ActionScript 3.0 :: Using Array Data And Append It To A GotoAndPlay Command?

Mar 4, 2010

I have loaded content into an array and have displayed that data in a dynamic text field. What I need to do now is take that same array data and append it to a gotoAndPlay command.

var myArray:Array = new Array(); // lets pretend a button has been clicked and loaded ( into the array

//I can then display the contents of the array in a text box

myTextBox.text = myArray[0]; //this works well

but I need to also do this

myMovieClip.myArray[0].gotoAndPlay("start"); in which will actually end up being myMovieClip.home.gotoAndPlay("start")

How do I write this the correct way

----actual code-----

var myMenuArray = [home, about]; //1 button duplicated with instance names to reflectfor each (var btn in myMenuArray)[code]....

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//two options for
var spa_my_videos:XMLList;
var eng_my_videos:XMLList;


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userobject = {uname:username,[username].age}
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