Actionscript 3 :: Possible To Get Application Wide Audio Stream From An AIR Application?

Jul 22, 2011

I have a quick question relating to Actionscript 3 / AIR. I have looked through the site, but may be searching for the wrong thing or terms.Is it possible to get an application wide audio stream from an AIR application?I am trying to create a local audio file containing everything (all channels) played in an AIR app.I have tried using the SoundMixer.computeSpectrum() function, but it returns a bytearray (size 2480) full of zeros... It looks like it isn't reading the audio data correctly... I am playing a swf loaded using a SwfLoader and it is playing the sound out..

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Aug 25, 2009

I ran a simple live video streaming application for the first time with actual users and ran into a couple of serious performance issues that had not turned up during testing. In this instance there was one video stream from a live web cam and used FMLE at 150 kbps using VP6 and MP3 @22k. There were 16 clients and everything worked pretty good for about 30 minutes. (although some clients said their audio and video were out of sync by up to 3 seconds)

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Oct 12, 2011

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The FMS is connected to 1 Gibabyte internet fiber, and the stream is VP6, 500kbps video and 128kbps audio, 720x576 resolution. Server Quad 3.0Ghz, 4 Gb Ram.
Please help me to minimize the delay. What i must write in application.xml from live folder?????? Is there a command. I don't want to make buffer, i want the clients to receive live stream, if the stream is buffering i want to play it jumping that sequence, to maintain the live aspect,not to delay it if the clients doesn't have a good internet conection.
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My questions : Is there any flash player able to do that ? or will i have to use 'playlist' such as youtube to simulate chapters ? Will it be easy to use the quicktime video within a flash player ?

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Jun 21, 2011

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resizedImageData.copyPixels(e.currentTarget.getChildAt(0).bitmapData, cropRect, new Point(0, 0));


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Mar 16, 2012

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Sep 16, 2009

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<s:Application xmlns:fx=""
xmlns:mx="library://" width="100%" height="100%"


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Actionscript 3 :: Flash - Why Size Of An .ipa File Is Large As I Export A Mobile Application As IOS Application

Aug 18, 2011

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Dec 22, 2011

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May 16, 2010

I'm new to flex. Now I'm writing an flex application. I plan to split my application into some MXML files(Application as the root tag). How can I switch from one mxml to another?BTW, what is the best practice for design large flex application? Just one MXML Application and many MXML component or many MXML Application?

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Flash :: Adding New Files To Application Storage Directory With AIR Application Installer

Feb 4, 2011

I have an AIR app that gets bundled with XML files that the app needs. These get put into the APP Storage Directory, of course. Works great. But when I install a new version ( which includes new XML files) , the new files don't get added or overwrite the ones from the previous version. It seems that if that directory is there from a previous install, the installer will ignore the part where it moves included files.

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May 6, 2011

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var buffer:String = "God Bless Us";

// WinSock2
iResult = recv(ClientSock, recvbuf, recvbuflen, 0);

Is there anything I must do before writeObject() is used.?

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Mar 31, 2011

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