Professional :: No Audio In IPad Application?

Oct 12, 2011

I'm currently trying to develop my Flash animation to the iPad, however no audio plays...I'm currently using ActionScript 3 to make the audio appear instead of using the timeline, but even if I use the timeline the audio just doesn't play. The file itself is an mp3, and information on the iPad says that it should be able to play on it.

I have a really bad feeling that this is a Flash/iPad issue and it hasn't been resolved yet. Does anyone have any idea why? I really can't figure out, because it's not like there's an audio option before you publish the application...

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player3.x = stage.mouseX;
player3.y = stage.mouseY;

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Professional :: Request For Recoding Videos On The Daily Show Forum For IPad?

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I would like to point out that I am not an employee of either Comedy Central, The Daily Show or the website.  The labels 'Production Assistant' and 'Intern' are just the sites rankings descriptions.There is an assumption by iPad owners, that all Flash websites must be converted to be compatible with the iPad, rather than the iPad should be compatible with existing websites.Is it worth continuing to defend against this assumption?  Should we just give in to these people or try to engage them in a discussion, get them to demand Flash support from Apple?

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Professional :: Pixalation When Deploying To IPad 2 Using Flash Cs5.5 Trial Downloaded 15 Days Ago

Sep 22, 2011

We are looking to use flash to create iOS apps, so we have downloaded the latest version of flash, but when testing on the iPad we see pixalation, is there a later version of cs5.5 or an update that will fix this issue?
Or is there a setting beside the setting Resolution set to High...
I did read somewhere about AIR3 is going to better renderring for 3D, but will it be for the iPad and also what about 2D rendering, I mean it is vectors aand I thought they did not pixelate.

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Is there a documented best practice for providing alternate content for Flash in Safari on iOS devices?I am getting white space where my Flash animation would normally appear, and management is displeased. I need to display alternative content in this space.

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