ActionScript 3.0 :: Unused Classes Gets Compiled Into Swf?

Aug 30, 2010

I am building a swc [MY.swc] component with compc. It is suppose to contain base functionality for MY.swfI need to include another (third party) swc [OTHER.swc] into my own swc. This other swc has a reference to mx.core.mx_internal and I suspect that it is this reference that in the end, when I compile MY.swf, results in that all mx classes (mx.*) and all spark classes (spark.*) is included in MY.swf (seen when decompiling)The difference in size between MY.swf with/without OTHER.swc is ~180kB.The only difference (when decompiling) MY.swc with/without OTHER.swc is that the first has a reference to mx.core.mx_internal

Here is the compc part from my ANT task:
<compc output="MY.swc">
<include-sources dir="${project.root}/${SRC_ROOT}" includes="*" />


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Jan 9, 2010

The examples I'll use don't do anything - they're classes without ANY members - no variables, methods, anything.

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I save it in test.core


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Jul 20, 2009

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Flash :: Add Code To A Compiled SWF?

Mar 19, 2010

Is there a simple way for me to add this to an already compiled swf?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Compiled On XP 64-bit / Not Working With IE On XP 32-bit

Jun 21, 2009

I would just want to know if someone know what it's about and how to work around in on XP 64-bit.I've got my ActionScript-program to work on all the different computers I could find and with all versions of IE with IETester. However the guy I was doing it for kept getting a problem when he was uploading files. My upload file-part looks almost exactly like the final example in the FileReference Adobe livedocs:URL...I'm pretty sure he got a HTTPStatusEvent that stopped uploading, though I didn't have a warning for that but I had for the different errors and the rest are just signaling when it's canceled, done, and the progress. HTTPStatusEvent is the only one I'm not entirely sure what it's doing so I think that's the one. Though Googling that didn't solve my problem.Anyway I found some machines with Windows XP 32-bit and seemed to get his problem when using Internet Explorer, though Mozilla was always fine (the guy with the problem was only using IE). I tried shutting down firewalls and changing the settings in IE without any difference so I installed Adobe Flash on one of the computers with Windows XP 32-bit, compiled and uploaded the new swf-file and it works on Windows XP 32-bit. Also on Vista 32-bit it always works with both IE and Mozilla.

These computers with 32-bit and 64-bit XP are several hours with bus apart so I can't do any quick tests (like printing a warning for the HTTPStatusEvent compiled on XP 64-bit, sorry). I Googled for problems with 32-bit and 64-bit XP but I couldn't find anything, with ActionScript 3 that is. It was the common hysteria that 32-bit programs don't work on 64-bit systems that made me re-compile my program, but this was the opposite.Does it seem likely this was even the problem? Have anyone ever had a similar problem? This might also be more of a Adobe Flash-problem, but everything except the FileReference part works.

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Apr 6, 2012

It's a great thing that it's possible to compile an SWF into iOS native app. I think AIR is now the best option to write e.g. small games or interactive books. Of cause AIR app will be slowler than the same app written on e.g. objective C. The question is how slower AIR app will be. Can simple AIR apps be launched e.g.on iPhone 3G or iPAd 1?

And another question is, can arbitrary flash app be compiled into iOS native app?

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash Builder 4 Changes Not Compiled?

Nov 16, 2010

Im using Flash Builder 4 on the Mac and I have a worrisome problem: The compiler is sometimes not detecting my code changes.For example I might write some code, compile and run, then add some logging statements, but they will not print. After a clean compile everything runs as expected.I cannot see a pattern to the exclusion of changes. I'm wondering if anyone else is having the same problem?


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