ActionScript 3.0 :: Using ThrowSlider To Dynamically Change MC
Jan 16, 2010
I'm involved in a project that is pushing the limits of my AS3. Right now I am trying to use the throwSlider to dynamically change a circle MovieClip so that the slider starts at the left and when dragged to the right it increases the size of the circle. When dragged back it decreases. I am getting some interactivity but nothing great or smooth. I know I have to connect the code to the x boundaries but I am not sure how to go about it. The circle would give the user some notion of size the real change would be lineStyle(). My goal is to use this slider to increase the line thickness in a simple drawing app I am making for my students.
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Why don't i just use the dynamic text to <a href> to the new page you ask? because that would be sucky.Besides, i think that something like this could open more opportunities to the way we (well at least I) construct our fla's.
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Why don't i just use the dynamic text to <a href> to the new page you ask? because that would be sucky. Besides, i think that something like this could open more opportunities to the way we (well at least I) construct our fla's.
Hope the Kirupa Krew can help, if not then have a great day anyways.
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Actionscript Code:
package {
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.display.DisplayObject;
import flash.display.SimpleButton;
[Code] .....
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volPercent_.text = "[100%]";
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soustitrage_txt.html = true;soustitrage_txt.autoSize = "left";soustitrage_txt.selectable = true;soustitrage_txt.multiline = true;soustitrage_txt.wordWrap = true;
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Mar 9, 2011
Here's the deal: I am working on a site that provides information for art buyers. Pricing, where to buy and things like that. The page is done in php, mysql, and some jQuery here and there.One of the things they want to implement is a live stream of auctions. What they want is something like this:Where on the left you'd see the stream -instead of the black block- and on the right, the image of the work that is currently being sold, with the artist name, title and price. That's what The image on the left should change as the auction progresses.What I need is to have and option in the admin area on the page, where the administrator can select the image to display. So, to implement this, I would need to:Connect to the database to get the information: pictures, data, etc.
Loop trough the record to get a list. From that list, the user will select the image he wants shown on the webpage.Have the admin area send the image to be displayed to the page, and have the page change it dynamically, without the user having to refresh the page.The first two points are no problem, what I'm not quite sure how to do is the third one. Flash? Some from of Javascript? I leaning towards flash, but anything will do. I'm sure what I'm asking for is nothing that hasn't been done before, but my google-fu has failed me on this one. I don't need copy and paste code, if you could point me to a tutorial on this, or the basics tools I'd need, that's great.
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Aug 28, 2011
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Oct 4, 2011
Is there any way to change Spark button label dynamically? When i click on it, i want the label to change. I bind the String to label and gives value for the first time, but even flashBuilder shows me that Data binding will not be able to detect assignments. Here is my button:
<s:Button name="button" label="{butt}" x="5" y="3" useHandCursor="true"
click="start()" buttonMode="true" cornerRadius="5"
And here is assigment:
public var butt:String = "Start";
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