Flash :: Admin Which Feeds Images Through An Application/octet-stream

Jun 21, 2011

The situation is, this resize code has always worked for me because I was using local images. I am now using a third party admin which feeds images through an application/octet-stream.

Whereas previously, I was loading the image with the Loader::load method but I am currently using the Loader::loadBytes to load the binary data because I am being fed a stream instead of an image/jpeg.

By switching to the stream, the code now fails to get past this line:

resizedImageData.copyPixels(e.currentTarget.getChildAt(0).bitmapData, cropRect, new Point(0, 0));


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Below  my code :
import flash.net.NetConnection;
import flash.net.NetStream;
import flash.events.*;


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Mac server (might be migrated to linux)
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import flash.net.URLLoader
import flash.net.URLRequest
var rssURL:URLRequest = new URLLoader();


But I'm getting an error saying 'Implicit coercion of a value of type flash.net:URLLoader to an unrelated type flash.net:URLRequest'

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Capturing Images From Camera In Web Application With Flash?

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Media Server :: What Stream(s) Is Serving The Application

Jan 26, 2011

When a client connects to an application (nc.connect) this is catched at server side using application.onConnect; so, when the client asks for a stream (ns.play) ... does this have some correspondence at server side ? Can we catch this event in some way?Or, seen from another point of view: is there any way, from within an application, to know what stream(s) the application is serving  ? I mean, if we want the list of connected clients we have the application.clients array; is there any correspondence from streams ?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Build A Flash App That Displays Content From Various RSS And XML Feeds?

Jan 31, 2010

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Media Server :: Delay On Live Stream Application?

Oct 21, 2010

I use FMS 3.5 and i have same problem.....the delay of live video from the studio to clients is big, 10 seconds if i restart the server. After one day of staying on, the delay reaches 1 minute or 2.
The FMS is connected to 1 Gibabyte internet fiber, and the stream is VP6, 500kbps video and 128kbps audio, 720x576 resolution. Server Quad 3.0Ghz, 4 Gb Ram.
Please help me to minimize the delay. What i must write in application.xml from live folder?????? Is there a command. I don't want to make buffer, i want the clients to receive live stream, if the stream is buffering i want to play it jumping that sequence, to maintain the live aspect,not to delay it if the clients doesn't have a good internet conection.
Let's suppose i have 1 FMS, 1 Media Encoder, and 2 computers with flash player on the same Switch ( Local area Network). I've made some tests and the delay i get is minimum 5 seconds. 

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Sep 14, 2011

I have a folder in my applications folder in FMS 4.0 Is it possible to stream both Live and VOD from this sames folder.

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Media Server :: Clearing Application Buffer After A Live Stream Ends?

Mar 16, 2012

I'm sure this has been asked and answered a million times, but searching for "application" "buffer" "cache" "live" and "hls" isn't giving me any answers, so let's get to it. After I end a live stream (which I do using FMLE 3.2 and FMS 4.5) and I then start a new live stream with the same application name, the HLS stream just loops the last 30 seconds of the old stream. To prevent this, after I end a stream, I have to go to applicationslivepkgstreams\_definst_ and delete the buffered data there. Only then can I start a new stream with the same name as the old stream. Now... that can't be normal, can it? Is there a switch somewhere I can set to tell FMS to cut it out and stop buffering old streams?

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Stream MP3s With Embedded Images?

Jun 2, 2009

When I stream an MP3 file with an embedded image, the first few seconds of the files are clipped.

I will need to find another server, or a viable workaround.

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Media Server :: Save A Recorded Stream .flv File Outside Of AnFMS Application Directory?

Sep 16, 2009

I have successfully been able to write some client-side ActionScript that allows me to record my webcam and mic data to my FMS server.  The .flv files get saved to a directory under the applications directory.  However, I need to process those flv files for a web application and would like those .flv files to be saved to the web app's directory (outside of the FMS application directory).  I have tried changing the <Streams> tag in the Application.xml file that I placed in the FMS application directory, but that simply did not work.My goal is simple:  to save the recorded stream data outside of the FMS application's directory.  I have been going crazy trying to do this, but would like to know any pointers that any of you experts have.  Can this be done?  If not, how can I execute a server side PHP script after the stream is done recording.  I know about using the exec() function in PHP, but am unsure as to how to execute that script via client-side actionscript.Here is the path to my FMS server (Linux OS) installation and the application directory.  The application name is "ngale"./opt/adobe/fms/applications/ngaleHere is the path that my client-side ActionScript is placing the .flv files of the recorded streams/opt/adobe/fms/applications/ngale/streams/recordings/Here is the path to my web application/home/user/public_html/dev.ngale.net/public/Here is the path that I would like for the .flv recording files to be saved to/home/user/public_html/dev.ngale.net/public/audio/.flv

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Stream Images (single Jpg) From Webcams Into A Swf?

Nov 5, 2009

I am trying to stream images (single jpg) from webcams into a swf. I know little about actionscript, and what I have so far is from what I have found in other posts around the web. My first attempt worked, but caused a bad white flash between the image being refreshed. So from others I have learned that this will happen unless I use two movie containers and buffer in between them? Here is the code I have, and it does not work.


I don't get any compiler errors. I think this is as2, but I am not sure

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Flash :: Admin Console Shows No Applications On Media Server?

Jan 12, 2010

My employer has a Flash Media Server that I wrote a little streaming video app for a couple years ago.Well, the videos have stopped working and I've been asked to troubleshoot.  I fired up the fms_adminConsole.swf and connected to my server.  Now, it's been a long time since I've messed with the server, but if I remember right, there was a big list of apps on the list on the left hand side of the "View Applications" view of the console.  When I log in, there are no applications listed.  If I hit the "New Instance" button under the empty list, I'm presented with a list of all the apps I think I should be seeing in the Applications list.  If I select any of these, a new application instance appears in the applications list, and I'm prompted to give it a name, the default being "_definst_".  If I hit enter to create this instance, it remains on the list and instance data appears on the right panel until the console refreshes, and then all that vanishes and I'm back to an empty applications list again.

Going to "Manage Servers", I do see a list of applications under the applications tab that I expect to see.  The app that streams the video that's having problems is there on the list.

Is this typical behavior for the Flash Media Server Console?  Shouldn't I have a list of apps in the "View Applications" section of the console?  I've created about a dozen to date, and they're all listed under Manage Servers > Applications, but not under "View Applications".  Can anyone point out if I'm doing something wrong here or missing something?Or can someone confirm that I SHOULD be seeing something under "View Applications" and that there is indeed something weird going on with the server.

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Media Server :: Returning Values From Admin API / Connecting To FMS Without Flash?

May 26, 2010

I am trying to connect to an FMS application without flash (no SWF). To the best of my knowledge,the only way to accomplish this is thru the admin APIs, is that correct? If so, how do I return meaningful values from the admin API? I can call functions and stuff using the broadcastMsg API call but I can't seem to get back any values. All that is returned is a useless "Success" type message. I have tried using shared objects and the getSharedObjects API call, but the call doesn't return any info on the contents of the shared objects, just their names and some info on their persistance.
Is there another way of accomplishing my goal outside of the Admin API? If not how do I return meaningful variables from the Admin API? Is there a way to hack or extend the admin API?

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Unable To View Flash Content With Flash 10,0,22,87 As A Non Admin

Jul 2, 2009

We currently have an issue with in our Citrix farm with Windows 2003 Servers (x64, R2, SP1) Where Flash Flash 10,0,22,87 is installed and working fine when logged in as a Domain administrator but will not work as a normal (non administrative user) to confirm I've given a user who it did not work for Domain admin rights and it started working straight away. I'm using (and published within Citrix) the 32bit version on IE for compadibility reasons and have also tired this on a Window 2003 Server (x86 R2 SP1) and am getting the same results so I have to assume the issue is with Flash and not with my setup.
I've tried the following recommendations:Remove with Adobe Flash removal tool and Reinstalling via website with an Domain admin login using the change user /install command Remove with Adobe Flash removal tool and Reinstalling via install_flash_player_ax.exe installer with a domain admin account using the change user /install command Allowing Domain users Modify Premissions (to both the Directories and Files) to the M:WINDOWSsystem32MacromedFlashswflash.ocx & M:WINDOWSSysWOW64MacromedFlashFlash10b.ocx Following KB article [URL] and applying the premission changes recommended Following KB article [URL] and checking the registry premissions on these items I've enabled all ActiveX and Java related IE options in Group Policy to allow the to run for the Internet Zone When going to [URL] either as a Domain admin or a Regular user it confirms that "You have version 10,0,22,87 installed" Still I cant seem to get flash components of websites to load when logged in as a non Administrative User.

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Php :: Send More Than One 'stream' Of Jpeg ByteArray Data In A Single URLRequest And Output 2 Images?

Jan 25, 2011

I have an AS3 swf which users can upload jpg images to my EC2 instances which sit behind and Elastic Load Balancer. The jpg images are converted into bytearray data and sent using URLLoader.load(URLRequest)I make 2 calls when uploading, one to upload a large version, then another to upload a thumbnail version. A PHP script to which the bytearray data is uploaded converts this to a file using file_put_contents($destination,$GLOBALS["HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA"])Is it possible to combine these two requests into a single request which contains both the bytearray data for the large and thumbnail images and 'split' the HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA to create 2 files at the server. This would be better than uploading the bytearray for the large version then using something like ImageMagick to resize the resulting image into a thumbnail which I realise is another option.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Nodes In XML Feeds - [F8]?

May 24, 2007

I have been following this tutorial quite closely, however I still can't display the <item> section of an xml RSS feed in the flash.

Here's a snippet of the feed

<rss version="2.0">


How can I display the title and the description?(I'm having trouble with the nodes part...)

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Flash Error "Error #2044: Unhandled IoError:. Text=Error #2032: Stream Error. URL: Images.xml"?

Jul 15, 2010

which everything seems fine, but when i implement a slider on a page inside a folder in the root (i.e. aboutus/index.aspx) i get that error when the slider is trying to call the images.I have similar slider animations in pages located in the root folder and in those i get no problem at all, seems it only happens when the page is located inside a folder.The website is done using main.master on asp, maybe the cache or rendering of the website is missing something, hope someone has had something similar or know how to get around this.

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Flex :: Actionscript 3 - Embedding Images In An Application?

Dec 21, 2010

I use the images in the tooltips. Images are on the server. I'm using the code:

var tip1:String;
tip1 = "<img src='assets/images/yes.jpg' align='center' width='150' height='150' hspace='3' vspace='3'/>";
tip1 += 'some text';
yes.toolTip = tip1;

But many of images are more than 100 kb, then the image in the tooltip appear with some delay. Is it possible to embed all the pictures during loading swf, to appear at once with the text when the mouse over?

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