ActionScript 3.0 :: Uploads As "application/octet-stream"?

Jan 7, 2010

I have a flex multifile uploader which is great, it uses a php page to 'catch' the uploads. I get the file information on the php page using things like this:


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Flash :: Admin Which Feeds Images Through An Application/octet-stream

Jun 21, 2011

The situation is, this resize code has always worked for me because I was using local images. I am now using a third party admin which feeds images through an application/octet-stream.

Whereas previously, I was loading the image with the Loader::load method but I am currently using the Loader::loadBytes to load the binary data because I am being fed a stream instead of an image/jpeg.

By switching to the stream, the code now fails to get past this line:

resizedImageData.copyPixels(e.currentTarget.getChildAt(0).bitmapData, cropRect, new Point(0, 0));


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Upload File As "application/octet-stream"?

Apr 30, 2010

I need a script that allows the user to upload a file to server, but I won't use Filereference.upload() beacause I want to send the file as "application/octet-stream" with URLLoader.load()

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Actionscript 3 :: Possible To Get Application Wide Audio Stream From An AIR Application?

Jul 22, 2011

I have a quick question relating to Actionscript 3 / AIR. I have looked through the site, but may be searching for the wrong thing or terms.Is it possible to get an application wide audio stream from an AIR application?I am trying to create a local audio file containing everything (all channels) played in an AIR app.I have tried using the SoundMixer.computeSpectrum() function, but it returns a bytearray (size 2480) full of zeros... It looks like it isn't reading the audio data correctly... I am playing a swf loaded using a SwfLoader and it is playing the sound out..

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Media Server :: What Stream(s) Is Serving The Application

Jan 26, 2011

When a client connects to an application (nc.connect) this is catched at server side using application.onConnect; so, when the client asks for a stream ( ... does this have some correspondence at server side ? Can we catch this event in some way?Or, seen from another point of view: is there any way, from within an application, to know what stream(s) the application is serving  ? I mean, if we want the list of connected clients we have the application.clients array; is there any correspondence from streams ?

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Media Server :: Delay On Live Stream Application?

Oct 21, 2010

I use FMS 3.5 and i have same problem.....the delay of live video from the studio to clients is big, 10 seconds if i restart the server. After one day of staying on, the delay reaches 1 minute or 2.
The FMS is connected to 1 Gibabyte internet fiber, and the stream is VP6, 500kbps video and 128kbps audio, 720x576 resolution. Server Quad 3.0Ghz, 4 Gb Ram.
Please help me to minimize the delay. What i must write in application.xml from live folder?????? Is there a command. I don't want to make buffer, i want the clients to receive live stream, if the stream is buffering i want to play it jumping that sequence, to maintain the live aspect,not to delay it if the clients doesn't have a good internet conection.
Let's suppose i have 1 FMS, 1 Media Encoder, and 2 computers with flash player on the same Switch ( Local area Network). I've made some tests and the delay i get is minimum 5 seconds. 

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Media Server :: Stream Both Live And On Demand From The Same Application In 4.0?

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I have a folder in my applications folder in FMS 4.0 Is it possible to stream both Live and VOD from this sames folder.

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Flash :: Convert Application Viewport Into A Video Stream?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stream Video Inside A Flash Application?

Oct 24, 2009

I'm about to embark on a rather large Flash project that will involve a lot of streaming video.Most of the videos are short (about 4 seconds) but some will be longer, up to a couple of minutes.The videos will be hosted on an Adobe Scene7 server, which allows for resolution and encoding-type to be set in the stream request (amazing technology that I hadn't heard of until this project!).[code]...

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Php :: Write A Complex Application Used To Stream Tv Episodes In Flash Format?

Nov 20, 2009

For a client, i need to write a complex application used to stream tv episodes in flash format, at least, the player will be in flash. It's a first for me, and i've a lot of question, since i don't really know about streaming.But well, first, here is the constraints :

Mac server (might be migrated to linux)
external library could be used with PHP

What i need to do at first, is to write some app (php, python, shell), or find one to convert over 500 quicktime videos to be able to be read within a flash player.Then, i'll a back office, to add videos with meta data (the meta data will be simple html inputs), and, here is an important part of the project, the ability to generate chapters for each video (manually), the client will choose the start of a chapter, give it a name.

My questions : Is there any flash player able to do that ? or will i have to use 'playlist' such as youtube to simulate chapters ? Will it be easy to use the quicktime video within a flash player ?

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Media Server :: Clearing Application Buffer After A Live Stream Ends?

Mar 16, 2012

I'm sure this has been asked and answered a million times, but searching for "application" "buffer" "cache" "live" and "hls" isn't giving me any answers, so let's get to it. After I end a live stream (which I do using FMLE 3.2 and FMS 4.5) and I then start a new live stream with the same application name, the HLS stream just loops the last 30 seconds of the old stream. To prevent this, after I end a stream, I have to go to applicationslivepkgstreams\_definst_ and delete the buffered data there. Only then can I start a new stream with the same name as the old stream. Now... that can't be normal, can it? Is there a switch somewhere I can set to tell FMS to cut it out and stop buffering old streams?

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Media Server :: Save A Recorded Stream .flv File Outside Of AnFMS Application Directory?

Sep 16, 2009

I have successfully been able to write some client-side ActionScript that allows me to record my webcam and mic data to my FMS server.  The .flv files get saved to a directory under the applications directory.  However, I need to process those flv files for a web application and would like those .flv files to be saved to the web app's directory (outside of the FMS application directory).  I have tried changing the <Streams> tag in the Application.xml file that I placed in the FMS application directory, but that simply did not work.My goal is simple:  to save the recorded stream data outside of the FMS application's directory.  I have been going crazy trying to do this, but would like to know any pointers that any of you experts have.  Can this be done?  If not, how can I execute a server side PHP script after the stream is done recording.  I know about using the exec() function in PHP, but am unsure as to how to execute that script via client-side actionscript.Here is the path to my FMS server (Linux OS) installation and the application directory.  The application name is "ngale"./opt/adobe/fms/applications/ngaleHere is the path that my client-side ActionScript is placing the .flv files of the recorded streams/opt/adobe/fms/applications/ngale/streams/recordings/Here is the path to my web application/home/user/public_html/ is the path that I would like for the .flv recording files to be saved to/home/user/public_html/

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Php :: Large File Uploads From Webpages?

Apr 27, 2010

I code primarily in PHP and Perl. I have a client who is insisting on seeking video submissions (any encoding) from the public via one of their pages rather than letting YouTube do its job.Server in question is a virtual machine and I can adjust ini settings for max post, max upload size etc as needed.My initial thought is to use a Flash based uploader with PHP on the back end but I wondered if someone might have useful advice and experience on the subject?

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Actionscript 3 :: Limit On FileReference Uploads?

Jun 17, 2010

I am currently uploading files in ActionScript 3 using the upload() method of the FileReference class.I built an uploader than can do simultaneous or parallel uploads, having a variable set the number of maximum uploads at a time.I noticed that for Internet Explorer I could be uploading 10 or more files simultaneously, but FireFox and Safari seems to cap the number of uploads to 2. That is, when I call the upload method on per say, 3 files, only 2 will get events back (such as ProgressEvent.PROGRESS). Only when one of the 2 uploads finishes, then the 3rd one will start. This behavior does not happen for Internet Explorer. I have tried with a large number of files, and some big files, to make sure this behavior was consistent.

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Php :: Multiple HTTP File Uploads?

Jan 6, 2012

I'm looking for a tool to facilitate mulitple webpage file uploads from a single file browse dialogue. I know this has been asked previously, but I can't find anything current.I'd like to check file size prior to upload, and I gather Flash is still the only way to do that cross-browser? Ideally, I'd like an upload progress metre.I'll be using Linux and Apache servers, but don't have access to install add-ons such as PHP APC. Again, I assume something flash-based is the only option there?

I've looked at SWFUpload, but that appears to be another of these projects where the developers have become quite zealous and turned a simple concept into a full suite of tools for the masses.It seems quite cumbersome and I don't think I want to use it for my purpose.I'd prefer not to have to write something from scratch for this.suggest a non-Flash alternative if there is one? I do need full cross-browser compatibility without too many layers of degradation, so anything HTML 5 probably isn't what I want.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Knowing When All Uploads In FileReferenceList Are Done?

Aug 28, 2007

the onComplete listener tells me when the individual file uploads are done in a multi file select upload...but how could I know when they're all done?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Multiple Files Uploads Goes To Fast?

Feb 19, 2010

I have been uploading MUltiple files locally and on the server for testing. When i push the button, i start the upload. All files are uploading, thats not the problem, A The problem is i am showing the progress bar and %. i think because of the loop, all are displaying/loading crisscross eachother...

is there a way to wait with the loop, till 1 file is completed upload, then update then start the next one in the array? B also the eventListener for COMPLETE is not working for some reason... the completeHandler after tracing show no results. i have tried to add the listener when i am adding the referencefile into an array, and tried to add when calling back... what is the proper way to add the completeHandler for fileReference?


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Php :: Why Are Multiple File Uploads Not Simple Without Flash/.NET

Nov 26, 2009

The only tools/plugins I've seen online that allow for multiple files to be selected for upload through one single dialog box using a SHIFT or CTRL click action (as opposed to clicking on a single file per for file uploads) exist for controls made in Flash/.NET/Java, not just straight Javascript/HTML/PHP.

Why is that the case? I'd imagine that if possible, site developers would look to having less dependencies on different technologies rather than more.

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Actionscript 3 :: Air Flex Uploads URLRequest Maximum Simultaneous

Sep 24, 2009

I'm trying to upload to amazon s3 using FileStream and UrlRequest.

But it seems I can only upload 2 files simultaneously.

Is there a reason for this? How can I work around this?

Also would this affect web service calls to a SOAP web service on the same domain?

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Php :: Adding Unobtrusive Progress Bar To Old-school File Uploads

Oct 30, 2009

You all know the new generation of fancy, mostly Flash-based file uploaders like SWFUpload that can show a progress bar while uploading - a great improvement especially for shaky and low-bandwidth connections.

However, these uploaders all bring their own logic of how to handle uploads on the client side. I am looking for an unobtrusive way to "fancify" existing, classical file uploads, i.e. introducing a progress bar to normal file upload forms.

Due to the architecture of uploading files, this is most likely not possible without some tweaking on the client side.

I am looking for a solution that keeps the tweaking to an absolute minimum, e.g. a component that adds itself to the onsubmit event of a normal form, performs the file upload, displays a nice progress bar, puts the resulting temporary (server side) file path into the form, and submits it. On the server side, I just have to modify my script to use the file path provided by the flash uploader, instead of $_FILES and consorts, and think about security for a moment.

This is not exactly what all the Flash-based uploaders do: They can use data from a form, but they do not provide possibilities to submit the form as is, what is what I'm looking for. I am looking for a (probably) Flash based upload function taken a step further.

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Flash :: Uploads Not Being Processed By Upload.aspx When Using Firefox

Feb 3, 2010

Using SWFUpload v2.2, Firefox 3, IE 8, Flash 10In my ASP.NET application all uploads are being processed by upload.aspx (I have the correct upload_url set in the settings object). Can anyone tell me why (in Firefox) the uploads never hit the upload.aspx page? [code]...

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Javascript :: Handling File Uploads With Google Gears?

Feb 18, 2010

I've been using this method of file uploading for a bit, but it seems that Google Gears has poor support for the newer browsers that implement the HTML5 specs. I've heard the word deprecated floating around a few channels, so I'm looking for a replacement that can accomplish the following tasks, and support the new browsers. I can always fall back to gears / standard file POST's but these following items make my process much simpler:

Users MUST to be able to select multiple files for uploading in the dialog.I MUST be able to receive status updates on the transmission of a file. (progress bars)I would like to be able to use PUT requests instead of POST I would like to be able to easily attach these events to existing HTML elements using JavaScript. I.E. the File Selection should be triggered on a <button> click. I would like to be able to control response/request parameters easily using JavaScript.

An example of uploading code using gears:

// select some files:
var desktop = google.gears.factory.create('beta.desktop');


Edit: apparently flash isn't capable of using PUT requests, so I have changed it to a "like" instead of a "must".

View 2 Replies :: Session Is Different If Flash Uploads Photo To The Aspx Page

Mar 17, 2011

I have a aspx called user-photo-upload.aspx and another aspx called get-photo.aspx. I set the Session["PhotoId"] in the page_load method of user-photo-upload.aspx.

If I visit the user-photo-upload.aspx through the browser normally, the session can be retrieved in get-photo.aspx. But if the flash uploads photo to the user-photo-upload.aspx page, I can't get the Session["PhotoId"] in get-photo.aspx.

I discover that the Session ID is different when visiting the page using browser normally or by flash. I don't know why flash uses another session.

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Jquery :: Uploadify - Single Progress Bar For Multiple Uploads

Mar 25, 2011

Is it possible to have a single upload progress bar with multiple file uploads using uploadify?

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Flash :: Player 10 Security Model For File Uploads?

Feb 18, 2012

I've been reading about the security restrictions for file uploads in Flash Player 10.According to the FileReference docs for upload(), the upload does not have to be triggered by a user-initiated action (the browse() does, but that's another story). If it did, that would force an awkward user experience for multi-file uploads, since only one upload can occur at once -- so the user would have to click (or press a button) once per file to initiate the upload, but only when the previous file had finished uploading.


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Flex :: Component That Uploads Multiple Files In A Multipart / Form-data

Aug 5, 2010

Is there a FLEX component that uploads multiple files in a multipart/form-data POST request?

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Actionscript :: Flash Builder Network Monitor Not Recording File Uploads?

Jul 31, 2011

I'm uploading an image file with upload() of a FileReference object however the network monitor in Flash Builder doesn't report anything. Is that normal behavior? A google search didn't return anything.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A Frame Around A Picture That The User Uploads Using Only 1 Image Repeating It?

Dec 3, 2010

I am trying to make a frame around a picture that the user uploads using only 1 image repeating it and scaling it accordingly so that it is as big as it should be in reality arround that picture. My problem is that when I scale the result until some point all is well and than it smears somehow. I've been trying to fix this for 6 days now and I am desperate. I am posting the code that I use tho create the frame parts and a picture of the result after I scale it with scaleX and scaleY.

public class frame_part extends MovieClip {
public function frame_part(duplicationBitmap_org:Bitmap, neede_pcs_num_height:Number, order:String, rotation_num:int) {


P.S. The image that I use for the frame is 400x500 px and is duplicated 208 times.

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Media Server :: Close Another Live Stream B If Opening When Stream A Is Closed?

Aug 28, 2010

close another live stream B if opening when stream A is closed? Does FMS support this kind of logic?

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Media Server :: Recording RTMFP P2P Stream By Sending Simultaneous Stream To FMS

Oct 8, 2010

Only just getting started on this whole domain of learning, so go easy!If I set up a P2P video/audio chat (similar to the sample VideoPhone thing on the Cirrus site), can I get the stream from both parties to send to a server at the same time so that I can record it? If so, would I have to use a FMS to stream it to and perform the recording (and if so which version could I get away with)? Are there any (preferably free, or just tutorialised) solutions for the recording side of things?
Currently it seems like the only option for doing the P2P thing is to use Stratus/Cirrus unless I use FMS4 Enterprise.
how effective this kind of situation can be, in terms of quality of the stream and recording? Does any of this make sense?

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