ones.

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Php :: Xcode As An Alternative Of Flash?

Dec 20, 2011

We have developed a magazine reader which is basically PHP application. Admin panel is built in PHP but when any user wants to read a particular magazine, it is handled by Flash i.e. we are embedding the .swf object with HTML in PHP page. But flash is not supported in iPad/iPhone. So we want to create this application in Xcode so that user can read the magazine in iPhone/iPad also. There is confusion how it can be accomplished.

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