Flash :: Sudden Drop In Performance On An IPad AIR Application With RenderMode

Jan 13, 2012

We have an AIR application running on an Apple iPad, that occasionally experiences sudden drop in its performance. The frame rate drops from 60fps to 2fps and it never recovers from that. this is only reproducible on iOS 4, but never on iOS 5 - we've checked that on two identical iPads (generation 1)the performance drops occasionally, but always happens when we switch between apps - from our app to another and back very rarely, the performance drop also happens on first start of the app this performance issue does not happen in renderMode=CPU, but this mode doesn't work for us, because the rendering is ugly, especially on rotated bitmaps.

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Links to each version's source:

Flash version
Processing version

Here is the source for each in case you are a wizard and can help just by glowering at the code sternly and telling it to behave:

Flash version:

import flash.events.Event;
import flash.display.MovieClip;


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public static const BLUR_FILTER :BlurFilter = new BlurFilter(16, 16, BitmapFilterQuality.HIGH);
private var _bitmapFill :BitmapFill = new BitmapFill;
private var _matrix :Matrix = new Matrix;[code]....

Unfortunately, the performance of this when the component is being resized, and especially when moved, is poor. There is noticeable drag delay and overall slowdown, and this is with only one popped-up TitleWindow in the test application. There is especially poor performance when components inside the TitleWindow are changed (button hover states, etc.)I've attempted to optimized a little bit by avoiding reinstantiation of the blur filter, bitmap fill, and matrix, but this has had little or no effect. I removed the blur at one point, just drawing the Application to a bitmap, and the performance is still poor, so it's clear that it's mostly the BitmapData.draw() call.

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private var camera_atual:Camera = Camera.getCamera();
private var video_camera:Video = new Video(820, 546);

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Flash :: Drag And Drop Application Where Mc Is Dragged Out Of One Parent Mc And Dropped Into Another Parent Mc?

Nov 13, 2010

Simple drag and drop application where mc is dragged out of one parent mc and dropped into another parent mc.All works OK until I added 2 text boxes to the mc's -- one is a non-selectable dynamic text box (a label) which is set by the code, the other is selectable input text that the user can amend.

Finger cursor disappears when user hovers over the section of the mc that contains the text fields (even non-selectable text??) When the user trys to drag the mc by inadvertantly click-dragging anywhere within both text areas it causes this error: TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert flash.text::TextField@2374a381 to flash.display. MovieClip (same error appears for both text boxes)

The input text box may confuse the user - how do they sometimes click to drag and sometimes click to amend? I need to create an overlay area within the mc that is click-detected for the drag? Here's the relevant bits of code:

var itemArray:Array = [
{iname:"police",ititle:"POLICE OFFICER"},
{iname:"insurance_assessor",ititle:"INSURANCE ASSESSOR"},[code].............

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Flex :: Performance - Printing From AIR/Flex Application Causes Large Files Being Sent To Printer?

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I am working on an Adobe AIR (2.0) application that contains a feature to allow users to print documents (such as salary slips). Those documents are originally in PDF format. Due to circumstances we cannot directly display those PDFs in the AIR application (for example using flash.html.HTMLLoader). Therefore we convert the PDFs to SWFs (using the pdf2swf tool, see The SWFs are loaded into the application using a mx.controls.SWFLoader, like so:



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What is the most efficient way to accomplish this? With a timer or something like this;


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Jan 11, 2011

I'm devloping some library classes for flocking/steering behaviours on large numbers of objects (2000+). I'm finding that at < 500 instances, performance is reasonable. As the numbers increase, framerate bogs down.

I've seen remarkable performance with libraries such as Flint or Box2D with ridiculous #'s of particles / objects, so it should be possible to optimize / refactor my code to be a bit better.

I'm aware of the basic optimizations, such as bitwise operations and optimized for loops. Are there any more fundamental approaches I should be considering? For example, currently each instance is a vector-based MovieClip. Would working with BitmapData be more efficient?

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Nov 4, 2011

Will I take a big hit in performance using nested ViewStacks? Should I strive to handle all navigation in one ViewStack and push children manually or will the affected performance be negligible?

<tabnavigator />
<tabnavigator />
<tabnavigator />

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Performance :: Improve Flex Performance For Invisible Views?

Mar 19, 2012

We have a medium size Flex 3.6 application that contains around 20 different page views (managed via a single lazy ViewStack) each having multiple components. Most use custom renderers.All model data is loaded at startup and changes to model instances are communicated via binding and/or collection change events.Once the user has viewed each page at least once, all page views are instantiated and happily listen to update events.Which in effect means that each time a model instance changes, all interested views receive that event and compute derived data or trigger item-renderers.I have tested and confirmed this behaviour in a proof-of-concept application. Even when setting a list to being invisible, it still listens to collection change events and invalidates any renderer affected.What would you do?

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