Professional :: Which IDE For IPhone/iPad Development
Jan 5, 2011
My OS is Win 7 and I have the windows test versionof Flash Builder Burrito.There I can only develop for Android devices.I've heard it's only possible to develop forthe iPhone/iPad with a Macintosh computer.Or is there a trick to develop for iPhone/iPad on Windows PC with Adobe software(because I don't want to pay a second time for Adobe software for MAC)and only copy the result to a Macintosh?
Is it possible in the MAC version of Flash Builder Burrito to develop for iPhone/iPad (and also for Android)?Or have I to use a different IDE for iPhone/iPad apps becauseApple wants native apps and Flash builder burritois only for AIR/Flash app development?
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if (Capabilities.screenDPI > 300) {
do iPhone stuff here;
And that works just fine except it won't work on a non retina display phone.
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if (Capabilities.screenResolutionX < 1000) {
do iPhone stuff here;
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protected function SendRequest():void {
var url:String = GetURL();
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);
request.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; = GetVariables();
[Code] .....
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-(both) iPhone and iPad;
What happens if I specify the third? That is: I can't understand if I can use the default stage dimensions (iPhone dimensions) or I must eventually create a stage (and assets) for iPad (and it will work for iPhone too).
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Nov 15, 2011
how to use filters (specifically a glow filter) on a mobile devices (specifically the iPhone) when using GPU rendering and high resolution. At the time, there was no answer... filters were unsupported. Period.
I can report that I have gotten a color matrix filter for desaturation AND a glow filter working on the iPhone and the iPad using GPU rendering and high resolution.
The solution, in a nut shell is as follows:
1: Create your display object... ie: a sprite.2. Apply your filter to the sprite like you normally would.3. Create a new bitmapdata and then draw that display object into the bitmap data.4. Put the new bitmapdata into a bitmap and then put it on the stage or do what you want.
When you draw the display object into the bitmapdata, it will draw it WITH THE FILTER!So even if you put your display object onto the stage, the filter will not be visible, but the new bitmapdata will!
Here is a sample app I created and tested on the iphone and ipad
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Nov 14, 2011
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Sep 26, 2011
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Feb 25, 2011
So for the splash screen at the beginning of an iPhone app, usually a Default.png is created and added to resources folder to add it. In Flash CS5 IOS development there is no resources folder so I was wondering if anyone had any experience how to get this to work.
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May 12, 2011
I was reading that certain API's are not available when making iPhone apps with flash, such as accessing the camera. Is it possible to still get information from the web and display it in the app using the flash method? The overall plan is to have it pull data from an SQL database using XML, and I was just wondering if that was possible still with flash.
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Mar 25, 2012
Problem: When doing anAPP to test it out in my smartphone devices. I tested it on my computer and it works fine. But in devices, im not able to scroll the textbox down/up because my devices dont have a scroll wheel to scroll up/down.Assuming that im looking for something like this: When I use my fingers to touch on the textbox and slide it upwards, the textbox will scroll down
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